What are your honest thoughts on Bernie Sanders?

What are your honest thoughts on Bernie Sanders?

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Ah, you mean comrade Sanders

i don't know him personally so no thoughts on the man.

Honest, actually uses popular opinion to make policy.

I met Bernie at a town hall in 2015 and he acted more like a real person than any politician I've seen. He answered my questions straight without any obfuscation, which is more than 99.9% of politicians can do

Most honest opinion: I worked the Hilary Camp 2016 and Bernie should have won. 90% of what that book said is true and history has a tendency of repeating itself. Just study up and you can mostly predict whats going to happen next. not that hard.

He is secretly instructing Trump on his policy decisions. A lifelong Dem, Trump & BernCo were in on the anti-Hillary campaign shtick together, and now that Trump is pres, he's doing as much as humanly possible to destroy the party from within, and ensure republicans never win another election again.

He is better than Hillary.
Also "le funny communist memes" aside most (not all) of his ideas would make america better.

Seems like a genuine and nice guy but his political views are unrealistic.

yeah but that still doesn't say anything, the man was doing a public appearance for his own gains and that's just the style he thinks works best.

>tfw ur jewwy overlords are masterminding ur trump populism.
>tfw ur jewwy overlord is a kindly old grandpa shuffling around

Good ideas, poor execution.

He has to be more realistic

Yes and no. When that's just who the person is, the two are inseparable.

People say his political ideas wouldn't work, but they absolutely work in the ritchest countrys of europe.

bernie is the one that got away

I'd take the "he isn't realistic" point of view more seriously if every other developed nation hadn't already implemented the things he wants to do decades ago

Yeah he should have said kick out the muslims and build a wall to keep out the beaners and let's ramp up on that police brutality bc that'll solve the nigger problem once and for all.

Bc apparently that is what counted in that election.


Don't forget, defund education and dump teachers in prison, censure science that don't support your politics, take historic lands and wilderness as your own personal bonus, and oh of course when ur rich u can grab women by the pussy.

Bernie just wasn't realistic enough lol

Murrica really shit the bed there.

Old man.

Says everything should be free which just means high as fuck taxes.

Bank fraud Bernie

The best candidate we ever had.

He would legitimately work for the people. He would do his best to help the poor, weak, abuse, and downtrodden.

He would shift funds away from the military and towards education. This is fantastic as it aligns the labor pool skillsets with the work force needs. Welcome to the fucking service economy like every other fucking developed nation.

He's got his issues, for sure, like he wants to spend WAAAAAY more money than he has. Thankfully we have a system of checks and balances that would limit how crazy he could really get with spending. I believe in compromise. The republicans are good at saying no.

He's got a bad relationship with race. Under him the BLM crowd would be empowered. I think the pendulum has swung too far the other way when it comes to these people. Nobody is perfect.

Educate yourself, you look stupid.


Cuck Jew.

>basic math

Yeah my taxes might go up in a single-payer system, but I no longer have to pay a healthcare premium, effectively saving me thousands of dollars annually

he would save capitalism in America but americans are too dumb to even do that, it's ok though

the same as the tooth fairy and santa claus

Dude, think for a moment. How are all those services that he promised going to get funded?

Taxes, dummy. Of course you're one of the guilable who suspect everyone else but you will be taxed.

Don't tell me we can afford to increase the military budget by $70 billion (which would easily cover universal college tuition) and cut taxes for the 0.1% by hundreds of billions, but we can't afford single-payer

We got a live one folks

You act like the people who support universal healthcare don't already know it would be paid for by taxes. But under a universal system, I no longer have to pay premiums, saving me thousands annually

bernie is anti israel

You're already paying those high taxes, you're just not getting shit for them, because others have lobbied to reap the benefits, you haven't. ...because you can't.

So how did we just afford tax cuts for everyone, mostly large corporations?

How is Trump going to pay for the 18billion dollars he just asked congress for to build the wall?

How are we able to afford 100 billion dollar increase to military spending?

We can afford all this other bullshit, but not actual things that will help us?

Everyone on earth is anti-Israel when Israel does reckless idiotic war-provoking shit. When the fuck is the US going to figure it out?

He makes great fried chicken

When even in the US there are a fuckton of Jews against Israel, that should tell you, there is some seriously foul shit at play.

