Post your top 5 and people judge each other/ guess things about each other

post your top 5 and people judge each other/ guess things about each other

you wear leather jackets and likes motorcycles

pretty relaxed, have probably felt real anger 3 or 4 times in their life and that was like a storm

you feel alot inside but rarely show your emotions

you're not athletic but want to exercise more

First time seeing Lodger so high on a chart

it's a very underrated album. deserves to get more shilled than low.

I like you

probably eats shit

obviously a huge dick

straight up homo

desperate to be seen as 'cool'

I've actually never listened to it, just Low and "Heroes", and I gotta say i much prefer "Heroes"

Even when angry you seem chill on the outside
Very chill person
Either a girl or gay
Tries really hard to seem hip to friends

forgot my top 5




Best taste
++eddie hazel

Honestly can't settle on a top 10, it's too difficult at the moment.

yes, i do struggle talking to women.

You have lots of acquaintances
Nice list homie, check out Circa Survive -Juturna, You wake up early in the morning.
You struggle getting to know people

I mean i can't settle on a top 5, not on a top 10.


Finds it difficult to contribute to things.


You feel like you're getting old

You take adhd pills

You're sad but not that sad

I am sad but not that sad, i only become more sad when i realise i'm sad.


U like dogs better than cats
u have a very big dick when errect
you really enjoy the company of animals
u smart
ur a nice guys but a little dumb
likes MPP but feels guilty about it
u are very close with your mom
kind of autistic but in a charming way
you are sadder than u admit
u enjoy sex with men