Hey Sup Forums, how does one fix an in-grown toenail? Gettin desperate here

Hey Sup Forums, how does one fix an in-grown toenail? Gettin desperate here

See a doctor.

Watch the newest video of "The Toe Bro" on Youtube

Or pliers and then doctor because you fucked it up, you god damn loser.

You go see a doctor. If you can't afford a doctor because you live in a 3rd world country then numb toe with ice and drink some booze. Get sharp scissor and cut the nail in half, remove the ingrown part with pliers.
Then die from infection.

Just get a sharp scissor and cut around the ingrown part. Then just take something and take it out

Dude, just cut it out with a steak knife.

An ingrown toenail can be very painful and leave you wanting to do anything for a bit of relief, in many cases even the weight of the bedsheets can be unbearable. An ingrown toenail is one where the edge or corner of your nail grows down and cuts into the adjacent skin of your toe, or where the width of your nail is too wide for the width of your nail bed, leading to your toe becoming red, swollen and tender (inflamed). If left untreated, the inflammation can spread to the rest of your toe and the area can become infected and may ooze pus. It may smell unpleasant.

You may inherit many factors that make you more likely to have an ingrown toenail. These genetic factors may affect the way you stand and the way you walk. You may also inherit a tendency for your toenails to curl in at the edges rather than to grow straight. Wearing tight shoes, socks or tights can damage your nails and encourage them to grow into your skin. Incorrect nail cutting and trauma to the nail are perhaps the most common causes of ingrowing nails. It is not uncommon for people to leave spikes of nail in the corner when cutting.


Prompt treatment by a podiatrist / chiropodist is recommended to minimise pain and this can often reduce the amount of treatment involved and also costs. Podiatrists are specialists of foot and ankle problems such as in-growing toe nails. Initially your podiatrist may cut, file, and dress the toe and give advice on prevention.

If your toenail does not improve, your podiatrist may be able to partially remove a section of your toenail with the aid of a local aesthetic to minimise discomfort and this may be sufficient to allow the ingrowing toenail to heal and the nail to grow back satisfactorily.

If the above treatment is unsuccessful or not deemed suitable for you due to the severity of your ingrown nail your podiatrist may recommend a minor surgical procedure in which a section or your entire toenail is permanently removed. This will be done by cutting the offending piece of nail out surgically, under local anaesthetic and using phenol (a chemical) to prevent regrowth.

>your entire toenail is permanently removed
Well that makes it sound a lot scarier than it actually is.

Don’t go to a fucking podiatrist to do shit you can do yourself ffs

1) soak your toenails in bath temp water until they’re soft

2)Get a file, file flat the top of the nail so the nail becomes bendy (your nail has curled too far into the sides of your toes, giving it flex at the top will allow the sides to uncurl). Don’t file through the nail unless you’re an idiot

3)Put some cuticle oil or lotion in the skin area

4) repeat oil and file new nail growth at the base of the nail until you’re a human again

Do this if you wanna fuck your feet up permanently

Post pic with time stamp. I wanna see

had it just some mounths ago for 2 1/2 years at that point. Had to be operated 3 times. It returned after the first operation when i ripped my nail. Had to be operated a second time but that time doc fucked up big. my toe-nail grew straight upwards (and still inwards to the site). have been operated a third time by an other (and better) doc. only half of my toe-nail is left but no in-growing or infections anymore (pic related)

Partial nail removal is most common unless it's so badly infected oozing blood n' shit

You can either completely rip it out (if it's extreme), gently pry the nail up and away from your toe, or cut away the excess nail and ensure that when it regrows, it doesn't curve back down.

operations were very painful especially the local anesthetic. they eventually proved rather useless during the third operation due to scared flesh (from the first two op´s) around the wound. So the op was quite painful in itself aswell. pic of my toe a few days after the third op

Cut extra dead skin off. File or cut nail square. Clean out and pus with peroxide and alcohol. Pack under nail with cotton packing soaked in triple antibiotic ointment in ingrown area to pull nail away from flesh. Repeat cleaning and repack twice daily. It may take a week or two to allow nail to grow out and stop impacting the side. Also applying a few drops of tea tree oil daily after bathing will prevent infection and and fungus. This will not be painless at first but as the nail grows out it will get better permanently. Also don't wear shoes when possible. Shoes are pretty unnatural.