Try not eating Animals Sup Forums

Try not eating Animals Sup Forums

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Suck my cock

I tried but these sexy ass cows keep waving their flanks in my face

i'm only human

sage in all fields


>try not eating animals
How can I?

Yeesh, I've seen autistic two-year-olds eat chocolate cake and make less mess than that.

No need for sage this thread will get 150 reply's watch and see




but they're so delicious

Eating twice as much meat today.

This makes meat eating sound metal af.

Fuck you


Aww, another kid just watched "Meet Your Meat"on Falafelbook and lurked on PETA for an hour. How kewt

what's my incentive?

You can be Metal & Vegan \m/
Metal Vegan \m/ ;)


Get on my level, nerd.

ha, just commented "neckbeard" when someone disagreed with me.
end urself fgt

Thy shown the potential of raw veggies capable of feeling pain. So yes,. I sometimes have those with my meat


>if you believe the world could never be oxygen free
>consider this...
>80% of the air you breathe is not oxygen
>See? We're already four-fifths of the way there

You gonna change my mind or what? Why should I? Make your arguments

Damn, you are making me hungry.
I'm off for a bacon sandwich.

>its a me mario

Vegan here. Feels good to be acting morally, helping the environment, and being healthy and frugal to boot!

Killing animals, except when out of necessity or compassion, is morally wrong.

And don't forget the biggest benefit, you get to tell everyone all the time about how amazing you are!

fruitarian here, eating vegetables is evil you retard


Great, now I'm hungry AND horny

Okay, and suppose I don't care about the moral argument. What else have you got?

Thing is, vegans don't actually do that.

You just get triggered by their existence.

In fact, you came into a vegan thread for it.

>You're in a harmful self-triggering cycle user

>Vegan here.

>suppose I ignore argument 1 give me more
kek that's not how logic works.

But also
>environmental argument
>health argument
>economic argument

>mfw pigs are cute as hell
>mfw pigs are smarter than dogs
>mfw I don't reall like dogs but I like pigs
>mfw pigs are fucking delicious
>mfw I think I need to try dog before making anymore decisions.

If we are not meant to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?

Yeah, in a vegan thread. Who'd have thunk. Goddamn meatcucks are retarded.

What are those arguments? Alluding to them isn't making them. Change my mind niggaaaaa

You did exactly what I accused you of immediately. You're an idiot, hahaha.

>Vegan here. Feels good to be acting morally, helping the environment, and being healthy and frugal to boot!


Well you've already shown you're just going to ignore them, so there's not much point. You can easily google these things if actually interested.

Not that guy who posted earlier but not much.

You can have healthy lifestyles with both ways, vegan just requires way too much checking and verifying if you are eating healthy enough and if all the stuff you eat has animals in it somehow.

I always feel going vegan is just making it hard for no reason.

?? Being a vegan. In a vegan thread.

What exactly did you expect...

So your whole thread is pointless, is that what you're saying? You don't want to change minds.

Look. I'm not pleased with the way some of our meat is prepared. But that doesn't mean I don't think the meat is fucking delicious.

Deal with it. I'm better than you.

Great, now you've done it.
I didn't plan on having meat today, but now I'm going out of my way to have some delicious piece of meat in my lunch.

underrated post

I'm not op retard. No changing minds when you literally said you don't care about the arguments.

huh? i'm vegan, how are you better than me exactly if you are also vegan

Enjoy your heart disease.

I can't believe you're not getting this.

See, the thing is that vegans always need to tell everyone they're vegan and how amazing they are because they're vegan, and that's what you (or whoever that faggot was) did. It's really not that hard. Maybe you need iron.

I said I don't care about the moral argument. If you have other arguments that are persuasive, make them. I like eating animals enough that the moral argument is not persuasive to me.

Delicious heart disease.


I wonder how soul tastes like.
Eat dick, stupid vegan.

I said I'm vegan because we're in a goddamn vegan thread, not because I "always do it."

>meatcuck retardedness intensifies

Vegan does not equal being healthy unless you do it decently.

Just like having meat in your diet does not mean being unhealthy automatically.

>I choose to ignore arguments because I like something
>"try and persuade me!"
Why are you even here lol

Haha, I don't believe you, but whatever you say bud


Frugal? Says the fucking hippie with enough money to buy organic vegetables. Be actually poor for a fucking week and tell me your diet is still "frugal"

Fucking retard the way this society is set up it leaves only the financially stable the option of purchasing vegetables. I feed myself with fucking foodstamps. Do you think I'm going to buy the $5 bundle of asparagus tat will feed me for one meal, or the $3 pound of salami that will feed me fore weeks?

The first sentence is true. The second sentence is false.

Meat has been decisively linked with heart disease, obesity and diabetes. That is not up for debate.

I'm here to see if the vegan faggots who are busy trying to tell me how to live my life have actually GOOD arguments to put behind their words. They don't appear to.

>fingers in ears time
Just leave. You're done.

