I just found out my brother started taking antidepressants (pic related), do I do something about this, Sup Forums?

I just found out my brother started taking antidepressants (pic related), do I do something about this, Sup Forums?

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Flush them down the toilet

>don't do nothing
So do do something?

its already come this far. nothing will change. once you decide you need to be chemically dependent its over. kill him before he runs out of pills and kills you.

This is a legitimate fear right here, but not the reason I'm concerned.

Doesn't sound quite right.

maybe talk to him about it? he's obviously not in a good place if he has to resort to pills.

You're probably right. I've just always heard about things escalating and getting worse when this kind of stuff is brought up.

my gf takes this shit because shes nuts but on or off them her mental stability always dwindles until she eventually explodes over something that makes no sense.

citalopram sucks anyway. nothing will happen if he is or isn't taking them.

My bro seemed fine though. I spend shit tons of time with him and he seems great. The only issue I can think of with him is that he's gonna be moving out of the house soon to go to college, but he doesn't even seem that upset about it.

Either way, there's still the problem that he's been prescribed them.

I'm on pills too. Desvenlafaxine, to be precise. Depression isn't perpetual sadness. It's more numbness. Don't push it, let him bring it up. Generally it's caused by deep seated problems but it may also be general and not tied to any specific cause.

Be there for him, don't condescend and for fucks sake don't wear kid gloves with him. Be yourself that's all he really needs.

Thanks for the advice, user.

Get him some LSD. Cures 87%.

But that's my LSD.

If they're helping him, more power to the dude, if they're making him crazier, then talk to him. Actually, talk to him regardless. Don't take them or flush them or whatnot, as withdrawals could be pretty bad.

You think I should talk to him regardless? How do I start that kind of conversation?

Quit being such a depressing faggot.

Citalopram causes extreme weight gain

Fuck you dude, you don't even know me

.Good thing to watch out for.

Depression is a disorder/state of mind, not a medical illness. There is no chemical imbalance and there is no magical pill that cures or even effectively treats depression.

There is no test you can take proving you have depression, any diagnosis is purely subjective. There are no studies conclusively proving these drugs work, in contrast, antidepressants tend to make the problem of depression even worse. There are all kinds of side effects to taking these drugs.

Your brother is going to fuck up his brain permanently, get addicted and spiral into a deeper depression than before. The entire psychiatry profession is a joke. Video related.

Yep. Mass murder pills.

Thanks dude. I'll give this a viewing.

Couldn’t agree more. I have a business that is chemically reliant and he flip flops from day to day. If he doesn’t get his prescription in time he is totally fucked!


Also op he might not be depressed as they prescribe these for anxiety