Mycologists of Sup Forums, I just need a quick answer

Mycologists of Sup Forums, I just need a quick answer.
I have a few half pint jars that have been in my incubator for about 4 months now. They never fully colonized, as in they left parts of the substrate untouched, and wouldn't grow past the lines I made with sharpie. I think they stopped due to not having FAE because the PC fucked up the holes on the lid. However they still grew a lot of mycelium with no contamination ( broke down two jars and checked them, all clean).
I don't want to go about just placing the cakes in a SGFC, so I'm thinking of just spawning them in a monotub and going for bulk. Can I just pasteurize some loose coconut fiber coir, crumble the BRF jars, line the bottom of my SGFC, mix the spawn and pasteurized substrate in SGFC, and put them in a bag? Will this work?

Or should I just toss all the jars instead? I already created a new batch of 9 jars with custom lids using SFD and a rubber stopper as an injection port. Should be 0 contams this time.

if its not fully colonized but its white mycellium
and no other colors or bad smells it should be fine.

Blah blah blah, over complicating things.

Rye berries, ad spores, seal shut, spray with water bottle every 24 hours, not flood, spray, keep at customary temp.

Some holes okay, but you just might allow contamination in.

Your choice.

Always remember, you cannot tell how much psilocybin is in a mushroom until you eat it, and by then it is to late.

what kind of recipes are those for? or are those non-culinary "dessert" varieties?

Your shrooms look fine, dry em out.

It would work on any kind of fungi, well mine would.

So if you wanted to grow puff balls for instance you would go through the same process.

this that happened to me many time, usually from not having enough water in the jar and they started to dry out while incubating.

just put them in the chamber and keep an eye and nose out for weird colors or smells. ...they'll be obvious. They'll cover up totally within a day or two. could also try dunking a jar and putting it in the fridge over night before doing that.


I've already successfully grown mushrooms on 5 cakes, on my second flush with them right now. This whole monotub and going for bulk though is a little different, so I'm having to learn it. Just wondering how different it is.

Well I already have a second SGFC made, so it has a ton of holes. I could just tape up some?

Not my pic. Just google searched real quick because I didn't take any pics of the jars before leaving for work.

Regardless if they've been sitting in the incubator for 4 months? I checked the jars, and it looked like it was growing the stem of a mushroom on the inside, but it was hard to tell. If it was, it's old now. It looked like a yellow too from having too much water, but it didn't look like any sort of contamination, nor did it smell funky. Smelled like normal, fresh mushrooms. Thinking it was just a stem that was sitting in water for too long.

I meant, what do you cook with those mushrooms, not 'what are your grow recipes for'.

I should've used a better phrasing, sorry.

*yellow goo

It is kinda like,

Container, spore, heat, water, little to no light. Mushrooms grow, yay, look at the puff balls!

You could tape some.

You cook your brain on psilocybin

Eat those mushrooms are good ;)

4 months? mine were all covered with clean white mycellium after only 4 weeks... i think you screwed something up somewhere, but they are resilient so birth them anyways. whats the worst that could happen?

When I pressure cooked them for the first time, I fucked it up, causing some of the lids to bulge up and fuck IP the dry verm layer which blocked some of the holes in the lids to allow for gas exchange, which I believe caused the mycelium to stop colonizing.

that's the answer I was looking for and expecting. Much rather learn about growing portobello, creminis, or chanterelles.

Try growing shitakes if you want a challenge.

there's NOT supposed to be ANY gas exchange during incubation. i've always kept them airtight and they mold over very quickly. the only things that would slow them down would be contaminants (really foul odor), lack of moisture in the jar, or too cold during incubation.

Again, 4 months is TOO long. if you don't smell anything foul when you birth them, put them in the chamber now.

>Some holes okay, but you just might allow contamination in.
Micropore tape. I put that shit on everything

id argue differently

id go so far as to say magic is actually a vitamin

Then what is the point in putting a SFD over the hole I made on my lids for my jars? I thought it was to release built up pressure inside the jar, cause, y'know, mycelium needs to breath.

