Game 2. Op - Sup Forums

Game 2. Op - Sup Forums
You beat me and I'll post my ex's nudes.

Stop being a faggot and just post the nudes

Nah. Watching retards play chess is more fun

bp1 =_+bp2= +>

B7 to B5, op


E7 to E6


C7 - C6


bishop b4

bishop to rook's who gives a fuck


bishop e7

Knight d3

Wow way to go faggot.

I messed up, so I went back


can't just take back moves dumbass

D8 to d7

cant take back man wtf now the games all fucked

illegal move faggot

You guys can try as many times as you want. Sup Forums fucking sucks at chess and will never beat me

Knight g3


ill beat you rn faggot

Do you even know how to play chess?

you have a account? I'll gladlly accept that challenge

is this where we are starting?? d5

Yes that was the last move.

c5 fgt

I leave the thread for 10 minutes and you autistic niggers fuck it up. No wonder you're all autistic, gay, trap loving degenerates with daddy issues. When you stare blankly into your eyes at night, wondering where it all went wrong, wondering why your mother left you on your 5th birthday, realise it's YOUR fucking fault. The second she gave birth to you she was disgusted, with every chicken tendy she placed on the baking tray she quivered, resisting the urge to burst out in tears and take a knife to herself. Just fucking kill yourselves, all of you.

cool c5

I don't give a fuck what's wrong with it?

No it’s not




finally someone who isn't retarded



uhhh ok Rb8


still Rb8

rb8 like dat guy

what are we doing with g8 knight?


C5 to d4

Qb6 was way better



learn to fucking read


Do you have down syndrome?


my bad. theres the right position



Is b black?


>You beat me and I'll post my ex's nudes.
mfw, OP's cheating with a chess app/program

kek do you even chess bro?

Qxb2 right?

nawh he plays like a total retard but you guys fck up

>Plays like a total retard
>Still beating Sup Forums

because the retards in this thread are even more dumb

Is Qxb2 your move?

>No wonder you're all autistic, gay, trap loving degenerates with daddy issues.

Dear Sir, I wish to complain on the stronglyest possible terms about the previous entry in this fthread about the chess players who are autistic, gay, trap loving degenerates with daddy issues. Some of my best friends are chess players posting on reddit, and only a FEW of them are autistic, gay, trap loving degenerates with daddy issues.

Yours faithfully, Brigadier Sir Charles Arthur Strong, Mrs.

P.S. I have never kissed the editor of the New York Times.






im good with either of these

Nb4 is queen trade which is pretty good

You fags are doing better than i thought


post a link i dont trust these tards


a link to what?

Qb1 is for submissive fgts.....





(lurking for lulz worthy endgame)

if recpature Bd8




rip knight

This is current position

Kg6 castle

lol i was making a sandwich why didnt we move the knight

can't castle if knight is in the way


Knight h6


when b blunders a piece but op is an autist and plays inaccurately
