I'm gonna tell a story about the craziest motherfucker I've ever met. Buckle up faggots

I'm gonna tell a story about the craziest motherfucker I've ever met. Buckle up faggots.
>Be me
>Have a cousin named Stephan
>Stephan has a half brother named Vincent
>when I was younger Vincent would always fuck with me
>simple shit though
>for example he would have me play mw2 and shit and I would have no clue what I'm doing
>He would laugh his ass off
>Other times he would lock me in a dark room or something
>just simple shit to scare or fuck with young kids (I was like 5-8 at the time)
>Vincent would always be getting in trouble with my uncle Doug (Stephans dad) and his Mother Angela (my uncle doug's ex fiance)
>Vincent loved to smoke him some weed and drink and shit
>there were plenty of times I would be over my uncle Doug's house to chill with Stephan and Vincent would either be getting yelled at because he did some dumb shit or he wasn't there because he was in juvy or partying or some shit
>Uncle Doug and Angela break up and now they have split custody over Stephan
>the broke up though because my uncle Doug couldn't fucking stand vincent
>Vincent had extreme rage issues and could lash out and be really violent at times
>He honestly really was a handful
>anyway Vincent did some dumb shit to get locked up in Juvy for 5 years and the got probation for 3 years afterwards
>Fast forward 3 years and he's allowed to go home every now and then for a couple days (NJ laws make no fucking sense)
>In 2015 Angela was dating this black guy named Darnell
>Honestly I thought he was pretty cool but my Grandma is pretty racist so whenever she saw my uncle Doug she would talk about Angela dating a nigger
>The same year in 2015 I go to Angela's house in the pine barens for Stephan's birthday party
>Vincent and uncle Doug and all were there
>Everyones just chilling I'm talking to Vincent because even though he fucked with me a lot I always thought he was cool
>he was 19 at the time
>fast forward a couple hours and my Grandma and Uncle Doug leave
>I Decided to sleep over

For fucks sake I hope this is pre-typed

Finish greentext pls

op here
>Anyway Vincents just chilling playing Xbox and shit Stephans fucking passed out
>Vincent goes out back for a smoke we're talking n shit
>Then he said some shit that chilled me to the bone
"user I'm gonna escape tonight"
>on it's own that isn't scary
>but you have to remember that he isn't supposed to go anywhere as he's only out of juvy for a day or 2 before he goes back
"Vincent no! you're almost done just stay!"
>Like I said he's fucking nuts and would probably kill someone if he had no supervision
>anyway I'm spooked and shit
"Just kidding user calm down"
>go back inside after he's done with his smoke and shit
>he plays some more Xbox but I just go to sleep
>wake up in the morning he's still there thank fuck but somethings not right about him
>He had a massive cut on his palm
>walk into living room
>there's a fucking pentagram drawn in blood
I'll pass
>I freak the fuck out and wake up Angela and Darnell
>they both scream at him
>my mom came and got me pretty soon after and from what I've heard he got put back in juvy early cuz Angela called the cops
>Fast forward another year
>Vincent gets out of Juvy
>Angela get's pregnant with Darnell's kid
>she has a miscarriage
>whole family is sad n shit
>Darnell though is pissed and treats her like its her fault
>from this point on Darnell starts abusing Angela
>Vincent catches on
>Darnell is put into a coma for 3 weeks because Vincent beat the living fuck out of him with his bare hands
>Vincents only 5'6 but he's super fucking strong and good at fighting
>no charges are pressed because then the cops would know about Darnell's abuse
>whole family starts praising vincent
>Angela and Darnell break up and then she moves into an apartment somewhere else in NJ
I honestly forget exactly where it is
>Anyway Stephan's Birthday party is on election day 2016
>I had grown a lot since Vincent had seen me last
>he was happy to see me and it looked like he had cleaned up a lot

Woah u can beat someone up for being abusive...thought when its on the spot

Terrible story OP. You should probably stop now...

You don't have to be in this thread, user. Finish your story OP. I want to know what happens

op here
>Vincent seemed to be into Spiritual shit a lot now
>vibrations of the universe and all that shit
>at the time I had a meth head uncle that had taught me a lot about all of it so i was pretty chill talking about it with him
>Anyway Vincent seemed chill to me at the time because i was also crazy because of my uncle but to everyone else he seemed nuts
>looking back on it he was
>couple hours pass party ends and we exchange numbers and I leave
>about 8 months pass
>Vincent randomly texts me at the end of the summer of 2017
>asks if I wanna chill
>I say yeah and we get down to talking
>I learn that he now lives with his grandmother next town over
>Mom drives me over to his house
>I walk in and go up the stairs
>Hear metal from under his bedroom door
>I walk in and him and his friend Kev are fucking staring at me smiling
>Big ass unnatural smile
>It really scared the shit out of me and my first thought was to run because I honestly thought he was just gonna kill me or some shit
>Turns out he was just high af
*relief* kinda
>we get down to talking and asks me if I have ever smoked before
>I hadn't but I was looking to try it at the time
>I smoke a bowl and to this day it is the best weed I have ever smoked
>thats becuases It was off of the fucking deep web
>found that out later
>anyway his grandma came home and asked how I got here
>tell her that my mom dropped me off
>she says its chill
>anyway I made some coffee and we went for a walk
>but I was fucking terrified this entire time Vincent was being a dick to me and threatening to kill me and hurt me and shit
*have flashback to Darnell*
*even more fear*
>anyway he keeps telling me I'm being a dick and I'm ruining his vibe
>I'm literally not even looking at him or speaking to him and he's still yelling at me
>anyway a couple awful hours pass and my Mom picks me up
>tell her we just played video games n shit
>week passes and despite my awful experience last time i go back for more weed

