Hillary would have won

Hillary would have won


Hitler would have too


U need help bruh


Look mah. We found thr snowflake

Look mah we found the 9gagger

So would Lenin, Trotsky, Pinochet, Ho Chi Minh, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Che Goobera, Kim Jong Un Kim Jong Il,

Won what? you mean that election that she fucking lost. Fucking retard

she won, with 5mio more votes than trump

They should have started you out shilling on something easier. You fell on your face on your first try.

Keep crying you little snowflake bitch


she lost, because the popular vote doesn't determine the winner. It is like you don't understand the rules or something.



Yeah maybe if she didn't betray the United States, defend rapists, let great American people to die in Libya, sell 1/4 of our Uranium to Russia.

Maybe then she WOULD have.

she lost because the system is hundreds of years old. not every vote is equal now.

You can't rage post and include a It's not even bait pic. You are nigger tier retarded.

>calls you out for spouting off retarded Sup Forums buzzwords
>responds with more Sup Forums buzzwords

>I lost at chess because if the rules were a different I would have won.
that is how you sound

she played the wrong game.


And this

tell it do donnie