Ask the 8 ball anything

Ask the 8 ball anything
Get rolling faggots

Is she dating someone?

Will we get back together?

Feels good man

is it rape if she enjoyed it?

Will I win 1 million dollars this year?


Will i be crippled forever

Am I gonna bang someone this weekend?

Will I ever have a six pack?

Shoud i drink this weekend?

Will Donald Trump win a second term?

The ball knows it’s shit.

Will she say yes ?


Does she want me to make a move ?

Should I talk to her again?

Should I ask you something?

should i kill myself?

Is rope the best way to end it?

Does she love me ?

Does she want to talk to me ?

Am I getting buttstuff tonight?

Am i gonna get laid soon (definitely not but fuck it)

Will we save our home?

Please? :(

Should I stay with her?

Should I stay with her?

Should I an hero?

Will i still be a virgin in three years

Will I be a virgin in the next 4 years

Is she going to change? Or stay to what she has become?

will i be a virgin forever

is opera gonna be president

kek you fucked it up for all of us

Is anime gay?

Will i have sex soon?


Are we?


Should I invest in a girl from tinder?

Thank you.

will i get laid this year?

will i fuck her?

hey thats cool thanks

Should I go?

Can I make it ?

she into someone else?

You are lying arent you ?

am i going to be shreddedd by summer?


is my weenor going to be 7x5.5 by summer?



Will I pass my classes this year?

Should I find a nice slut on tinder to fuck instead of my wife?

Is she the "one"?

will I an hero?

Will i get to fuck her?

Do I fuck her?

will this fucking work call ever end?

Does she wants to get back together?

Does she regret breaking up?

Should i do it?

Does she want me back?

Does she still think about me?

will i ever put it in her butt?

Will she start working out again at the same gym?

Will she come to sleep again at my house during this year?

If she comes, should I try to kiss her?

Will she contact me?

Did she had a good time when she came?

Will I find love?

Did she enjoy the constant physical contact?

Oh well, good to know.

Should I give up?

Should I try to get stoned with her when she is back?

Did not understand roll again

Will she be my wife one day?

Will Jimena come to my house during January?

Will I ever make it?


Should I start to try and lose weight?

Will I become chief engineer next year?

Am i gay

Virgin for life?

Will i make it?

Will my company become successful?

Como le va ir a alejo con sofi ?

will I ever get laid/girlfriend?

will I fuck Kati on saturday

A alejo le ira bien con sofia ?

Unblock her?

Sofia le dar una oprtunidad a alejo?

Jess and i', we'll be together as a couple?

Am I still banned?

Hell yea, happened last night

And now?

Does my ex still love me
