Why is snooker allowed on Sup Forums?

why is snooker allowed on Sup Forums?

It's a sport. A very good one, if you ask me.

why is turnleft allowed on Sup Forums?

It's a sport. A very good one, if you ask me.

if american football is a sport then so is snooker

Any sport is 2bh just needs ppl to keep the threads alive

>a game where you hit balls around on a table is a sport but something played on a field isn't

>a game where a white guy throw a ball forward to a nigger and then 2 minutes of commercials is a sport but something with proper tactics and strategy isn't

be careful

There are threads about sports video games on Sup Forums

>stadiums have bars
So, handegg is confirmed not an sport.

Fair point. Turnleft threads are dead. Snooker threads are en fuego, 1500 posts per day

If you can play it in a bar it's not a sport.

>complaining about something on a dead board
Why do you care when you are just gonna go back to your general anyways?

They keep themselves to one thread and actually stay remotely on-topic. I'm not offended.

Is this the power of a Brazilian education?

he's got you snookered here

This is nice pasta. I'll be sure to use it loads in the near future.

Snooker is elite

You don't play snooker in bars, they usually only have pool tables.

Thanks LCIM

Not around here mate. The only place to play is in a pool hall, which is a bar with pool tables

Stop bringing race into this Caravahlinhio


Pool and Snooker are different games with different tables you leaf

It's only a 1 cushion escape though so his opponent shouldn't have too much trouble

No shit, retard. Snooker tables are in pool halls.

you should be happy it's snooker and not three cushion carom.

Most sports stadiums have a bar that serve alcohol. Does that mean that none of them are real sports? A pool hall is a place to play pool/snooker that also happens to have a bar, not the other way round.

Look at the STATE of this thread

I think it's time to ban snooker lads