Tillerson and Mattis are reportedly trying to hold Trump back from striking North Korea

>Tillerson and Mattis are reportedly trying to hold Trump back from striking North Korea


Will you Trump supporters be happy when he plunges the world into war?


Yes, finally some action!!

no one in politics, let alone his cabinet, takes him seriously.
take a chill pill

Do they have second strike capability? It won't plunge the world into war. Russia and China will turn their nukes off, sit back and watch. My only worry is that they have more nukes and delivery systems than we are aware of, including perhaps terrorist factions with dirty bombs. Korea could have a sort of scorched Earth policy in place with biological weapons if we destroy them. So not so much a third world war as just fucked up results.

We really should have Dennis Rodman softly take out the little guy and his top generals. Israel working with Russia could help us hack their weapon systems and china would have plausible deniability if we just gave them a vague 48 hour warning through Russia.
I'm a liberal who hates this administration with a passion, but I don't think Trump is going to end the world by nuking Korea. He's going to end it through global warming, offshore drilling and just general ineptitude.

incoming hurr durr nuke em etc and yeah it'd be shocking, insaine, interesting and NK wouldn't be able to retaliate. fine.

But once someone has crossed that line all the other cunts with nukes would make the decision to use them an awful lot easier. Then we be fucked.

Yeah, yeah some butfuck in shit town nowhere wyoming in his moms basment 'fallout shelter' will be all 'this is aweome i survived with all ma guns'but everyone else who actually matters will be dead and as soon as his hardrive full of pony porn breaks and he realises hes out of cheetos he'll realise that hes a tard. And it will be to late. And then I'll laugh and you'll laugh and we'll all laugh and theb we'll realise we're not laughing because we're all fuckung dead.


does this mean trumpcoin will be worth more than gold cause its seems its going crazy. especially since he redesigned the new highly prestigious award giving to military officials and he named it trumpcoin lol Either way NK is going to get something if they keep up with threats and launching crap in the sea

Sounds like bullshit to me

Activate agent Rodman

They are just trying to keep him from nuking them. All that needs to be done is hit their nuclear sites, a couple of military bases, and the palace with MOABs. Problem solved.

Overdue for a good world war. At 7 Billion, a culling's just what the doctor ordered.

You don’t threaten the most powerful nation in the world with nuclear fire about a hundred times and get away with it faggot.

Let NK pay for their sins

It's about time someone hit NK. They will never seriously come to the table and talk about a lasting peace. The South never should have met with them yesterday and allowed them in the Olympics. NK is used to making threats and getting a reward.

Spoken like a true retard

wanna see real action in NK?
convince trump there is shit ton of oil burried in NK


Nobody said Trump was gonna nuke North korea. It just said he was gonna fuck their shit up.
I can fuck your shit up without a nuke faggot. You assume shit like a 6th grader.

The U.S. does not threaten people with nukes, NORTH KOREA DOES. And it sure fucking sounds like they wanna use them. If you took the same logic you applied to trump and applied it to North Korea, I think you’d come to agree that they need to be taken out of the fucking game if they are gonna act like that.

Welcome to the club Trump supporter.

Found the faggot who drives a prius

at least i dont need my parents to drive me to gamestop

>You assume shit like a 6th grader.
And you talk like one.

>The U.S. does not threaten people with nukes,
Trump: "My red button is bigger and it works".
That's not a threat, right?


You want my honest opinion? Yes. I hate the state of the world, I don't really care if I live or die at this point but the fact that the rest of you will go with me makes it worth it.

And yes I will be in the happening thread and laughing at all you scared faggots. Don't regret the vote at all brother.

North korea is a human rights atrocity. I'd take some war if it meant the people of North Korea could be made free.

And fuck this gay earth, overpopulation etc.

>Do they have second strike capability?
Enough to kill 20,000 Americans in Korea on the first day.

>And yes I will be in the happening thread and laughing at all you scared faggots. Don't regret the vote at all brother.
Civilian confirmed

Still crying liberal?


they're all going to be down for war, but come time for drafts they'll be finding ways out like Trump and Turd Nuget

Loool triggerd republicans

Ironic how the pioneers of the internet thought it would enable massive sharing of knowledge and ultimately make everybody smarter, when all we've ended up with is idiots being able to get in contact with other idiots and circle-jerk over their retarded ideas.

>asian master race

i meant to post this on a flat earth thread I've got open. Ignore me lads. Soz.

There wont be a draft fucknut. Our current military size is larger than it was during the drafts of Vietnam

Also considering 90% of this board would be ineligible for the draft, you arent going to get much pushback from anyone

That's fool's gold

implying they would have anything left to start a war. If China gives the green light, NK is fucked.

>OP: how would you guys feel if trump started another war?
>jerks off to ben shapiro

Lmao, truggered liberal cuck! Stay mad pussy.

then why do cuckservatives keep insisting we need a bigger military? we're already massive enough

Can you libs come up with anything new? And with substantial claims? Nope, just a binch of butthurt cucks!

To bad you're to stupid to understand or we'd tel you again for the millionth time faggot!

>Can you libs come up with anything new?
>literally used the same old "you still mad?" when confronted with a question about war with Korea
cuckservatives are so hypocritical

Are you still mad faggot?

>To bad you're to stupid to understand or we'd tel you again for the millionth time faggot!
>never answered the question to begin with

Definition, liberal cuck

Can you cucks come up with anything new? And with substantial claims? Nope, just a binch of butthurt cucks!





>never answered the question to begin with
Being this stupid

cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck

haha he called him a cuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>this user gets it

And we have the ability to wipe out all of North korea the first day, your point?

