B-but Mohammed married a 9 year old and coerced her into sex!!

>B-but Mohammed married a 9 year old and coerced her into sex!!
Were you there faggot? Did you see him having sex with a prepubescent girl? No? Fuck off then.

really makes you think, huh?

kys roach

Gr8 B8, but couldn't you say that about all the alleged good things Mohamed did too? Surely it works both ways?

Christians have pedophilic tendencies as well, people didn't know that they shouldn't be fucking a pre-teen boy/girl thousands of years ago, it was considered to be A-OK back then.

Shoo Shoo

It's in your holy book, roach. That's very blasphemous of you to claim that the Quran lies.

Yes, I was there and saw it.
Now what

Why marry her if not to fuck her?
>being this delusional

The Koran is considered the literal word of God by muslims.

Nice try, sandnigger.

>mud doubting the words of his holy book.

You know that's absolutely haram right?

Enjoy burning in the muslim hell.


>political marriages among tribes were never a thing
Ignorant aussie

>3rd wife
>even important to Islam
>not being the side piece to Muhammed's bottom bitch
>lived to 64 in a time when the average life expectancy was 40 in that region of the world
>her father was the first caliph after the death of Muhammed
>not being a pawn her father used to usurp power away from Muhammed and inherit his plundered wealth


>B-but Mohammed is grand and the one true Prophet of Allah
Were you there faggot? Did you see God descend from the sky and tell people to call him Allah and appoint Mohamerde as his prohet? Fuck off then.

we can tell yall motherfuckers would be down to fuck a lil girl. foh. low t pedos.

Inshallah! Everyone knows the prophet waited until she was 13

Why would anyone lie about this though?

Were you there to see Mohammad performing miracles? Is that why you believe he is your profit? No. Fuck off then.

Aisha was asking for it.
Prove me wrong.

>not enjoying the fruits of said political marriage in an age when plowing kids was fairly commonplace
Ignorant Argie

Are you saying that the Q'uran is lying?

Now let's make sure we all know what the Holy Book actually says:

1: Mohammed married Aisha when she was 6.
2: He did not have sex with her.
3: Aisha would just give him baths and blowjobs and let Mohammed use her buttcheeks to masturbate and cum on her back
6: They didn't start having penetrative vaginal sex until Aisha turned 9 years old.
7: Nobody is quite certain if they did butt-stuff before Aisha was 9. It is unclear and some Muslims argue over this.
9: Profit/Jihad.

>all men are as powerless before Lust as I am
lustful aussie

You are wrong, OP. Muhammad married Aisha when she was 6 years old. She limited himself to complete perversion until she was 9 years old. Look up "mufa’khathat"


no, but have heard god's words out of his mouth unchanged for 1400 years.

>Mohammed is real
Where you there faggot? Did you see him exist? No? Fuck off then.

Allah Bir'dir Ondan başla ilah yoktur ! Muhammed (sav) Allah'ın kulu ve Resulüdür. Allah doğmamıştır ,doğurmamıştır. Herşeyi Yaratan Allahtır! Allahın eşi benzeri yoktur. Herşey Allah'a muhtaçtır.Allah hiç birşey'e muhtaç değildir. Allahın ortağı yoktur. Tektir .Allah hertülü eksikliklerden noksanlıklardan münezzehtir. ! Allahım sana sonsuz hamd olsun ki müslüman olarak doğdum müslüman olarak yaşıyorum.Allahım canımı müslüman olarak al.Muhakkak dönüş sanadır...Allah OL dediği zaman herşey olur. Bu Allah için çok kolaydır. Allahım Kulun Resulun Muhammed (sav )'e onun Aline ashabına Ehli beytine Hz.Adem(a.s)'dan son Peygamber Hz.Muhammed(sav)'e kadarki bütün nebilere Resullere sonsuz ilminin adedince salat ve selam et. Vallahi Hz.İsa (a.s) Allah'ın kulu ve elçisidir. Vallahi Hz.Musa (a.s) Allahın kulu ve elçisidir. Vallahi Hz.Muhammed (sav ) Allahın kulu ve elçisidir. Cebrail (a.s) , Mikail (a.s) İsrafil (a.s) ve Muhammed (sav)'in Rabbi ateşten sana sığınırım.

pics or it didn't happen.






OP's right, theologically.
Islam is a literal culture of rape. Everything in it is to make a rapist's life easier.
Islam only accepts rape accusations of public acts.
Islam does not accept that a husband can rape his wife.
Islamically Muhammad raped no one.
It's like a rapier version of the South Park episode of Mormonism.

mufakhathah is a shiite thing, sistani came up with it to justify pedophilia.
ask a sunni if mufakhathah is halal

libshit, how can you rape your wife ? she's all yours whether she wanted to fuck or no, unless she's on her period.

>Having countless wives and religiously instituting polygamist relationships isn't the very definition of a man with lots of power and lust.

Turkey should be fired bombed to be honest familia

>Were you there faggot?

Where you there to confirm Mohammed got his vision by god?


Hey achmed, so the other day I was fucking my goat and my 8 year old wife says "save it for me!!!" Do I have to cut her hands off or what? Sorry I'm new to islam

It sn't.

