Ask the 8 ball anything

Ask the 8 ball anything
Get rolling faggots

Is she a cheating bitch?


But is she a lying bitch?

Should I fax today?

Will we ever get back together?

Will i have sex in my birthday?

Was she seeing her ex behind my back?

Is she currently dating him?

Gonna be a millionaire for believing shitposting on biz in a year.

Is OP a faggot?

Will I get the job I desire?


Does she have a penis?

How about now?

Does she like me

work ?


Will I finally have the courage to end it all?

Are niggers human?

Is she the one?

Reroll we

Are you telling the truth?

Jess and i, we are meant to be together?

So, we'll be together again in the future?

Can i trust in you now?

Will we enter into a relationship?

As a way to know.

Will I get to raw dog some qt this year?