I'd just like to ask why Walking Dead fans are such faggits

I'd just like to ask why Walking Dead fans are such faggits.

>watching TWD
>promo for Talking Dead comes on
>Chris Hardwick speaks as crowd is all sad and quiet
>"stay tuned for a special episode of the Talking Dead. You can see we are outside and it's raining here in LA which is a very rare thing. It's as if the heavens are crying over what we just witnessed....

Jesus Christ I'm wondering the same thing

So ebin and le sad

these retards really eat this shit up


I suppose we're the real faggots for watching it while knowing its absolute shit then.

That's what happens when you don't read books


Well we know Kyle watches Frasier with that quote.

You can SMELL the fedora in that post.

>Ex gf is a huge fangirl of this show
>Sent her a text with the leaked picture of Glenn's head smashed and his eye popping out a couple hours before the episode aired yesterday because she's a bitch and doesn't deserve to have any joy in life
>She called the cops and said I was harassing her and cried to all of our friends about it
>Cop told me not to text her anymore while laughing his ass off

Natural poleece.

Fuck you, I enjoy it.

You should ask yourself the real question: Why can't you enjoy a programme unless the Sup Forums hivemind tells you it's ok to?

Can't you form opinions for yourself?

And yet you're too stupid to realise you're the villain in your own story.


Way to prove OP right you fucking bitch.

Oh look everyone tumblreddit is here.

Be at peace, brother.

Everyone posts on reddit, jackass.

Nah, maybe he was being a little douchy, but a villain? c'mon man, like calling the police over a spoiler isnt a fucking bitch move

Yeah, no.

what kind of person writes something like this

never mind the fact that its about some shitty tv show

>this obsessed over your ex

>be ex-gf of spiteful jerk
>receive pic from him of some guy bloodied with his head all bashed to shit with his fucking EYE popping out.

>somehow I'm a bitch for calling the cops?

user, please.

I think you have autism

>Being a woman


>Posting about being obsessed with your ex
>Being too beta to move on

I think you are seething cause you thought you'd get congratulations from your Sup Forumsros but instead got ridiculed for being a teenager.

>Implying I'm him

That's a pretty stupid thing to do, further confirming my thought that you're a woman.

It's pretty obvious it's you buddy.

Winning post.

OP revealed as faggot.

You wanna hang out? Maybe we could watch TWD together I will make you a cup of hot cocoa if you play with my balls later :3


>Not only is he bitter about his ex (still) now he's turned gay

Smdh lad

Nope. I'm gay (thank God as women are repulsive) so no gf for me.

I have Gone Home and I have gone home, but I am not home.


I present the latest addition to the Pantheon of Literally Did Nothing Wrong.

>tfw you make up a story for the purpose of triggering tumblrinas in these shit threads and it works

I just love it when a plan comes together.

>Rick and his group killed dozens of his men
>He only kills 2 in revenge
>Negan is the villain


Upvoted this devilish troll!

Good job Sup Forumsro xD

>Everyone posts on reddit, jackass.
I cant believe i just read this shit. Fuck you.

What's wrong friend? Did I bamboozle you into a snafu?

>"As one who's experienced thousand of stories but never thought critically about any of them"


>We became what we are! We are surrounded by the faggots. We're among them and when we finally give up, we become them! We're living on shaky condescension here. Every minute of our life is a minute stolen from productivity. You see them out there. You know that when we complain, we become them. You think we hide behind the internet to protect us from the faggots! Don't you get it? We are the faggots!

Not only that but you also have facebook, instagram and twitter.

Let's just for a second stop pretending people only post here, shall we?

Why did you censor his surname and profile picture? Is it you? Are you Kyle?

>tfw you have to pretend to be a really bad troll by telling people you're a troll to save face when everyone calls you a retard for your story

>Reddit is synonymous with having a facebook account to keep up with people
This is how you can tell someone is autistic and obsessed with a website

>tfw I definitely bamboozled you

I'm harvesting (You)s here. Please give me some more.

what the fuck is wrong with people

We surely believe you, have another (You). You're not pathetic at all. :^)


Mmmm keep them coming. At the end of the day mommy gives me a tendie for each (You) I have gotten.

Eh. It was a good episode. You know the group are gonna bounce back. They always do. Guaranteed comeback by mid season finale or the season finale

Your ex-girlfriend will never love you again and every one of your mutual associates thinks you're creepy now. :^)

Thank you Sup Forumseddit, you are my greatest ally and give me the most (You)s. ;3

You actually have to be brain dead to enjoy TWD. Its even worse than game of thrones,

Imagine how fucking stupid you'd have to be to still be watching this trash.

>greentexts about sending weird pictures to his ex who's a "bitch who doesn't deserve happiness"
>calling other people Sup Forumseddit

Don't kid yourself, GoT just has a higher budget.

Thank you Sup Forumseddit you never let me down.

GOT has a few compelling characters. TWD just has some faggot named Daryl that tumblr jerks off to. For all the faults that GOT has, it would never pull the shittiest ending of all time like TWD did last season.

>Not being a villain in your own story

rerard go. vack to/pol/

Natural fuckin' po-lice

>rerard go. vack to/pol/

Pot meet kettle.

yeah it would
and it did in Jon's crowning last season
>hur dur, he left the Night's Watch?
>lets not talk about it
>Ned Stark's living heir is right there?
>lets not talk about it
>even if we ignore Sansa there are people in this room who have a better claim than Jon?
>lets ignore that
>he's a bastard
>idk, i'll just say i dont care an no one else will either i guess for some reason
>I'm creating a bad precedent, that could threaten my own basis of power?
>nah, he did some sword spins and is a gr8 warrior so we'll ignore all of that

Youre kind of a faggot though lmao. Sending spoilers to piss off your ex holy shit.

He died, his oath to the Watch had been fulfilled. I don't expect a mouth breathing mongoloid such as yourself to understand that though.

fucking normies man

You won lol

I raped her cat too. Grabbed her right by the pussy like my hero Donald Trump. It's true, all of it.

Yeah just ignore everything else on that list.
But even if you WANT to interpret his vows that way, how the FUCK does anyone else buy that with no evidence?
There is never a scene where Jon tells the people in that room that he died and came back much less where they believe him for literally no reason.

What kind of retarded logic is that.

Faggot: the post. And even if it is fabric, it's retarded. Did he knit it himself?

Well then youre an autistic manchild. Keep having fun inventing stories, i dont mind.

I am so le sad le asian got le head bonked because I haven't le read le comics le le le le

These people are a disease.

Two more tendies.

Why do people feel the need to share this shit on Facebook?

I quit Facebook two years ago. All it is is fat housewives you used to go to school with bitching about politics and TV shows and other shit they have zero understanding of.

>>even if we ignore Sansa there are people in this room who have a better claim than Jon?

Such as?

And even that scene is miles better than ending your season on a cock tease of "LOL GUYS GUISE WHO DIES XD". TWD ending was 3rd grade writing bad, only the sand snakes come close to such shit.

>Big fan of the show not recognising a major character
kek ok

>It's not chainmail it's fabric.jpg

Huh, I never noticed that.

Yeah, that little bullshit story was just an excuse to (You) farm and post that pic because it always surprises people who only watched grainy transfers of Commando. I thought it was mail forever until I saw the bluray.


It is fucking sad that Hardwick was acting as if a real person had died.

Pretty much anyone since if you go back far enough, the families intermarry frequently.
>only the sand snakes come close to such shit
>Sansa: You SOLD me to Ramsay!
>Littlefinger: Yes, but... can you REALLY trust Jon?
>Sansa: I guess I never thought about it that way...