>concubinage wasnt already present in the arab lands and marriage is not a more Civilized format of relationships than concubinage



Literally the reason why it's legal to rape your 9 year old wives in shitholes like Yemen which is what matters.


>your wife

>if you didn't see something that happened over 1000 years ago with your own eyes then it didn't happen

Is history a meme?

Pretty sure it's illegal to rape your wife in Argentina.

>Were you there

Were you there to see him not having sex with a prepubescent girl?

Check Mate

Don't worry pedophilia will be the next major Liberal cause after the trannies.

Soon Muhammad will be hailed as a hero of human rights.

fuck Muhammad the rapist cunt. he will be stricken from history books. Islam is dying. good riddens .

>mohammed didnt rape a 9 year old
Either the kuran or the shariah says he did
>u erent there to see it
French revolution didnt hapen cuz i wasnt there to witness it
So neither did the cruzades, roach

Pic related to the Ottoman golden age
Muslim art

Our "Law" allows two faggots to "marry"
fuck Argentina
id rather get killed by a cop than submit to an atheistic goverment

That's my favorite picture of Mohammed right there.

>“Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed [alone] for two years or so. He married Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consummated that marriage when she was nine years old.”

Aishe herself said that she was 9 when Muhammed fucked him. This event is in 6 hadith books of Sunnis and 4 hadith books of Shias. This event is much more true than namaz and oruç. You idiot you dont even know your fucking religion.

So you're saying Islam is outdated and barbaric with no place in the modern world?

it's not the Koran that says she was 6 when wed and 9 when it was consummated, but the Hadith - and it is considered a very reliable Hadith with a firm chain of narration.

how has this not been noted yet?

either way, it is a MUSLIM source that says it - not "kaffir"

1 more to wrap the sht posting up

Really makes you think.

B-but Mohammed talked directly to god!
Were you there faggot? Did you see him having vision of god ? No? Fuck off then.

why SHOULDNT they?
fornication is only so if it is outside wedlock

>B-but Jimmy Savile raped underage girls and boys!!
>were you there faggot? did you see him having sex with a prepubescent child? No? Fuck off then.

This is what you sound like, roach.

Go back to your goats roach


>thousands of years ago

That's the point

a fucking roach


>Aisha said: The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) married me when I was seven years old. The narrator Sulaiman said: Or six years. He had intercourse with me when I was nine years old. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Number 2116)


Doesn't matter if he did or not. Many Muslim countries base their "marriage laws" on this.

Plowing kids has never, ever been commonplace except in Muslim countries.

mohammad may he be eternally tormented by evil spirits killed his wives

Wives of Muhammad may he be eternally tormented by evil spirits
The title "Mother of the Believers" in Arabic script

Khadija bint Khuwaylid (595-620)
Sawda bint Zamʿa (620-632)
Aisha bint Abi Bakr (620-632)
Hafsa bint Umar (625-632)
Zaynab bint Khuzayma (626-627)
Hind bint Abi Umayya (627-632)
Zaynab bint Jahsh (627-632)
Juwayriyya bint al-Harith (628-632)
Safiyya bint Huyayy (628-632)
Ramla bint Abi Sufyan (629-632)
Maymunah bint al-Harith (629-632)
Maria bint Sham'ûn
Rayhana bint Zayd

>hitler killed six million jews
Were you there faggot? Did you see him sending them to gas chambers? No? Fuck off then.

Huh, so slandering the name of Isa ibn Mariyam Jesus. I think that warrants death according to Sharia, Roach. Bad move on your part

The Roman Empire wants a word with you.

My point stands though, Muhammad was a degenerate kiddie fiddler

>Implying backward foreign medieval fairy tales hold any significance in our 21st century
I'll fear Islam the moment they trade their prayer carpet for an interest in technology

>questioning the Quran
that's haram, get murdered faggot


I think not.

dob geg.
it is you ignorant cunt, it is.

Salaam my fellow brother.
Thank you for the lovely and informative post.
I often come on here and tell the rest of the kufars that if they if they accept Allah (swt) as their God and Mohammad (saws) as their Prophet, then all will be forgiven on the day of judgement.
Even Allah (swt) has called the Christian and Jewish kufars as the People of the Book.

Try not using foul language in the same sentences or paragraphs where you mention our God (swt) and Prophet (saws).

Lets not stoop down to the level of the kufars.

I'm willing to take Al-Bukhari's word for it.

>questioning the word of the koran
enjoy your stoning, Ahmed

But this doesn't change the fact that Muhammad (swf) fucked that 9 years old chick.

Oh look, it thinks it's people.

How cute.

>The Mohammed
9 year olds dude

It's not mentioned in the Quran. If I remember correctly it barely mentions Muhammad.

There is no evidence of sexual intercourse in the Quran at all.

In those days a lot would marry younger girls but wait until the right age for sexual intercourse.

There were never any child/teen pregnancies, brother.

You are reading the Hadith - all the harmful and extreme writings aren't from the Quran at all - the Hadith only.

Read it brother.

>mocking Jesus
>when he is also nobled by your roached book