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France, great job you have there fencing off the Eiffel Towel. Hahahahah. What a bunch of suckers you are.


Trips indeed


It is a nice one and to help with ours but you fucked up and sucked up to islamics. You have places in Paris that your own cops wont go. Explain yourselfs?

I think we paid off our debts but that's not all of it. Sucking up to islamics wont help you.


>Répondre à ce genre d’âneries, je sais
I'd love to know exactly which parts of Paris the cops won't go to. I go there on a monthly basis, and I want to explore these fascinating areas of imaginary sharia law.

You spelled it wrong ! Its Franceistan


Shall I continue?


Yes, continue filthy peasant.

Fuck you, I'm not a filthy peasant because you want your home to be taken over by islamics.
Get the fuck over yourself you fucking freak.

It's the Caliphate of Al-Frankiah

So, guys, I've been studying french for the last 3-4~ years so I can go to a frenc uni
Any frenchfags here? If so,
How do you write the word "businessman" in frech? I just won't trust google translate, thanks :)

>implying anyone except far left cucks accept that

Interesting, filthy peasant


You rage user ?
Please do not leave homework, your immature behavior appeals to me.

Yeah right.

Somehow I think that you're full of shit.

Homme d'affaires ?

So, some muslims had a protest in the banlieue. That's great. That being said, I'm pretty sure there are cops in the banlieue - in fact, the police station of Clichy, the area in your article, is at 96 rue Martre, in a relatively decent building for the area.
So yeah, do go on, let's try the next zone with sharia law and no police presence.

Thanks ma

I'm the type that scares you, I don't care about the so called left or the so called right. They don't mean anything to me.

Deal with it.

Bataclan lol

xd mdr lol ptdr
j'te parie que tu passes ta journée à discuter de conneries avec des kheys

As long as they keep that to they're own nations and those who want to be in there, I really don't care about their savargy.
They can fuck off all they want.
Why don't you explain to me, why they should fuck on my nations?
And don't be a dumbass.

So much power

We know what it means and dont want to misuse it. We never wanted to use it.

Have your jimmies be unrustled like camel in oasis, brother. May Allah's peace be upon you.

It was meant to be in a constructive way, not a destructive way, but that wasn't possible at tha times. I suggest look up history.

Don't derail this, we're talking about the no-go zones story, and you're failing to come up with any areas in which this is actually true. Admit what you believed was false and we can work from there - or prove me wrong.

May Jesus look lightly upon your sins.


US info is always very accurate

Give me specifics?

>You have places in Paris that your own cops wont go.
You defined the conditions, now go frantically looking up articles.

allah akbar

Sometimes I have to relate this
... This is actuals islamic stuff

Is that real


That's stupid, if they can't obey by the rules of the host county, France in that instance maybe they shouldn't be there.

Are. There. Zones. Without. Police. Presence. In. Paris.
The debate will not advance past this point unless one of us admits they're wrong.

Lol wtf are you trying to say with that?
Yes there are, frenchfag here, anything else?

No. It's like sometimes natives belong to some places instead to EU fags like Merkel and her guilty social agenda do not belong.

And I thought Alsace wasn't german anymore, well CNN proves me wrong

It's pretty funny that people like Merkel who have a WW II guilt want to bring in people but never want them living them right to them. Unless of course they have armed guardes next to them which of course they don't want other's to have.

>Yes there are, frenchfag here, anything else?
Ah ouais? Lesquelles? J'ai comme le sentiment que - en tant que visiteur régulier de Paris - tu me couilles.
This is still not answering the question. Please, find zones with no police presence in Paris.

Frenchfag here, moved from Toulouse to Hendaye ...Good place, at 5 minutes of Spainshit ...Also not an expensive place.

Canadianfag spotted, tg please.

Be precise in your question, because I really didn't see a question there. All I saw some bullshit excuse for you to allow islamics into your citizes and make them no go zones for your own police. Do explain to me. I'd really like to hear it.

This is what you people get for beliveing in the "religion of peace."


