Pick your favourite girl

Pick your favourite girl.

middle. but i suspect her glasses aren't real

is that from a retard convention or something?

It's from formal a few years ago in the photo booth.

Which girl do you like most?

middle down low, looks like a qt. any more? what is the correct answer?

The one you picked seems to be the most popular so far.

what the fuck, they're 14. you're probably 23 you gross loser. why do i come here. please permaban me mods.

oh no


Flamingo all the way


money's on denim havin a rockin hot body though, any takers?


how about instead of bumping, you post more pics of grey glasses girl

grey glasses girl kind of looks like a dude. Post more of the flamingo braces chick.


I only have limited pictures from the night. I'll post some of them after I hang out my washing.

flamingo chick literally looks mentally retarded, i guess you would be in similar company though

fuck OFF, she looks like a total hebe cutie

I like the one on the left even though she's a fatty.

hey man, if down syndrome is your thing, who am i to judge? just make sure you wrap it up, we don't want you two spawning next generation retard babies

no taste


Another picture from the same night.

Do you see, flamingo is obviously the only answer user


whats her problem?
