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you fucking piece of shit cunt i will fucking come to your house, rip out your throat. and sell it on Ebay for like six dollars and twenty five cents nigger




You wont faggot


Mah big brudda has ebola his waist weighs way more than I weigh. He doesn't know many ways get rid of the ebola weight from waist. Big brudda needs to lose weight from the waist that way he won't weigh so much. Can't waste time, we need whey and the only way to get the whey to cure my bruddas weight from his waist is to the witch doctor. We go to the witch doctor to get some whey but I forgot which way is it to get the whey so I can help big brudda lose the weight from his waist and not waste so much ebola that way the whey would slim his waist. You do not know the way to the whey stop wasting my time my brudda said holding his waist. Witch doctor is way on the other side of village. Which Witch doctor is on the way to get the whey? There are two ways to get to the whey, one way seems like a waste and other way to get the whey seemed way better. The other way is the way to get the whey, your waist weighs a lot brudda and was blocking my way I said to my ebola brudda. Witch doctor sees the weight of the waist. Do you know the whey, the witch doctor said and gives my brudda the whey and said not to waste the whey and that way is the only way to loose the wieght from my bruddas waist. The jar of whey weighed way over all the other whey I've seen. Something about the way this whey weighed seemed way to odd. We went back the way we came and my brudda ate the whole weight of the whey that way he could see if it worked and not just a waste for his waist. No more big brudda. He did not loss the weight, the whey made his waist weigh way more then before. Mah brudda is huge and couldn't get his waist to weigh less like the way it was before he ate the whey, it was a huge waste. We're still looking for de way.


Got me.



You fag

Jesus never strayed from the path...




This is the best YLYL thread i’ve ever seen.

off yourself


Kys you cunt



Fuck you