Studies have proven that plants are just as alive as animals, they send signals to eachother when they are being eaten to change their taste/flavour makeup to stop a predator attack, also if you uproot a plant it sends signals to the other plants to change taste. Some plants can even smell their family plants being eaten and change the chemical balance inside to create a toxin/poison.

Vegans are just trying to justify that they are good people, even though they kill millions or organisms more than the meat eaters.

They don't appear to because (as you said) you're ignoring them. Can't see with your eyes shut.


Vegans, so bossy. I ain't going anywhere til this thread dies bud.

I always wondered with this. Do people who try and make the "plants scream" argument actually believe it? Like do you actually, truly, in your heart, think that plants feel pain?

Sorry, can you please point me to where they actually made any argument except a moral one in this thread? O wait, you can't.


If you eat too much of it yes.

I can easily say the same for other things like for example water.

Drinking water has been decisively linked to dying. Just only when you drink too much of it in 1 go.

The health argument has been made a few times. Here's an argument from land use.

Stay wilfully ignorant - the most pathetic state of man.

Plants respond defensively to the sounds that caterpillars make when eating their leaves, research has discovered.

Scientists at the University of Missouri (UM) found that plants produce more mustard oil, a chemical that is unappealing to many caterpillars, when exposed to the feeding vibrations caused by caterpillars chewing.

For the study, caterpillars were placed on Arabidopsis, a small flowering plant related to cabbage and mustard.

A team led by senior research scientist in the Division of Plant Sciences at the University and Rex Cocroft, a Professor in the Division of Biological Sciences at (UM) used a laser and a tiny piece of reflective material on the plant leaf to measure the movement of the leaf in response to the chewing caterpillar.

Haha oh sweet, some more anonymous graphs! I have no idea who made these or where they got their data. I would no more trust these graphs than I would trust graphs which promote a meat diet, because anybody can make a graph that says anything. So like, maybe some actual arguments?

The team found that when caterpillars later fed on both sets of plants, the plants previously exposed to feeding vibrations produced more mustard oils than the set which had only been exposed to silence.
Caterpillars then reacted to the chemical by crawling away, suggesting the vibrations could be used to enhance plant defences in agriculture, the researchers said.

The team also found that plants exposed to other types of vibrations, such as those produced by a gentle wind or different insect sounds that share some acoustic features with caterpillar feeding vibrations, did not increase their chemical defences.

This indicates that the plants are able to distinguish feeding vibrations from other common sources of environmental vibration, the team concluded.

Cocroft said: “We found that feeding vibrations signal changes in the plant cells’ metabolism, creating more defensive chemicals that can repel attacks from caterpillars.

I wasn't asking you to copy and paste the same things you always do. I was asking you, simply, do you actually sincerely believe what you're claiming here?

Because nobody else on the other side does, and (almost) nobody on your side does. So if you don't actually believe it yourself, then we've got an argument which everyone agrees is false.

10 seconds on google. Fail.

you are actually an imbecile. Everything has been linked to those things. everything. Guess what people fucking die. We are imperfect machines. Might as fucking well follow our instincts to devour the flesh of other species and have a good time before we fucking die.

I would also like to point out that veganism is autistic as fuck compared to vegetarian or pescatarian. You are denying your body the nutrients it needs.

Our problem as a species is not how we eat but rather how we acquire food. Meat was necessary for human survival when we needed to hunt down and kill said meat ourselves possibly taking weeks at a time to do so. Our sedentary lifestyles simply do no burn off the calories we consume.

Just because you don't believe in something doesn't make it false or right.

I'm not asking for journal entries to read, I'm asking you, a vegan, to make the argument for why I should listen to you. I didn't ask for homework, I just wanna see if YOU can make a case for your way of life, and so far you can't.

Try sucking the shit out of my asshole, vegan.

If you believe that killing millions of plant based organisms is okay, then why can't I eat a steak, all the while your killing upon the millions, and I killed maybe 4 animals for everything I have. Have fun with your multivitamins vegan faggots.

>Guess what people fucking die.
You'd make an awful medical doctor. This is all totally irrelevant.

If everybody on earth agrees that something is false, then why would we even talk about it?

Another veganfag willing to preach but not willing to listen. Fuck off outta here you bloodthirsty savage, you've killed more living species than us you cunt.

>ignores arguments
>ignores data
>ignores scientific articles

The case has been made, you just choose to ignore it.

>doesn't answer simple question
Take that as a no then. Even you don't believe the bullshit you post.

Nice anti-smoking PSA bro

I'll stop eating animals when they stop being delicious.

>not willing to listen
lol I asked a simple question. "Do you believe your own argument?" and it seems the answer is no.

>the fucking state of meatcucks today

I think the real reason is why should we care? Until a fucking Ent is knocking down my door for murdering his cousin with the salad im eating I'm going to go right ahead on eating is. Bitch is full of bacon and cheese too because im not a faggot.