Make a decent living coaching/boosting league of legends...

Make a decent living coaching/boosting league of legends. This game is such cancer but people constantly pay money to look a certain rank I will never understand. Anyway, business inquiries or regular Q and A is cool. Tell me about you
>3 most played
>highest rank

Never played it or any other of the multitude of other identical games. But hey, whatever keeps the idiots entertained, right?

How much do you make in a year

True that my man. Amen.

Just from boosting like 22-25k? Last year was only 21 but the year before that 25.
I also do freelance information security consulting as like a grown up job lol

it's a fun way to waste an afternoon here and there with a few good friends. I've never played it ranked, wouldn't bother and quite frankly couldn't care less what rank i am or how the other players view me, plus Zoe and Annie are hot.
>play on OCE
>mostly top or sup
>rank 6 Nasus

>ezreal vayne lucian
>diamond 1 20-30 pts in season 4

>Jinx (110k), Vayne (92k), Lee Sin (76k)
That's my highest in mastery points. I only really play Vayne much anymore. I play a lot of Evelynn now and I'd say I'm not half bad with her.
I jump around a lot. I've always played bot, but I used to play a lot of Top and even some mid. Never really found a champion that stuck in those roles though.
>Silver 5
I've played this game off and on for 5 years and I still suck ass. I just don't get it. I'm not bothered much by it, but I do feel like I deserve to be higher (ended this season bronze 3).

How do you get out of ELO hell? I don't think I'm a fantastic player. Frankly I don't think I'm much better than maybe like Gold 5. I just always get placed so low.

In your opinion, what sets the good players from the bad players? What's the most important thing in order to climb?

I tried to play that game and its utter shit. what is the appeal to all the gooks?

world of warcraft sucks too but its a trillion times better than league


You can get to gold 5 just by understanding the game better. Focus on macro not micro. Play jungle and mid, high pressure champs. Know where the enemy jungler is. Tilting people is also really effective at this elo. Camp someone and BM them in all chat not enough to warrant a ban but def to tilt them. Anyone under plat 5 seems to be very emotional.

Team based niggotry mostly. They love it

i started watching this shit last year when i stopped working, its not bad but i got a couple questions a bout the proleague stuff

> why do the coaches leave the stage after the picks & bans? nearlyevery other esport the coach stays on the stage and ,y'know , coaches. whats up with that?
>how come it looks like the players are never communicating verbally during play?
> is it true you cant talk during a pause unless your team called it?
> where can i find sjokz' nudes?
> gif related is krepos dad right?
> does deficio know what sjokz' asshole tastes like?
> why is quikshot the only south african that dosent annoy me?
>why do i want to hatefuck froskurinn and then lick her feet?

>3 Most played



>Highest Rank
273 LP Master

Can't bring myself to play more than 1-2 matches now. Lost all motivation a few months back ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

A problem i run into is my team mates jsut no wanting to cooperate. I can only place so many wards and gank so many times. I'm not going to gank a losing lane, then that lane gets tilted at me. When I'm not doing so well, its harder to get my team mates to take my advice. "Hey ward more so you don't keep getting ganked". "No, you're 1/3 fuck you bronze scrub". Advice on this?

>support mostly but plays all roles
>never wanted to play comp but the only time I did placements got me Silver 5 despite losing 70% of the matches
> Nautilus, Warwick, Jhin

I have an account where I purchased the pre-order during l closed beta in 2009. Has some rare skins, Black Alistar, King Rammus, Rusty Blitzcrank, Judgement Kayle. I haven't played much in years.

Is it realistically possible to sell it online somewhere in a way that is safe?

Naut was 58K , WW 30k , Jhin 19k

Start boosting/help me boost

Yeah playerauctions is pretty good but the verification is a cunt. You could just sell it to me, or have me get it to gold rank and itd be worth 3x as much.

Used to boost back in the day but stopped when I lost motivation. I would honestly only boost in gigalow elo but that's not where the money is and I'd need a lot of incentive to play this game for more than an hour or two nowadays lol

You can charge 100 per division....


>Most played champs are fizz mid (220k), vi jg (39k), and sej top (20k) although ive only been play sej and fizz recently
>Highest rank is g4

I'm almost always winning lane but i can't transition my lead well especially when i play sej. Even though i have teleport i never really see any opportunities so should i take another spell instead of tele, and any tips to deal with shitty bots who straight int or feeders in general?

>Veigar viktor vel'koz
>Silver 3 because i don't really care about rabked and just play my 10 promos when i feel like

I registered at playerauctions. The site is fucking slow as shit for me. How much of a price increase do you think gold would be? At the suggestion of someone at blazingboost I played 10 games and got placed at silver 4.


I can answer a few.

>How come it looks like the players are never communicating verbally during play?

Cause if a team has decent chemistry they don't need to communicate as much without pings cause things are pretty basic for the early part of the game. Calling out enemy jungler is the most commonly communicated thing early-mid game.

>is it true you cant talk during a pause unless your team called it?
The pause thing is weird. From what I remember you can't speak during a pause at all except to speak about the pause reason to the ref. After a seriously long period of time both teams can speak freely.

> where can i find sjokz' nudes?
literally google sjokz nudes.

LoL is better than WoW. LoL has a skill based rank system. Wow is just..... Turning off brain and playing

>Cass, Azir, Elise
>unranked so far, its cancer

awesome , cheers Sup Forumsro

also whats a control ward?

New pink ward, reveals and disable wards, reveal camouflaged units and Noxious Trap stealthed traps.

immediately uninstall
>"this game is such cancer"

>Kayn, Kha, Zac
>JG (didnt have one before this season)
>Plat 5 100LP (been playing for 4 seasons and just now picked up ranked. also i think i started the season late.)


Hit d5 and havent played ranked since season 6 these new runes look intresting tho

Calm down wannabe trick2g or is that his retarded brother trock3j

>Nautilus (700k) Taric (250k) Leona (250k)
Been playing since season 1,but started to play seriously in s5, got to dia 2 with 60% winrate but couldn't play cuz of school (drunk all the time) naut main back then, Taric main nowdays. Played for university team (just in placements, didn't have time for practice) and won every single game there. I just can't find any motivation to play nowdays, university team call me back but there's lot of shit going on. Don't really have the will to deal with retarded community, re-downloaded wow a while ago and didn't play league since. I mean, it's not bad game, it just was a lot of stress in games lately... I think I'm more happy In wow even tho I'm not that good at it

I used to work for ace boost which is awfiul, banned 18 times and now im a washed up draven main
I would love to get back into boosting, but I can't find people who want to buy.
Any tips on finding idiots willing to pay or rank/coahcing?
>Draven, Draven, Draven
>Masters 107LP s6

Jungle EUW
Elise, graves, gragas.
High diamond.

Once had a team and a contract. I miss those times

>Thresh, Lulu, Nami
>Main Supp
>Diamond 3

tfw you boost theoddorange for free on his smurf and he adds you on his main so you can boost his main xd this was early s6 before assassin rework.

Jungle for 3 years but will often hop about other roles.
Plat 5 promo to plat 4 (got banned after I failed).
Been maining Gragas for 3 years bulding AP and got from silver to plat not hard stuck but I can't hold an account long enough to get higher ranks.

When and where can one start boosting for pay?

Why are Americans bad at league of legends?

Cos they cant defend towers

> Zac Sion Cho'gath
>That place with fun and games
> Am constantly silver

I used to have a screenshot me playing with phantoml0rd moments before disaster struck on his "chill day"