ITT We are nice to each other until trips are get. Then we act like total assholes and retards...

ITT We are nice to each other until trips are get. Then we act like total assholes and retards. Every next trips alternate between those two behaviours.
Extra rule: no talking about digits.

I'll start:
Hi Sup Forums! How's it going?

doing great sir how about yourself

Haha! Thanks, I'm great. Just sitting here and relaxing.

excellent, its quite cold in my area (LV/Philly resident) hows the weather by you sir?

Well my good sirs, this is quite a pleasant conversation.

It's quite cold night, here in Poland. 7 degrees below 0 Celsius.

tis about 24 F here, or -4 C. Quite the cold weather this year!

i have 10 grozny. 10 actual grozny. Mofos. ~derz

you're latvian?

Sure it is! To be honest this whole 'global warming' thing sounds like bunch of boogers

· · · i might be · · ·

It's not me on the picture. This is my friend, and we are from Poland

frigid here in tri-state area, though i take many walks any way


Hi, everyone. How's your day? I hope it's going swell for you folks.

heloo glasses-chap a fine weather we are having no?

Yes siree!

How are you find gentlemen today

there is this movie, based on this book, sanatorium pod klepsydrą, and it is basically like a parable about my life and stuff. even the characters look like me. it is spooky, and like, phantasmagorical or something. under the hourglass santorium, is english-ish sounding title. spooky, eh?

You ever read any stanislaw lem? The Star Diaries are pretty legit.

Are you Joseph?

Check these dubs, niggers

i don't know, but i call my grandma's dog Stanislaw Dogowski (stanley)

How is everyone doing?

i'm duke

doing well but angry at 'captcha's

I'm sorry, but please use a more politically correct alternative, such as "Three-Fifths American."

Wow great idea user!

Or "Ape-Man"...

Is this even Sup Forums? Oh my.