What store sells micropore tape, and in what section?

They may be too much coloring adulterant in those areas due to your drawing. They prefer the gray/dark/blue wavelengths. not so much the light. They prefer the color of themselves even in darkness. The culture is raised from the living dead.

i've found shiitakes to be pretty easy, along with yellow oyster, another species that is supposed to be challenging. king oysters elude me though, fucking bags keep getting trich in them.

Let them breath but don't let them dry out.

as mycelium ages, it becomes stronger and then really old mycelium becomes weaker. you can probably fruit a mostly colonized cake. or just fruit it from the jar itself.

I'm actually interested in growing psychedelics any sources to get started and is crossbreeding a thing if so i need sauce for that too

i never had a problem, i just taped over the holes with duct tape and left them. i also never used a pressure cooker. i put a washcloth on the bottom of a stock pot with 2 inches of boiling water, boiled on low for 60 minutes with the jar lids loose. as they cooled i tightened the lids and taped over the holes. i think i had only one jar go bad out of several hundred.

I got mine at walgreens in the first aid section. It allows air flow while keeping out contams

>fucking bags keep getting trich in them
Probably a bad batch of spores.

no such thing as cross breading a mold. just perpetuation of the colony. good place to start is theshroomery and sporestore. its really easy and concealable. i started growing at 16 in my closet while living with my very conservative and overbearing parents.

Look up shroomery. Its a website with everything you would ever need to know

Where do you guys get the spores? Is it hard to get them?
Tell me whats up
Pf tech still going?

You can buy spores online in most states

Again, not my picture. Should have stated that in the original post, but even still, most are missing the point of my post so it doesn't seem it would matter too much.

I haven't attempted, nor do I have the space to do it.

My first time making jars, I think I did too much water. I know the perfect mixture now, though.

Follow the PF-Tek off the fungifun website, and let shroomery be your teacher. Anything you have a problem with, some one else has ran into it as well, so it'll most likely be on the shroomery.

You've gotta have a great sterilization technique then.

Will check them out, thanks. Might just use SFD instead, though.

Got mine at the spore depot. They hooked me up with a free syringe since I browse the shroomery often.

Can get spores leagally still?

my shiitakes are on beech pizza oven pellets and spent coffee, with a smidge of gypsum, technique was not particularly sterile, but no contaminations yet.
I think they are only challenging if you live in a warm region.
Black poplars also doing well on the same substrate mix

Yep, in like every state but 2 or 3

Sorry; End-Student for Migraines/Cluster Headaches. Working on Mastery.

I just assumed they were difficult after seeing RR's and others guides on making them.
If I had the space time, and a good tree, then I'd definitely do it. But I don't own any property, so that's not going to happen.

Uhh.. Okay? Not sure what that has to do with anything, but hey, good for you. At least you're going somewhere in life, unlike me, lol.

don't need alot of space, you can grow them on brown rice cakes, same way you grow cubes. They are supposed to taste better if grown on natural logs though.

look at these sexy bitches

the black poplars, tasty little fuckers

and if you want easymode for beginners, grow some ostreatus

Are these edible? If I can eat these without dying or tripping, I'll definitely give these a try. Would love to try cooking with these.

can you make magic mushrooms?
would this be considered botany?
it seems to be called something else

yup, i only grow edibles now.

botany is plants, mycology is fungi


yes and its a form of manufacturing

Shit son, will definitely give them a try then. Do certain mushrooms pair well with certain foods, are is it all the same flavor in the end? Because from what I can tell, a fresh P. Cubensis tastes like any ordinary mushroom.

And also, how do you keep them fresh if you're not going to immediately use them for cooking?

try growing the blue/grey oyster (pleurotus ostreatus)
Its very forgiving, very productive and will grow on actual garbage.
The ones in my pic are on shredded cardboard and coffee grounds.

The texture is a little tough if you're only used to store bought button mushrooms, but they taste great.