op here
>This time was more chill even because it was just Vincent and I
>he rolled a blunt and we smoked like the entire thing
>for my second time smoking I think you can imagine that an entire fucking blunt of deepweb weed will fuck you up
>Fucked up I was
>really happy and shit and start skipping to the kitchen for food
>didn't know but his Grandma came home
>she legit caught me in the middle of skipping while laughing with my eyes redder then satans dick
>I looked fucking eviscerated
>she asks me what I'm doing here
>tell her I'm just chilling with Vincent
>She caught wind that I was high because she lectured me about how he does shit i should never touch or do in my life
(Vincent is 21 now)
>freak out and go upstairs to get my shit and leave before she can directly be 100% sure I'm high af
>My mom picks me up and Vincent's Grandma talks to my mom out in the car about how it was different when we were both kids but now Vincent's 21 and I'm 15
>anyway I go home spooked af but it's because my cousin Kamryn was there to keep me calm (she smokes much more then I do)
>that whole scenario ends but my friends now want weed after me telling them about my experience
>anyway we spend like a fucking month trying to find a good dealer and shit
>suddenly Vincent returns
>except now he chills at my house
>my mom is never home because she has to work so much but since we started chilling at my house my life has pretty much become get atleast a C in my classes play video games waste time on Sup Forums and smoke weed
>but Here comes the craziest shit Vincent has ever done boys

You are defending a 15 year old, from NJ of all places, for telling a story spanning 5 years in which absolutely nothing happens?

op here
>One day I'm chilling with Vincent and we're smoking n shit
>we were sitting in my backyard on a chilly November day
"user I'm gonna fucking kill myself"
>I just thought he was fucking with me as usual
>no no no no no no
>I was wrong
"Bro don't joke about that shit I couldn't imagine what I would do without you"
>He gets up and starts walking into my house
>I call out to him but he ignores me
>I go in and straight up see him fucking tearing up his wrist with a knife
my kitchen knife
in my house
where he isn't supposed to be
>there are no words between us I just straight tackle him and get the knife out of his hand
>he went down without a fight and I'm freaking out and shit and there blood every
>he suddenly comes to his senses and starts running to the bathroom
>he gets in my bathtub and starts running water on his wrist
>luckily he didn't cut that deep but there were a lot of cuts
>he told me to go heat up a knife on the stove
>I'm still freaking the fuck out but listen anyway
>I run into the kitchen and notice how much blood there really is
There is a lot boys
>I ignore it and grab the same knife he used to cut up his arm I wash it with water real quick to get the blood off
>I go over the the stove and start heating it up still not knowing exactly why
>I call out to him and ask him how long i need to heat it
>he said hold it there for like 2 minutes and so i did
>when i went back to the bathroom the bathtub had plenty of blood in it and Vincent really wasn't looking good
>I really start freaking out and wonder what will happen if he dies and my family finds out I've been hanging out with him
>This metal motherfucker straight cauterizes his entire fucking arm
The screams guys
The screams
holy shit
>the bleeding mostly stops but he's in immense pain and he passes out
>I thought he died but I was smart enough to feel for a pulse before I did anything
>after that I took alcohal and poured all over

op here
>so my house if fucking covered in blood but long story short vincent woke up a couple hours later and was super weak he ended up having a friend drive him to the hospital and I cleaned up my house and I haven't seen or heard anything about him since
Moral of the story
Don't hang out with fucking crazy people for any reason this was honestly one of the scariest experiences I've ever had and It keeps me up at night to this day


op here
I forgot to mention Vincent has done every fucking drug under the sun like everything from weed to Heroine
He was a crack head for like a year and even shot up meth once
>Don't do drugs kids

op is a judgemental faggot
kys nigger

so often did you blow Vincent for the "deepweb" weed you faggot?

Op here
for you fags who are still in this thread I just checked Vincents Facebook
hes not dead he's actually fine
I'm gonna contact him I'll get back to you with how that goes

this was a terrible story
it was bad and you should feel bad

im sry urgay

Op here
Vincent has messaged me back on FB and we've agreed to meet up latter for anal sex and to smoke some more dark web weed.
He said he would bring his anal beads if I promise not to tell my mum this time.
I told him I wouldn't.

Op here
dubs decides how many of the anal beads Vincent puts in my bum hole?
I'll smoke dark web weed whilst he pulls them out

so this crazy guy knows about Sup Forums and could read this? smart.

op here
i'm gonna put 00 anal beads up my ass hole

>>Darnell though is pissed and treats her like its her fault

That's what happens when you date a Nigger though. Your aunt is a Whore and that's why Vincent is probably fucked up like he is.

No shit Sherlock...

OP here
I just pooped on my bedroom floor
Mom's gonna freak

op here
please help?
I just tried to wipe the poop up but I just smudged it into my carpet

muricans are fucking vermin if they're not trying to kill others, they're trying to kill themselves. All you get are guns, violence, mass killings, cops killing people, war's, weapons, presidents who think it's great bombing fuck out of countries and threatening countries with nuclear annihilation. Killing thousands upon thousands of women and children. Making lists up of people in foreign countries and using drones to blow these people up and anyone near them.
Fucking absolute vermin just fuck off and kys the whole world will be much better off without you fucking homicidal retarded cunts

Nobody's even Murican?
Fuck off copy pasta fag.