Got sucker punched trips decides how i retaliate

Got sucker punched trips decides how i retaliate

suck her cock

If you have time to post you had time to fight back faggot

rolling for this


You already left bitch, it's done

Fucking this. If you retaliate now you'll just look like even more of a bitch. Shoulda curbed stomped the fucker who did it right then and there regardless of who was around. Sucker punching people is dangerous shit.

I bet you cried

20 bucks says overweight and hairy. Go back to your cave and learn how to fight. Then fucking learn to stay off the internet about it.

Rolling for you growing up or becoming a man. Whichever first.




Offer your anus to him.

If it's any consolation, it doesn't look like he hit you too hard. Did he hurt your feelings?

Rolling. Retaliate like the bitch you are

suck his dick

>suck her cock



Continue being a pussy who needs other people to think for themselves and whine about it on an anime image board.

Cry about it on Sup Forums

Cut your dick off and eat it


If trips, you must go home and cry yourself to sleep.



rolling for "Jerkstore!"

kill yourself, that show him


Castrate yourself


you look like a girl so just call the cops and tell them it was rape


I'd kill myself, I'm still trying

Take a tooth. I have a box full. Unique trophies and serve as a reminder for them.

rip their eye with your bare hands and post pics

why did someone punch you OP?


Burn house down

Buy him flowers, then call he punch a hate crime


Buy everyone a beer

Sharpie in pooper

Space dock

fuck their sister


im op and roll for this