Will do. Thanks for the suggestion, friend.

they all have their own individual flavour characteristics and textures, but the regular mushroomy taste you'd expect is there in varying degrees.

some keep fresh in the fridge for a week or two, others spoil fast (the yellow oysters are particularly fragile)
A lot of them can be dried, and with some types drying improves the taste

You seem to know your stuff. If you use the shroomery and have any guides/tips on there, I'd be willing to check them out. If not, it's cool, lol.

word of warning if you grow oysters:
They throw out a lot of spores, if you have allergies they will fuck you hard. grow them somewhere where you don't have to breathe that shit all day. wear a dust mask if you decide to grow a large crop

I think whether you break them up to bulk would depend on how many you have, tbh. If it's just a few half-colonized jars chances are its not really worth it. And if the myc stalled chances are it encountered contams. I think without proper GE it wouldn't have colonized at all.

Another option you could try it just burying them outside and praying.

That will work, just don't fuck up the pasteurization or you'll have trichoderma

>no such thing as cross breading a mold
False, if they're in the same Genus then you can generally do a cross, but you have to be a skilled mycologist and it takes quite some time to isolate the traits you like.

I broke down two cakes and found 0 out of the ordinary colors, and nothing smelled funky. Just smelled like regular ol' fresh mushies.
But if they stalled, is it still alive? They're more than half colonized. The ones that I did break open were colonized almost all the way on the middle inside.
Will they still fruit if put into those conditions? There's about 7 or 8 jars.

Never done it before, doesn't seem that difficult.

Yeah, just keep it at 170F for an hour, just make sure that you don't start the timer before it reaches that temperature and that you keep the temperature consistent.

Also, spawn from jar to ziplock, and crush teh myc in the bag and don't open it until it's time to distribute it. Don't spawn to bulk until it's cool too

Yeah there's no reason to think there's anything wrong with the myc, just that the sub is probably a little microbial. Should still fruit fine under your normal fruiting conditions.

I know how to pressure cooker properly now. Just finished doing it on my next batch of mushrooms, being the menace strain.
Unless you mean something else?

Why to a bag, and how will I know when it's ready? Do I need to create a sterile environment, or is it not that big a deal this far in?

So should I break them down and try to go for bulk, or should I just dunk the cakes in water, roll in verm, and throw them in my already made second SGFC?

IMO I'd say just birth and dunk like normal assuming there's enough colonized sub there to stay a cake. Breaking them down to bulk would require re-colonization of a bulk sub and like I said chances are your spawn is already a little microbial. I'd just fruit like normal. If you're super paranoid you could set up a separate FC out of a bag or something like the other poster mentioned, just to quarantine them from your main SGFC.

I'm trying so hard not to be mean.. Pressure cookers are going to sterilize the coir, you want it pasteurized. I would highly suggest looking through the Shroomery posts for pasteurization guides, but what I've told you is pretty much what you need to keep in mind. 170F for an hour for the coir, and the zip lock baggies are sterile, so breaking the mycelium down in a bag will prevent contaminants

I have a second SGFC that I was going to use to isolate it away from other cakes currently fruiting.

I appreciate you holding back on being mean, lol. Sorry if I'm frustrating you friend.
I normally do check the shroomery, I was just wanting to see if I was getting everything right.
I've already found a pasteurizing ten on shroomery though.

You absolutely do not need to pasteurize coir. That's been thoroughly debated and disproven.

I had such a weird feeling I was going to find a mycology thread on here today (for the first time ever). I think the mushrooms planned it.

Yeah that's what I'd do then is just fruit them in that.

Lemme just say I don't wanna discourage you from going bulk. I just think suspect spawn probably isn't the best way to get started.

Alright. Guess I need go grab some more perlite then. Thanks, friend.

It's not you, I'm just drinking.
Also, this isn't the place to ask about that shit dude, people here are trolls and everyone has a stick up their ass. Good luck on the monotub
Bring on the facts, good sir. I await your links.

I'm aware. I just feel more at place on Sup Forums rather than posting on the shroomery just to have a mod to tell me to use the archives because it's already been posted.
And I can deal with trolls, lol. Thanks though man.