Sums it up user. Liberals are cucks.

during the election:
>"omg! hillary will start a nuclear war! YOU PSYCHOPATHS ARE SUPPORTING NUCLEAR WAR!!!!"

after election:
>"hurray! nuclear war! it's cool when trump does it! i'm a brainwashed cultist who supports everything trump does!"

sounds like you're projecting

You can't exactly say the Hillary fans weren't brainwashed i mean they supported her even after there was proof of her colluding with other countries (i.e Ukraine, and Saudi Arabia)


Fake news

Listen to any Mattis speech and Mattis would love to hit NK

>believing trump's propaganda
>colluding with Saudi Arabia

trump is like Yeltsin 2.0. The kremlin must have built 6-packs from the excessive laughing

Or something smarter like a 2 child policy.

>The U.S. does not threaten people with nukes, NORTH KOREA DOES
Have you been on Donald J Trump's official twitter recently? Because if the President doesn't speak for the nation he is running then who the hell does?

Some one's triggered for sure. Stay mad faggot. You're acting like a cuck. Hur dur let me say what I want to or Ill cry and scream like a lil bitch.


But it said he's a stable genius so wat do?

Let the world burn, it will be a better place then.

all the cucking in this thread, jeebus

>Implying anyone gives a shit about North Korea

Us invaded iraq with bogus claims of weapons of mass destruction for profit and they had some sort of allies.

North Korea waves nuclear warheads around like a dick yet nothing's gonna happen because there is literally nothing to be gained by roflstomping North Korea.

stay mad kid

Personally I believe the more a person insists how smart they are, the smarter they actually are. Only a true genius is worried other people may think he isn't smart and needs to correct them. That's why people like Einstein, Tesla, and The Wright Brothers were constantly talking about how bright they were.

sure kid

this retarded

stay mad kid

>le Rick and Morty fans

So, my initial thought on the surface is, fuck it. I'm kind of tired of my current life and everything in it. I think a large scale war could thin the heard and bring some lunatics back to reality.

>"O-M-GEE! How many insta likes can I get on the front lines?!"

Secondly, I went to the Washington post site. Couldn't find confirmation of the "bloody nose" attack mentioned in the business insider article.

Then I went to The Telegraph. Their source is labeled as...

>Three sources - two FORMER US officials familiar with current thinking and a third figure in the administration - confirmed military options were being worked up.

That tells me, their sources are bullshit. Former and unnamed? Fuck off. I can say anything and source it from some "anonymous" figure. You can't fact check that.

Moreover, they confirmed that military options were being worked up. Meaning, no one is holding anyone back from pushing a button. There's options. I have options in every conversation and situation I find myself in. Some of which I think up before I'm ever in that situation. That's called "planning." That's also something Mattis has been noted saying.

>Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.

There's nothing wrong with having a plan. It's a smart strategy in life, business, and politics. If I plan every possible step, it makes it easier. Like a game of chess.

Calm tf down.

Yes, Fans of that cartoon also like to talk about how smart they are, proving that they are indeed much smarter than all of us.

>We know russiasn have nukes, russians are not fucking with nobody, starting war with then would not be wise.

>We know NK DOESNT have nukes, NK is threatining JAPAN all the time. Close ALLIED country to the US of A, if they fucking atack japan, they world will beg for you to destroy then

tell me how is it diferent

The amount of Russian trolls in this thread is insane.

stay mad kid

>large scale
pick one

>And we have the ability to wipe out all of North korea the first day,

The US has the capability to indiscriminately wipe all life out in North Korea, however that is genocide on a scale that would make Nazis, Soviets, and Maoist china look positively benign.

the US does not have the capability to eliminate the approximately 10,000 artillery emplacements (Including heavily fortified placements which would be protected from everything but the heaviest bunker-busting munitions and mobile rocket and artillery launch sites which are harder to locate) along the DMZ in anything close to 24 hours with precision munitions.

During that time, it is estimated by the US military analysts that using only conventional munitions, the NK forces are capable of inflicting in excess of 100,000 deaths, not including casualties, in the Greater Seoul region within 24 hours. Should such an engagement escalate to use for chemical or biological munitions, that is estimated to increase by an order of magnitude, to close to one million fatalities in the Seoul region in 24 hours.

One million allied civilians killed in a single day, including those of US citizens stationed in US bases, and civilian expats. And / Or significantly in excess of that in indiscriminate genocide of the civilian and military population of NK, with casualties measured by the millions, all within a 24 hour period is not an option.

The US has vast military projection, capable of rapidly collapsing the NK military infrastructure, particularly with its overwhelming air superiority which could be established almost instantly. But without resorting to genocide through massive collateral damage to civilian infrastructure on an unprecedented scale, it does not have the capability to neutralise the NK military installations in anything resembling an adequate time-frame to prevent equally massive collateral damage to our allies.

Military Engagement in NK is not a zero sum game. No-one wins this one.

sure kid

this retarded

I see what you did there.

However, if NK is attacked by the US, that will draw China into the retaliation. If that happens, Russia will get dragged in. Both of which have been combating the US as a super power for a very long time.

So, yes.

>Large Scale

I picked one.


hey thats my sister!

Your sister is hott and we all would like to fuck her. No condom. In the pooper.

sure kid

>Tillerson and Mattis are reportedly trying to hold Trump back from striking North Korea

Sounds like a game of good cop bad cop. "Dude, I don't want war any more than you do, but I don't know how long I can hold Trump back. The dude is legit craycray"

*sounds of Trump shooting his colt into the air*