So what actually happened?

So what actually happened?

Saudis? He was selling to the feds, something went wrong, so the buyers killed him and shot up the concert? He was just crazy?

I only bring these points up because they're what I've heard from you guys, CNN and the rest are just saying his problem was he was rich, white, and loved guns.

None of that. He was a right wing fucknut and he killed people because he was a fucking right wing fucknut.

He was just crazy

So why'd he shoot up a bunch of right wingers then?

"Just" crazy, but is there no data on the motive or planning behind the attack? And if he did suddenly snap, there'd be some personal motive we'd know now

Remember. “We’re” not supposed to think about this anymore. “Oh, the sheeple will not think about it after the holidays/new year.” CIA, FBI.
It is possible that this was a disgruntled guy who lost a ton of money, and wanted to take out his anger on others. A lot of “holes” though.

Why did an illogical crazy person do something illogical and crazy? Hmm I wonder....

you should realize by now that the only motive some people require is to FSU and die famous.

found the CNN viewer

I shot up a concert once. Didn't cure my depression.

Exactly, it's no longer relevant to the current narrative, shit they're not even talking about banning guns anymore, it's all whatever stupid shit Trump said this week
So what led him to take out this anger? What history of violence did this dude have?

Okay, what about his past is illogical and crazy?
This is absolutely true, but has there been any evidence this is the case?

The media and the statements made by law enforcement agencies make no attempt to explain the absurd number of firearms in that hotel room. Why in the hell would someone who's trying to pull off a mass shooting of this sort risk the entire operation to repeatedly sneak bags of firearms into the hotel after having successfully smuggled enough in to carry out the shooting. It just doesn't add up. I don't have any evidence and I am not a conspiracy nut, but common sense tells me that he was probably selling the firearms to someone he shouldn't have. I think whoever showed up to purchase them was not who he was expecting/ was most likely more than one person (hence the two windows knocked out). Whoever these people were shot him in the head, fired into the crowd, and fled. Did the Clintons pay someone to do this to try and restrict gun rights? That's a stretch, but who knows. It's not like officials have provided anything besides a suspiciously dismissive "IDK".

that's a convenient way to dismiss the whole thing. Proof?
>protip there is none. No history of mental illness. I've personally known and worked with mental health cases. They are in and out of institutions/ hospitals their whole lives.

I’m going with the build up to snapping. I don’t know if an actual diagnosis of mental illness runs in his family, but the father, a convicted criminal, the brother, as shown in interviews, “wacky”.
Allegedly lost a lot of money gambling, whatever.
I’m not ruling out “other things” though. The Saudi prince theory is plausible.

>The media and the statements made by law enforcement agencies make no attempt to explain the absurd number of firearms in that hotel room.
This was explained on day one. The man was a republican. That's why he had 50 guns. QED. Case closed.

illogical would mean loading tubes of chapstick into his magazines instead of bullets and expecting it to fire. He was clearly competent and calculating.
>crazy person
again, the easiest way to write off something that's difficult to understand and uncomfortable to think about. Grow up and realize the scary reality that most mass killers - e.g. the guys who did 911 attacks, the columbine boys, most islamic terrorists in general - are not "crazy" (i.e. schizophrenic, bipolar, etc.). They are fully aware people like you and I who are driven for various reasons to do terrible things. We are all capable of the same things if we choose to go down that heinous path. The "good guys" and "crazy evil bad guys" perspective on humanity borrowed from your comic books just does not translate into real life

>I am not a conspiracy nut

gr8 b8 m8
>He stockpiled firearms in his hotel room because he is a republican
I['m a republican and I've never crammed a hotel room full of guns you fucking retard

Republican = massive arsenal of heavily regulated weapons coatings 10,000s-100,000s of dollars, and suddenly decides to blow away that whole life and the lives of others? I don't buy it

theres pictures of him wearing "im with her" shirts at anti trump rallys. he hated the right. thats why he shot up a redneck concert

He was a Libtard....voted Democraps every election

He was some sort of Manchurian Candidate.
He called room service for more snacks and instead heard a recording of random words that activated his programming.
He was the God-damned Winter Soldier.

I'll believe you as soon as you post proof

he thought it was gonna be a BVB concert, he just wanted andy sixx to sign all of his fancy guns with shit. But when BVB had to cancel because andy had the shits again, he did what any other person would have done..

Elaborate on the Prince theory, user. I'm curious

Who knows, the feds and Vegas police won't release anymore details so there isn't much we can say but shitty conspiracy theories