Hmm...really makes you think

Hmm...really makes you think....

Other urls found in this thread:

>85 to 100%
Is this true

Yea but in total they only make up 3% of the total population.

Its an official census made by the Hungarian Government, what do you think? :)

>believing this lie

atleast 5% of hungarians are gypsies, plus the 3% recognised gypsies, make atleast 8% .

Not really,Hungary having a large gypsie population is Common Knowledge

Nice fake estimation from Soros ONG

Latest Census in Romania showed 3.6% gypsies, yet since then 160k immigrated to EU.Hell,our hungarian daispora is bigger.

"According to the 2011 census, they number 621,573 people or 3.3% of the total population, being the second-largest ethnic minority in Romania after Hungarians.[1]"

Somebody was really busy with paint. Ran out of coloring books, huh?


>Romanian calling anyone a gypsy

Sick burn. Really makes me think...

>someone uses statistics from wikipedia to show how hungarys gypsy population is not that high
>says its wrong
>uses the same website to show how romanias gypsy population is low
Bogdan pls

Your map is an proofless ESTIMATION from Gypsy organization(funded by Soros) while I use an official census.


Fake statistic.
What kind of gypsies are we talking about? Gypsies in general, gypsies like me who are integrated into modern society or the gypsies that lives on the street?

>Gypsies in general, gypsies like me who are integrated into modern society or the gypsies that lives on the street?

Gypsies.Even Hungary's PM is gypsy in origin.Because Austro-Hungary integrated and magyarised its gypsies xD

And who cares? As long as someone acts like a decent human being they are okay

got that tryptophobia feeling looking at this, absolutely disgusting
fuck off to india gyppo

you are a dirty gypsy in denial

That color scale makes zero sense.

Why not have it be a gradient? It's way easier to tell where they live, rather than gold vs blue vs red vs dark green.

You're retarded. Have a pic of a girl to rob you of some manhood

Nah m8 I will stay here. My ancestors lived the gypsy life until early 1900s. + My culture is norwegian

dirty gypsy shitskin.

got more of that?

Norwegian is defined by blood not by culture

Good thing my mom was a full-blooded Norwegian lady

post the romanian one also mate...

you can into census, right?

IP ban Romania

what a shame for your mom.She probably hates you to death.


Yet Another Hungary-Bashing Thread, brought to you by the good and most certainly non-Gypsy Romanians.

Question: Which country do you like better, Sup Forums - Hungary or Romania?

Take a wild guess, magyar ciganok.

>go to a shopping trip to hungryland
>mother spends half the time cursing gypsies

>Take a wild guess, magyar ciganok

I meant it as a general question, you half-gypsy.

>calls me gypsy
>its a hungarian

kek :))

its hard to say when hungarian beggings and gypsy ends.

romania wins because they are just top teir shitposters, really dedicated people

you're officially out of the V4. pack your things

>2nd smallest V4 country is in charge of giving orders

always hungarians with their superiority complex.

It was my understanding Hungarians were always poorly fed Bulgarians, anyway. You should appreciate your curry providers.


No wonder they are so insecure and frustrated.


Wish we could just get rid of them all. The world would be a much better place.