Discuss Trump

Discuss Trump.

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Enough said!

so you agree with his statement that we shouldnt let in people from shithole countries?

Nothing to discuss. He's what happens when white trash gets money. His followers are nothing but white trash. Fuck them all.

Well ive always hated the mainstream media for lying and taking things out of context. Especially when theyre the number one source were supposed to rely on to provide news about basically everything. Their constant negative bias towards our president concerning insults he made while there are clearly bigger problems for them to worry about really puts the question in my head

"what's the mainstream media hate so much about trump anyways?"

What they hate about him is not anything they're talking about. Whoever is controlling the mainstream media hates donald trump because he is beating them badly at something they cannot mention so they bring up things like race or gender or immigration to get everyone to hate trump so they can win.

Also the man is funny as hell and until Donald our presidents have always left me hanging when I feel like laughing at politics.


Nigger alert


You mean Obama II?

What's there to not agree? These countries are shitholes for a reason, people are that reason.

cut that blog post down by half and it would be a nice post.

but i agree with you. he is an outsider and is wrecking the political class in washington d.c. they are hurting.

True to the white trash you are.


i agree completely. i voted for him, in wyoming. like 72% of voters in wyoming voted for him. i voted for him because im tired of political correctness standing in the way of reality.

You think you matter. You think you have value. You don't. You're white trash.

Google this. It's not a joke.

And that makes them different from Democrats how exactly?

Voted for him. I make 200k a year. Educated. Not racist. I think he's a blowhard and an ego maniac but I hated the other choice even more. I wanted DC to burn. Get the marshmallows

You are white trash.

Just as bad as the other non-healthcare having honkys out in the cuntriside

Democrats didn't vote to blow up a fictional location in a poll on the internet thinking that it was real. Did you really need me to explain that to you?

Fat man-child

Also. I hate all the PC pussies these days. He says what's on his mind, however idiotic it is, and I can respect that. Those countries are shitholes BTW!

Dead topic, sooner than you think.

He's the most misunderstood guy of our times.

I'm a Mexican American living in Hancock Park in Los Angeles. What the fuck are you?

If you say so, snowflake.

And you are white trash.

Only because Trumptards can't defend their Godking as well as they can in their imagination


You're nigger trash.

Oh, you think you matter. How cute. You're white trash. You don't matter.

He happens when stupid white people get conned into voting for him thinking Millionaires CARE about them.

Voters are just a way to get THEIR people elected. Rich and powerful people.

how come noone sniped him yet?

Yeah no shit. Try explaining that to a trump hater. Dumbasses dont even see the negative part of a career politicians becoming president.

I'm pretty sure it's bullshit, but where does that meme come from? Sauce?

I think his motives are cl;ear as day: fight for rich people

Real American Hero.

if he had to earn a living by himself starting with nothing , he'd be a homeless alcoholic who probably votes for republicans.

If you mattered, people might listen to you. You don't. They don't. You're nothing but white trash.

Because the secret service has it down to a science now. When was the last time you heard about a serious attempt on any presidents life?

Killary bot detected.

Hundreds of you, if not thousands could be arrested for refusing to support his policy.

Liberal "activism" is among the cringiest things I've seen

>Public Policy Polling
Google is your friend

>Just as bad as the other non-healthcare having honkys out in the cuntriside
> Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)22:55:06 No.756894512
Oh yeah, 20% of Democrats wanted to bomb it too, so considering how polls are fake, it is pretty equal.

How original. Being white trash. Does it hurt much?

it has that effect on white trash.

stay mad

so mad

Certainly beats being a nigger.

>if "shill" was plastered on the clintons house youd think it was the top kekkiest thing youve ever seen and would be talking about it until the day you die

so many Russian bots in here

I'd say stay white trash, but you have no choice.

>trying, and failing, this hard
Learn to reply before you try trolling

Yes, let's discuss Trump shall we?

