Is America the ultimate cuck country? In America you need to be a millionaire to afford quality healthcare...

Is America the ultimate cuck country? In America you need to be a millionaire to afford quality healthcare. In America you run the risk of being gunned down every time you leave your home. In America, the Jews control most media. In America, you have next to nothing for a social safety net (lawd forbid you fall on hard times and have nothing to fall back on). In America the government cares more about the wellbeing of Israeli citizens than American citizens. America spends about half a trillion dollars on defense, and you know who benefits the most from that spending? Canada. Canada enjoys a quality of life that the average American can't even fathom. Canada gets to spend what would otherwise be spent on defense on social programs, healthcare, education, and general QOL enhancements. Israel is a welfare state that survives off of American funding and the kikes who live in America control the highest level of media and buy politicians to serve their interests with no care for the average American. Tuff average joe American labor apes brag about working 100 hours a week for their Jewish overlords and can't see how retarded they are due to generations of brainwashing. All America has going for them really is NASA and Silicon Valley. The majority of American innovation is indeed funded by Americans, but the brains behind it are in most cases people from other countries. What a miserable country.

I mean, well sure, but we can change. Meanwhile, you'll always be a faggot.

you forgot, pic related.
stay mad kid

Who the fuck let Nazbol gang in here?

How does it feel to be retarded?

This post is brought to you by Ivan, a worker in a russian media company. He produces about 500 posts like these in sovial media to drive a wedge between europe and america.

You're not wrong...



LOL AMERICANS...disgusting

Really though...makes you wonder what is wrong with that country for such a high percentage of their population to be morbidly obese whales.

ofc. america is the place where all the lowlife cucks went thropughout modern history. those people are the descendants of utter human garbage, not fit enough to compete in the civilized world. a bunch of people with an IQ above 85 realized they could exploit those degenerates for ez money and power and that´s what has been happening ever since.

It's hard to tell a Canadian from a really dumb white guy in a plaid wool jacket. Little is known of the interior of Canada since it's only visited by the queen of England and illiterate sports fishermen. It's rumored that Canadians keep French people as pets. If true, it's their only interesting feature.
Proper forms of address of a fellow Canadian:
Hey You

A joke to illustrate Canadian humor:

Little Johnny Fuckerfaster was underneath the porch, fooling around with neighbor Suzy, After a few minutes, it was getting pretty hot and crazy. Just then, Johnny's mother opened the door and yelled "Johnny! Johnny Fuckerfaster!"

Johnny called back "I'll be right there."

Yeah it is sad. You see Americucks on Sup Forums brag about working 80+ hours a week and they're too stupid to realize that their hard work makes their overlords wealthier and that their elected officials only care about money. The American government could not care less about actual Americans lol.

The Queen of England is the Canadian head of state. She is their monarch. This is a thing. They don't like to talk about it, but Canada has a queen. Elizabeth II. From England.

>cheap fatter garbage fast food vs more expensive healthier options

most Americans for for quick and cheap over quality since most are poor

I don't know. I better find a Canuck and ask it.

>I don't know. I better find a Canuck and ask it.
>better find a Canuck and ask it.
>ask it


No she isn't. She is a figurehead just like she is in the UK. Canadians pay no attention to le queen.

See? Told ya... total denial of this fact.

Why do you care how people choose to dress themselves or live their lives?

I thought Americans were all rich?? Kek

>In America you run the risk of being gunned down every time you leave your home.

Statistically, maybe.

I've lived in Chicago for almost 40 years. The nearly 3000 shootings and 650+ murders we had last year was an improvement over two years ago and a lot lower than the bad old days in the 90s. Even so, even spending almost four decades in a place with so much violence being so normal, I've only ever known three people who were shot. One was shot somewhere between Belgium, Luxembourg, and Germany, one was shot in Afghanistan, and one was shot here while he was working security at a bar in a notoriously bad neighborhood.

Violence in the US isn't evenly distributed.