The middle classes get to pay it back when their tax cut expires in 2025, hopefully when dems are in office so we can blame them lololol

underrated comment

Sell out

He speaks well, doesn't obfuscate the things he discusses, and the interests he puts forward are the ones that would benefit the greater public the most.

>absolutely work
Okay bud.

Swedishfag here, you American'ts really need to get outside your bubble every once in awhile

He's great. Bernie 2020

One of the few politicians in the country that cares more about what's best for the country and its citizens instead of using his position to try and line his own pockets. If Hillary should go to prison for anything it should be for stealing what was rightfully Bernies. Especially considering he's probably going to be too old to be a serious candidate next time around.

He’s a hypocrite who’s also economically illiterate and doesn’t exactly know how things work. Just like most of his fan base who are some of the cringiest fuckers in existence. They also copied the Ron Paul Revolution logo because they don’t know what originality is. Pic related

>economically illiterate
>"Lets waste billions of dollars on a wall that won't even stop illegal immigration, give trillions in tax breaks to the 0.1%, and boost the bloated military budget by another $70 billion"

>”stealing what was rightfully Bernie’s”

>implying I support Trump
Shit argument from the start. Try again.

guy who cashed out on dumbass millenials. had no intention of actually running and planned to concede to shillary anyway.


In what way is he economically illiterate? There is nothing Bernie wants to do that hasn't already been done in other wealthy countries

>”American’ts need to get outside our bubble”

Senile old geezer

he's the only candidate I've heard talk about punishing bankers responsible for the 2007-8 crisis, so he's got my support

"You have families out there paying 6, 8, 10 percent on student debt but you can refinance your homes at 3 percent. What sense is that?"

Says enough about his economic literacy.

He's a career politician with lots of money who wants more power.

>has net worth of less than $1 million
>lowest paid senator

try again

I hate this argument! "IT WORKS EVERYWHERE ELSE HURR" 1. We're not them. 2. Dems always twist things to make socialism look awesome usually without facts. Like how Denmark doesn't even have a minimum wage.

Bernie lost his one and only chance to be president... he was too much a liberal progressive wimp and did NOT fight Hillary hard enough

>1. We're not them.

You're correct. US is a lot wealthier than most of those other countries

> 2. Dems always twist things to make socialism look awesome usually without facts

Most Democrats don't even support single payer/universal tuition.

>Like how Denmark doesn't even have a minimum wage

"[Minimum wage] is negotiated between unions and employer associations; the average minimum wage for all private and public sector collective bargaining agreements was approximately DKK 110 (nominally $16)"


You're full of shit

>punishing bankers responsible for the 2007-8 crisis
shit got started from the feds under carter and clinton sticking their noses into mortgage lending. want to punish them?

That's still a wage determined by market forces and not the government. Try again.

The government can do no wrong user. Unless they're Republicans. Lol

>Unions and collective bargaining are a market force

You can't truly be this retarded, can you?

How is that relevant in any way to what I said?
>tried to look cool by trying to shut down my argument
>looks autistic in the process

A real winner.

He couldn't even beat a person that lost to Trump. He's less than a loser. He loses to losers. Into the bin he goes

My point is it's not a federal minimum wage and it works better than arbitrarily inflating wages. And Yeah, I'd say unions are much more of a market thing than a government thing.

He's an honest man trying to do the right thing but naive in his thinking that he can reform the Democratic party.

>Swedes are cucked anyway

Argumentum ad populum, you faggot.


Yeah sure lol

Good idealist, not good rationalist.

Free tuition
>to private, for profit universities

Public healthcare
>with meds from privately owned for profit pharmaceutical companies

Not sure how he would prevent taxes from skyrocketing to 100%. What happens then, after you take in more broke refugee immigrants that need medical attention and you can't raise taxes any higher?

idk why people are saying that.

It will be reversed when dems powerball the next election.
>republicans burnt their party with letting trump in

International relations are fucked for americans. China is gaining incredible power by shaking hands with every country trump disrespects. I don't think Americans are realizing either they come back HARD from this in the next 8 years or give China the ultimate lead on every other country.

One of the stupidest people in politics.

Espouses ideas that have failed miserably all throughout history, does not have the slightest clue about how an economy works, is a massive hypocrite (he's incredibly wealthy) and constantly race-baits. Wow what a great guy