1. Failed to repeal Obamacare
2. Tried to ban "All Muslim Travel"
and failed
3. Passed a bunch of tax cuts for
the richest people in the US.
4. Obstructed justice in the
Russian Investigation
5. Is profiting off the Presidency
with business interests in
countries which sponsor terror.
sponsor terror

There's a nigger in this thread. Someone call the police. Or the zoo.

>muh CNN
>muh liberal tropes
Fucking A. Don't you shills come up with anything different?


Shit happens, don't be triggered.

Yes, that is the refrain of white trash. It's not true but well, then white trash would have to realize they're the lowest. Sorry white trash.

>dont like the results of something
>"oh yea well its just fake"
>provides no sources
>thinks argument is won

Holy hell the uneducated are coming out of the alleys in swarms now that Trump is president

Under Trump, this country will be eating insects in 5 years.

I didn't vote for Trump. I don't particularly like him, I think he's just too immature and ridiculous to ever be presidential.


I think that the mainstream media does give him too much grief, and don't pay attention to his positives.
Great economy, unemployment is going down, he's actually willing to work across the aisle to solve the DACA problem.
We don't have enough reasonable, moderate people these days. You fags on the far right are part of the problem, as are the far leftists. Be more moderate.

Yeah. So what? You posted it. Now prove it.

Is that good or bad?

It that anyway to treat your betters?

Well, white countries are generally not shitholes.

>2 of 10 Democrats are ignorant
>4 of 10 Trumptards are ignorant
So by your math you're twice as ignorant as everyone who says Trump is a bad for America


i dont think highly of him as a human being and i think he's too inexperienced to be an effective statesman, but DAMN. watching all those liberals get triggered on election day makes all this trump fall out sorta kinda worth it.

Most of them wouldn't take white trash like you.

Trump let the Chinese steer the future. wsj.com/articles/with-u-s-aid-cut-pakistan-drifts-closer-to-china-1515580200

But could we get huge percentages of them with equally stupid but liberal-flavored things such as "Should we allow in refuges from Agrabah"?


nigger virgin detected

>Public Policy Polling
OMG!!! That's from public policy polling. Where they survey like 800 people and come up with conclusions for the entire nation. Weak sauce.

6. Is the God-Emperor that will rule over mankind for thousands of years to come.

Checkmate Leninist.

Idiocracy come true ! Corrupt racist criminal who regularly rips off working men and small business's who provide work for his shady casino empire backed by Russian mob money.

Suggestions for next pres include Oprah and the Rock. FFS you went through wars of independence and civil war for this bunch of shit. All that sugary shit, wank chocolate and mega sized slop has rotted your brains (well 25% of you anyway)

If bugs are your only food source? You think that's good?

I just provided you with the source, retard. Public Policy Polling is the name of the organization that conducted the poll.

Less than 30 seconds of Google keeps you from looking like a drooling Trumptard

7777. Your a fag

The great white trash fantasy. Thinking liberals care what white trash thinks. They don't.

Sure, if you create the poll. That was the only Agrobah related question

I thought it was a new delicacy that's better for the environment than beef. My bad.

41% of what? 5 people?

OK then you start eating bugs. Stream it.

>Great economy, unemployment is going down

I agree. Thank God we're seeing the effects of Obama-era economic policies. Shame Trump is gonna plummet us back down to make the next Dem in office have to clean it up though.

Broccoli is more accurately named as calabrese

It's hard to, since you're so stupid and stubborn.

White trash fantasies. Nigger dick. You seem to have a particularly bad case.

Anyone who says white trash is a fucking racist nigger.

>let me just dismiss this evidence with my opinion
Weird how you're just typing like a teenage girl instead of backing any of that up

not caring what white trash thinks cost "their" candidate the election.

Oh wait...you think you matter. Silly white trash, no one gives a fuck about you.

Says the white trash.

>Where they survey like 800 people and come up with conclusions for the entire nation
>not understanding how polling with random samples work

This is literally freshman level statistics knowledge you're ignorant of whew lad

They don't care at all, you can tell because of their indifference to the words we use and the ideas we express.

You don't matter.
