Write a sentence in cursive and post a picture and other user will judge your penmanship. Good luck

Write a sentence in cursive and post a picture and other user will judge your penmanship. Good luck.

i dont think i remember well enough how to write in cursive. i could do it, but it would be slow and unnatural handwriting


That’s what makes it a challenge. They stopped teaching it in schools a while ago. They’re saying it’s almost a lost art.

I can do almost all of the alphabets in cursive

Why is everybody so scared? No matter how bad you are there’s guaranteed to Be at least one person worse.

Write "Zachary" and suffer the look of the r connecting to the y

I actually forgot how to write cursive after sixth grade.

Did I do it? Are you proud of me dad?

Shit, took the photo upside down.

That’s pretty good except for the fact that it’s upside down. It’s also I major bonus to you that you didn’t dot your eye with a star or something weird. You also got a little bit small there at the end. People tend to write how they’d normally write and not to impress the longer something runs on. You’re a smally user. Congratulations.

I forgot how to write cursive after the stopped requiring us to right in it some time in middle school

Greetings from germany

Just gonna quietly point out the timestamp says '17 instead of '18... ;P

I feel like a real ???

(Minutes later)
Ohh, that says winner*

>tfw you were the last class to be taught cursive in your school for the full 4 years (3rd-6th)

That’s really thick. Are you a lefty?

You think that’s cool? Back when I was a kid they used to have a day called Pioneer Day every year and they’d take one kid aside during a demonstration and make him run and shoot at him with a blank from a muzzleloader rifle at which point the kid would pretend to drop dead and the other kids in his class would gasp in terror only for the running to kid to stand up to cheers. I was the running kid. You think that would be allowed in schools these days?

My true cursive is actually pretty good (never taught to print, just cursive all them years), but
>pic related

Why the hell would you ever manually write cursive on a computer? Computers are the reason cursive doesn’t exist anymore. The computer is the worst enemy of the writing style.

Because it's 1:30ish and I'm already in bed, doing some pre-sleep surfing.

using no name ink on super shitty paper is painful


We had pioneer day too but we just learned how to square dance. your school sounds awesome