You are given the chance to name humanities first starship

You are given the chance to name humanities first starship

What do you name it?

Serious or comedic names are acceptable.

"Niggers are inferior"


HMS Ark Royal.

sit back and watch the Americans lose their collective shit at it...

You could call it the "Kinder Suprise" for the same effect


USS Enterprise

USS We Know De Wae


Smoke Pole

USS f*ckoffspaceniggerswe'refull

Click click click click click click click click click click click

No Niggers Allowed Onboard

Chek'd and seconded.

USS aliens r gay


James webb space scoper


Something like "Frontier" or "Venture" I suppose would make sense.
Of course, we know that's not going to happen and it will end up being named Starshippy McStarshipface


lil people transporter

I second Bebop

The "Earth is fucked please don't look back"

The trips have spoken.

Niggers, Muslims, and Indians
Sun or Bust

I like "Horizon"
Or can make it after an explorer

Shackleton, Balboa, Zheng He

Things like that

that ship is gonna crash into the moon