Drink because I felt sad

>drink because I felt sad
>decide to stop drinking for new years
>now im just sad instead of drunk and sad
>wat do

Find something to fulfill your life? A new invigorating hobby?

weird part is taht i dont even want to drink.I just am more aware of the gaping hole in my soul.

So what's missing then if it's not booze? A grill? A guy?

recently quit drinking myself, except i feel happy. probably because i have a schedule and hobbies

purpose, I guess. got a new gf, moved in and have a normie life now. Doesnt feel any better

take the money you were spending on alcohol and get a gym membership. You'll meet people and get in shape.

>smoke weed
>stop when you feel depressed again in some odd months
>start again in some odd months when you feel depressed again
Works for me at leadt

Start heroin.

What makes you sad, user?

I am familiar with this feel.

Just feel like a failure, got a qt 3.14 asian gf and she has a masters in electrical engineering. For some reason she likes me and my guess is because ill always try to make her happy because its the only thing in my life that makes me feel like im doing something right. I flunked out of school because i was lazy, and I want to go back when I finally pay off all my debt. Just want her to be proud of me..

Start drinking again, dumbass. How difficult was that?

Have you tried having a more healthy diet and getting more exercise?

Start small my dude. Just start by trying to change lazy habits. Like make your bed, make sure your place is clean. Start trying to cook meals yourself. I'm in the same boat

Also she's a smart woman, who will probably help you out on how to time manage and have more self discipline. Just communicate well with her

Suck a panda's dick.

If you can make her happy, why not try making yourself happy?
Wanting her to be proud of you is great motivation, but you need to try to do it for yourself too.

She's going to leave you in the near future. Just be aware of that.

im working on it, I just got a new job with better paym they also have a 24/7 gym for their employees so soon

Im prepared for anything

Every human being feels like this. Most people don't about that, because they try to run away from that feeling. You need to accept that. It's thanks to that feeling that humanity is so advanced today in terms of technology and art.

"just want her to be proud'

Are you feeling like you're letting her down? Is this the source of this sadness?

She could do way better than you. She's probably more than aware of this and is only staying with you so you won't kill yourself. But her patience will run thin.

Mostly because I see how much shes done with her life compared to mine, shes only a year and a half older than me and is miles ahead of me in success

You're holding her back.

lol, salty much

Well it's true, by taking advantage of her pity he's holding her down. He should stop being a selfish POS and just end it for her good.

Don't listen to this guy.

Also nice dubs.

Have you talked to her about these thoughts?

WTF OP go buy a 6 pack on me.

I don't live without beer in my fridge. Good ol' cheap beer. Bubbly, ice cold, sleepy pills.

Yeah, instead remain as a weight tied to her ankle. Sounds about right.

Kill yourself

Well that's a bit far, even for me.

A little, she said shes not worried because I want to do something with myself at least, her last bf was a deadbeat heroin addict, so not hard to compete with that

I guess even a deadbeat alcoholic like you is a (small) step up for her.