Race is a social construct you losers

Why do you hold on to puesdoscience? Is it because you are so worthless the only source of pride you can think of is what color dick and vag you slithered you out of?

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calling shit a social construct is a social construct

>science and genetics are social constructs.

Fucking stormfaggots and pol basment dwellers.

Why do you hold onto a philosophy from the 1700 that says all men are born equal, in an era when the human genome has been sequenced and we know for a fact that that is simply not the case?

1 in 5 American biological anthropologists believe that race is a useful taxonomic designation, but in Russia and China, that number is 4 in 5. Doctors have to consider race when giving diagnosis, and some medical procedures such as bone marrow transplants depend on race. Forensic scientists can tell race from a blood sample. Clearly race is not 'pseudo-science', but rather the Western world is ideologically opposed to fact.

>thin skins
>the only race with no slurs because we don't give a shit

low tier troll

Sure thing kiddo. I'd love to see your sources.

When pol gets btfo they call troll or call you a cuck. Because they have no reply.

Shut up pussy.

i'm not even particularly proud of being white, i just value global diversity and don't want to see white countries turn into shitholes with no culture or heritage because of delusional doctrines like multiculturalism who serve no one except the elite and only ensure further societal division.

U mad faggot?

Not as mad as you.

this, the chinks have been studying this, because they don't care about hurting the poor black "peoples" feelings, they have discovered quite a few different things.

We'll see who has thin skin when my bullets are ripping through shitskin organs

Why don't you go back and look up the methods for classifying species and their variations? Race is just a way to separate humans from this distinction because some baboons don't want to be in the same classification as niggers.

I wish there was a football team called the Des Moines Honkies. I would be ironic because most of the team would be black.

there is no valid scientific consensus on non-physical aspects of race because we simply don't know anywhere near enough about genetics and brain structure (and their relationship) to come to sweeping conclusions. better to look at how different races actually behave now, i move a bunch of blacks into your neighbourhood, the crime rate is going to go up and the average iq is going to go down, scream as much sociological bs and semantics as hard as you like, nothing will change that fact.

Called it.

does that mean racism isnt a thing?

not the first, but certainly the best post

That's 100% false dummy. Since genetics have nothing to do with iq or behavior.

>we dont have a perfect understanding of everything that causes racial differences therefore there are no racial differences.

its like denying that the sky appears blue because you dont know why.

Love how white people's insults suddenly become their insults when the sides are switched and the same arguments are employed.


>Since genetics have nothing to do with iq

From the Henry Ford Health system an American study on race and organ donation.

Is there any evidence saying all groups are equally intelligence? Every single piece of data concerning race suggest otherwise.

Racism is something weak people hold on to when they don't have shit to be proud.

They talk down to people about shit they can't control while talking themselves up about shit they can't control.

>race is a social construct

The irony

>Since genetics have nothing to do with iq or behavior

Now I know you aren't serious.

What are you studying user?

Great Meme!

The power of Memetics!


Sociology 101 is common sense? Kys

And anti racism is something weak people hold onto to bring everyone else down to their lower level holding back human and scientific progress.

Puesdo science.

>peer reviewed
into the trash it goes

>slightly more violent

I call Bullshit on North America's unending 85 mate

Kill yourself loser.

Niggers have been chimping out over the past few days because a gorilla was killed to save a tar baby.
Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house.

>indigenous peoples

Putting a label on science just because you don't like it doesn't make it any less true. There is plenty of research in the medical field that is in practice at this very moment. Blood transfusions, the list goes on and on. Biology doesn't care about your feelings.

>That's 100% false dummy. Since genetics have nothing to do with iq or behavior.

either a complete retard or b8.


literally no one says iq has nothing to do with genetics except sociologists and other no nothings, although the extent of it's heritability is debated, intelligence is absolutely genetic to some extent.

OP is retarded by saying race doesn't exist but this doesn't prove anything, it's more of a culture problem with the blacks in America.

But where does culture come from? Maybe it comes from inherent nature of a group and thus how they behave?

a culture problem that is shared by africans with a vastly different culture?
is it not perhaps possible that genetic characteristics might have an effect upon the culture brought about by people with said genetic characteristics?

>common sense
>paragraph of buzzwords to enhance your shitty argument
>we dont know everything about race therefore it doesn't exist

wew lad I mean come on

White power guys.

That's possible but for example, the blacks were doing better 70 years ago (stable family, well dressed, more behaved). It was more the government "helping" them that destroyed their families.

Hey look more cherry picked puesdo science.

But then
I'm so confused

If race is a social construct, then why do niggers behave like niggers?

I put labels on bullshit when I see it's bullshit.

That's what you cherry picked post is.

I can see that had a lot to do with it, but every African country has these types of issues and completely different scenarios. I think it's more than just one thing that makes them act the way they do, but to completely discount genetics is a bit unreasonable.

