Where can I get a medical syringe? I have a fucking abscess and I desperately need to drain it...

Where can I get a medical syringe? I have a fucking abscess and I desperately need to drain it, ffuuuuuck me it hurts so bad.

who is she?

I have no idea man, I'm sorry. I just saved it one day.

at the pharmacy

Medical syringes can be bought from the drain in the fucking alley

Go to a hospital

sowing kit, pin, lighter for sterilization, pop goes the weazel

>needles are gateways to drugs, say no user

Walgreens, Walmart, ect.

Ask for insulin syringe

A bin or underpass.

ye depending on your llcation you can get one easily because junkies

I did, they gave me some really powerful antibiotics but the swelling hasn't gone down much cause I've only taken it 2 times from last night.

Any local pharmacy. No chains shit

your local public park restroom

Poke it with a toothpick. Sterilize it first.


this nigga gets it

take a sewing needle or X-acto knife and burn the tip with a match or lighter. its not that hard.

It doesn't look like anything, it's just stiff.

Syringe isn’t going to do much. You just need the needle to poke it. Any needle will do just grit your teeth, know it’s gonna hurt like a bitch but it will pass, then lance that shit. Don’t forget to squeeze and drain it then wash thoroughly

And post pics so Sup Forums can actually have some original content for once.

This. Or boil a toothpick. You're already on antibiotics so you'll be fine.

why not go to hospital? in civilized countries its almost free and fast

Where on your body is it located?


Right in the crease of my right hip and right thigh, one of the reasons it swole so bad. I've had an abscess before, but it started as an ingrown hair so I just burst it, but this one is under the skin.

Fucking hate idiots who pipe up without reading the thread. kys

Seriously, just sterilize a needle or exacto knife and pop it.

Bumping for PICS

Retard, not taking antibiotics long enough/alternating the intervals creates immunities.

We don't have that many antibiotics left, don't fucking waste them on stupidity

I'll do this, I was overthinking it. There's so much pressure that I seriously doubt it'll take much convincing. Thanks anons.

Fucking fever, 101.5 and I keep going freezing ass cold to hot and everytime I put my jacket on, it is like feinting tier pain.

You are fucking stupid. I'm a NEET and I haven't had to take antibiotics for like 7 years so go fuck yourself.


Here we have vending machines in the shitty part of town that sells needles and crack pipes

Sterilize a knife and cut it open.


You need to lance it man. Go see a doctor

I already have you fucking idiot. They didn't want to lance it but they don't have to suffer it so I'm going to lance mine cause it hurts 24/7 even just laying on my back.

Just remembered, there's also a van that drives around town, will meet you anywhere, anytime and hook you up with free needles. Government really doesn't want people sharing

livestock feed supply store

He didn't mean we are running low on quantities of antibiotics, he meant we are running low on different kinds of antibiotics - if you don't finish your entire dosage of antibiotics, there's a chance that whatever is bugging you will become resistant to the antibiotic you were on and now you'd have to kill it with some other antibiotic.

I can tell you're a NEET though since you're clearly retarded.

Look Doogie Hauser, I'm just a normal person, I'm not a fucking doctor. They say take this pill to feel better, I take it.

Christ almighty.

You can get them at rite aid or other drug stores you just have to ask the counter

Also why the fuck would I stop taking them? It just hurts so god damn bad dude.

I'm not a doctor either this is common knowledge nigger.

somehow I doubt you have a clue what I was talking about. I really don't care if and how often you take antibiotics.

But if you do, take all of the the prescribed pills in the prescribed intervals. Failing to do so will often lead to bacteria developing immunities.
You might be free of symptoms, but if any survive, those particular antibiotics won't help against them anymore. that's why hospitals are so problematic when it comes to multi resistant bacterias.

TLDR: Take your meds right... ah, and pop that thing with a needle or knife. disinfect it properly, you don't want to make it worse.

pretty sure its this girl shiori something

you don't have to drain it, just take the antibiotics and it will go away in a few days, it's important to follow the antibiotics instructions.

Farm store in the livestock supply section.

someone gets it, swelling is gone and it doesn't hurt anymore doesn't mean everything's dead.

If there are any more pills in the blister, take them!

I 100% intend to, but the pain is off the charts so I wanted to lance it. The only other abscess I had was bloody so it was super obvious but I think this one is mostly pus cause it doesn't show through the skin very much.

They gave me 40 and told me to take 2 a day for 10 days, should I take them for 20 days?

Step 1. Move to first world country
Step 2. Go to free doctor
Step 3. a winrar is you

>It doesn't look like anything, it's just stiff.

that's what SHE said

she said nothing of the sort

>it swole so bad

don't mess with them gainz

Nah, do as your doctor tells you. Just not any less than that.

Antibiotics + alcohol don't mix well for example, so I would avoid taking them much longer than prescribed. If it's not all gone by the 8th day, consult your doctor again.

Just use a sewing needle to create an escape hole and then squeeze it.

>Antibiotics + alcohol don't mix well for example
this is a myth. They don't interact at all. Doctors would say that because the antibiotics would usually be for STD's and alcohol is a contributing factor in getting STD's and the doctors didn't want their work undone so soon after treatment.

This is a myth. They do interact at all. Sup Forumstards would say that because they have no medical training and have STD’s and stupidity is a contributing factor in posting on Sup Forums and these chucklefucks just repeat medical advice they got from Facebook posts by other chucklefucks.

Chances are they will say no if u do not have a script for insulin. Ordering them off the internet is easy but could take a couple days.

You dont need a syringe for that just a sterile blade, a few clean rags, some antimicrobial soap and some iodine swabs to clean the abcess before you cut it open. Cut it and squeeze bro good luck

Well, an infection weakens your system and often causes stress for your liver.
So it's not like it negates the effects of the antibiotics. It just weakens your body further.

I could've just as well said infections and alcohol don't mix well ... (unless its between 50 and 78%, then I'd highly advice you apply it directly ^^ )