T'as vu ton site? Enfin peu importe. J'ai du mal à discuter avec ton genre, quand on a des références comme ça c'est souvent beaucoup d'âneries qui tournent autour du pot plutôt que du débat de fond.
"Are there any zones in Paris in which the police don't go? If so, which?" I can't believe how many times I've asked this now.
Obviously the debate about islam can continue, but only after you've answered this one question.

There is no debate, you've given up parts of your own city to islamics and gypsics. Why else would you have fenced off the Eiffel tower?

What's next, niggers?

Which parts of Paris have been given up?

We didn't get 2 emblematic towers fucked up by a few arabs with cutterboxes :)

Also enjoy your mass shootings you degenerate peasant

None, stop watching tv


Oh holy shit, so are we going to finally agree on this? As in, is this an admission that what you believed/told me was completely false? Great, we can move on from this point.

As I asked, Why did you fence off the Eiffel Tower?

I Surrender.......

I don't understand what your point is.
please explain.

France is protecting what's arguably it's most iconic monument, during a time of great, relatively unfounded fear of terrorist attacks. I don't agree either, but mostly because security theatre is laughable.

Yeah just your society and people get fucked over niggers from Africa tainting your precious white people.

I know sir. I was making a point.
I would protect it myself if it were up to me.

It is a nice one indeed.

Great for you.
Paris is an entirely free city, every zone is patrolled and you won't get blown up, shot or stabbed while you're there.
Next time any of you faggots decide to debate this kind of shit, try to not pick the most retarded, unprovable points to argue, because it makes you look stupid.

It's not info, it's fake-news-CNN®

That's kind of the point isn't it? It's so free that islamics control certiain areas. Fucking' a, I can walk around in any part of NYC with my old mom and nobody will mess with me. Can you can that in your islamic halal shithole?

Please don't fuck with me, you will lose.

aussi merdique que le dimanche


is this an accurate depiction of france

It's even worse, the French warned Khadaffi when we could have prevented a lot of bullshit.

But that's the French.

Please you French fucks, debate me.
We had an SR-71 orbiting over lybia and targetting khadaffi back in the 1980's, our Britbros let us use their airspace.

The sr-71 was so fast that it didn't matter to tell the idiot french, our folk were going to take that faggot khadaffi out but the standard jets were too slow so had to ask france for permission to fly over their airspace.

The faggot french were so worried about sucking up to their islamic overlords and their payoffs from khadaffi that they said no.

Not only did they say no, but they warned khadaffi to keep their payoffs.


We nailed one of his kids though. Tertiary targets and such.

Instead of hitting them head on and dealing with the problem we had to fly around the peninsula there then go in while france warned them.

What a bunch of assholes.

Redneck spotted

Putain mais parlez français bande de victimes. D'où vous vous abaissez à la langue de Shakespeare sur un thread Français ?!

Why do you consider me to be a redneck when that is accurate history?

So what you're saying is that if one doesn't suckup to islamic bullshit then I'm a redneck? OK I'm an American redceck. What the fuck are you gonna do about it?

You're gonna shut up and gonna do nothing about it.

Oh no i don't care really, i'm just here to spice things up a little.

You cared enough to comment.

I live in Paris, the most beautiful city in the world. This is what i see when i look outside. This is amazing !
(Sorry for my english, i'm french)

That's cool, most of us don't get much better in NYC. Cheers friend.


You don’t think having a pairs of soldiers every twenty metres or so at Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower is indicative of a problem?

combien tu paye pour ta cellule ?

Fuck France piece of shit backwards country.

Free Catalonia Nord! Free French Basque Country!

I know nothing about this, but isn't that Spain?

Awful place, Francenistan!

Like you’ve ever been out of your parent’s basement.

Aweful place?

on dirait la pute seclin

>the most beautiful city in the world.
This faggot is so delusional it's hilarious. Everyone hates France.

670€, c'est un 20m2 dans le 15ème. C'est un peu cher mais on se sent PARISIEN :)