S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again

S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again.
Because muh floof!
Small colorful mares from popular TV shows are fine too.






The last one ain't dead yer, what's the hurry?

They allow more than 150 pics now?

It hit image limit, you dolt.
















got any cubs?















2 more hour and I can go home.


Good luck











Is having friends that you can put your trust in too much to fucking ask for?



way too much, ya.
Only good people have those kind of friends.

No, but it is a lot. That's why I have a close circle of friends I know I can trust, and don't make new ones.

Hey, 8bit. How's it going?


idk. You?

I don't know either. But you are a good person, don't be so down on yourself all the time. Hell, if you weren't then you wouldn't keep talking to me after all the times I've fucked up because I'm the only one here who could really be considered a bad person.

Trust is the color of death.


We're good people.


at masturbating


No offense, but putting it that way just says we're both bad people.


Then it seems that I'm best to be on my own, or be shallow.

The friends that I have known for years and have spend most of my time with and was the best I could be towards them were the ones I heard were talking behind my back and told my very deep and embarrassing secrets to everyone. Even the people I didn't even know. They talked badly about me and making me look bad to keep the conversation going and funny.

I don't do that very often.


We are.
Do we rape and pillage and plunder?
I know I stopped doing that in my early 20's.



I think that was the last time that I'll ever fully trust anybody. I learned my lesson.

yes it really is.

That's probably pretty common even among friends. I don't even consider that very bad.
Trust me when I tell you that there are much worse betrayals.

And not that it makes what has been done any better, but life is better, and people are happier without secrets.

Trust me, you aren't. You're among the better people here. The fact that you still give me these chances when most people just ignore me shows that you are a good person. Bad people don't keep talking to other bad people.

I'm really sorry to hear that. They sound like shitty friends anyway, don't even bother talking to them anymore. Hopefully you can make better friends that won't do that kind of shit.

Hey, Sunshine. How are you?

Lol, one of the guys I work with saw my phone and asked what I was looking at.
I said naked animals.


That's not the kind of good I'm talking about. You can set out to make the best burrito possible, and it can end up tasting like shit. Doesn't mean you're evil, but doesn't mean it's a good burrito.

Explains why I get blocked.

And that doesn't make you a bad person.
just a bad cook.

How did he respond?

Sounds to me like you're just talking to the wrong people then.


so there are human looking furry artists?

twitch tv/pixomere

Shook his head and walked off.

A cook is a subclass of person, so yes. It makes you a bad person.
I understand it hits the ear wrong, but I don't know a better way to say it without giving examples of what all makes me bad.

That's exactly what I expected.

No it doesn't. It just means you aren't a good cook, and that's fine. Not everyone is meant to be a cook, I'm sure as hell not. You're a good friend, 8bit, really. Don't be so hard on yourself all the time.



I disagree.
You do computer stuff right?
like coding or something?
I really don't know so I'm just guessing.
That's something I can't do.
does that male me a bad person?
you can't compare skills and abilities to judge good or bad.
It's people's actions that matter.

One burrito in exchange for knowing what a man's made of. That's a price I can live with.
Look at all those people down there. They follow the rules for what? They're letting fear lead them.
Life's simple. You make choices and you don't look back.


People really don't care.

I know that it is not THAT bad but even when I was flirting or talking with someone new they would later come to them and shit on me again so that that person doesn't like me or even gives me a chance. I was wondering why none of the new people I met wanted to even be my friends. And apparently they did that just for their amusement.

I know I should move on but it hurts so much I'm tearing up. All our time together was fake, and I thought I was really happy with them.

really, we don't.

Ahh, that is bad.

>All our time together was fake, and I thought I was really happy with them.

Sounds like me and my second wife.


Yeah, I know. That's why I don't really hide the fact that I'm a furfag, but don't flaunt it either. They don't care, I don't care, so it's all good.

I'm really sorry, user. I know exactly how you feel, I've had people do that to me too. I have extreme trust issues now, but you'll move on eventually. You'll realize later that they weren't worth it anyway. I'd give you a hug if I could. Cry if you need to, I find that I almost always feel better after a good cry.

I'm sure I said it wrong.
But you're still a good person.

Great, now you're making me even more sad and angry. I honestly feel like I should just cry at this point.
