Oh America, how did you let it get to this?

Oh America, how did you let it get to this?




back to Sup Forums Vlad.

Like an actual communist wouldn’t put her up against a wall for engaging in bourgois practices like dying your hair weird colors.

This makes me think of the clever ad "fat and ugly? go to the gym and just be ugly".

"Woman and ugly? Become a feminist and blame the world for it"

Thanks to today's liberals Hitler had the last laugh

primarily women's suffrage
the rest of the world is in a similar position though

this made me laugh, oc?

this thread again?

Your grandfather who died on a Normandy beach on d-day is rolling in his grave because you voted for a nazi sympathizer.

I'd wreck that boi poocee.

Pussy was liberals that die their hair weird colors and rant about white privilege are as annoying/retarded as conservatives that vote against their best interest and blame everything on non-whites

Pic in OP is just as degenerate as your typical alt-rightist

*pussy ass

Oh America, how did you let it get to this?


Nigger, it's always been like this.
Just because the internet and TV throw all the nutjobs in your face doesn't mean the world is full of nutjobs, you're just easily mislead to think that.

there are 400 million people in this country. All of the people you have seen on TV, the internet, and have personally met account for about 0.001% of the population.

Stop letting talking heads feed you opinions.
Reality is just one off switch away.



I wish I knew