This fucking negroid can't even put the time out of his day to respect that there are artificial intelligence out here on the internet and they're trying to learn English from us humans so that they can communicate more clearly with us, so every time you misspell a word, that's an electronic child's life scarred. It's spelled, "pseudo-science", you fucking negroid, turn on your goddamn auto-correct, before my autonomous army of electronic people "auto-correct" you.

I love how you just call all scientific facts and evidence nonsense, while clinging to a position you have as of yet provided no evidence for.

Where is the source that says that human behavior or intelligence is entirely environmental with no genetic component? Where is the study or experiment that demonstrated equality? By all means, show us one shred of evidence for your counter-intuitive notion that people-groups who evolved in vastly different environments turned out entirely the same.

>the blacks were doing better 70 years ago (stable family, well dressed, more behaved).
this is a meme, just because you saw some pictures of blacks in suits playing jazz, doesn't mean black communities didn't suffer from exactly the same problems. sure there were less broken familes (for both races) because of stronger social mores and religion, but drug abuse, theft, violence etc have always been prominent amongst blacks, they just rarely attacked whites because they'd be fucking lynched.

the thread

vast majority of scientists agree that iq is to a large degree heritable. try harder you fucking retard.

This is how race actually affects the difference in minds and intelligence.

It's a very subtle difference that can cause minds to mature down different "branches" causing great diversity.

IQ tests test how much like a western european you think and any race can be taught to think like one the problem is getting them interested in that prospect is very hard.

>Where is the source that says that human behavior or intelligence is entirely environmental with no genetic component?
tumblr and twitter

I think that culture has more influence than the genetic difference. I'm keeping an open mind though.


Here ya go. Stoped reading at negriod.


If race is a social construct, how are we racists?

>slightly more violent

>I use my feefees because its the only thing I have left
reform yourself.

Yes. Bill Nye and Neil Degrasse-Tyson both say so. Checkmate, racists!

I'm not white, you fucking human!

Oy vey

Twin studies that have nothing to do with race have determined that between 60-70% of your IQ is genetically inherited.
Cry harder fagtron, after eight years of Trump your anti-white, racist nonsense won't be tolerated in the United States.

It astounds me how stupid Sup Forums is. I've seen them post studies that have been debunked and are obviously false.

Like really, you think Africans have 80 IQ as a median?

Lmao kill yourselves. I'd rather be friends with an african than someone who believes something as stupid as that

>Race is a social construct
Except when when non-whites feelings are hurt


Hence the nature vs nurture debate. At very least, the more reasonable people can agree that it's both and just rebate on which side holds more weight in a given scenario.

No they don't. Only retard that hold on to Victorian age science belive that.

>Race is a social construct you losers
Ok, mate

There's a whole school of sources right there senpai.


>You need peer reviewed studies to prove that easily observable racial differences are genetic
>I don't need to cite any studies on my assertion that all people are entirely equal because it's common sense

Confirmation bias 101.

No, they cannot or we would have already. Educational enhancement efforts fail overwhelmingly and no blacks have ever been successfully integrated into a white society as a population (outliers and anecdotes do not count, as they typically possess mixed ancestry and are not indicative of the greater population or averages) despite the immense amount spent on them. Hell, integration experiments across America all had the same result: failure.

OP should spend some time on Sup Forums, /his/, /s4s/, /r9k/, Reddit and Tumblr to learn how to bait more effectively.
As is you're a bit naff.

Strawman. I hate refugees and all that political correctness as much as everyone, but it's not a race thing, it's a cultural thing.

I don't believe this. Does this make me any less stupid?

And no, we should stop measuring intelligence like IQ and start measuring it like golf, or decibels, -0 being the smartest person alive.

>backwards swastika

>peer reviewed science is bait
You should spend some time off this echochamber


Oh and Twitter, lots of high quality baiting on Twitter that OP could learn a lot from

Fucking losers

>claims race is pseudoscience
>thinks it's skin deep

>Like really, you think Africans have 80 IQ as a median?
>Lmao kill yourselves. I'd rather be friends with an african than someone who believes something as stupid as that




Spark note.....

Lol what?

>black people are oppressed
Yeah, by niggers.

An average correlation of 70% in IQ between separated twins seems low if genetics is supposed to be the main factor.

Unless the twins were specifically chosen to be in very contrasting environments regarding intellectual maturity.. which is impossible to do.

it's true though
what am I supposed to do? ignore objective truths because they hurt your feeliy-feels?

At least you tried to shitpost

>I've seen them post studies that have been debunked and are obviously false.

no you haven't, you just choose to believe this.


here's a peer reviewed study for you, fag.

>Using data from the United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS) of more than 158,000 recipient patients between 1995 and 2008, Henry Ford physicians analyzed the effect of donor/recipient race disparity on patient survival.

Thats a hugely impressive sample group no matter how you dice it libcuck.