After three years renting I'm moving to my own house. Landlord was a rude piece of shit...

After three years renting I'm moving to my own house. Landlord was a rude piece of shit, embarrassed me in front of friends, charged me with money that I didn't owe and many more. He didn't even talk to me while I was always polite and never thanked me when I paid him.
I want revenge.
Give me some ideas, it is to be discreet.

I dropped my keys under the elevator, had to go to work. He said he called the service company and charged me 30€. I later found out he pulled them out himself plus he used them to search the house

Place food that smells particularly bad when rotten in discreet places, probably not in your apartment or else he *may* be able to take you to court over it. Elsewhere is plausible deniability unless proven you did it.

He never showed up when I was watching the house until after the contacts had been signed.

Find some hard evidence and get his rental license revoked.

He was such an ass despite I agreed to pay more than the contract value so he would pay less tax.

Too late. Can't prove and he took advantage of my good will.

Food to rot in hidden places is good. I need more. C'mon b, I know you're good at this.

Why did you add a picture of moussaka?

I can't think of something related to the subject and I'm Greek.

Paint the walls with milk and then paint over it. Will smell like ass in about 2 months

go down to your local fish market get some different types of fish whichever cheap ones will do. it's easy to lift a floor board. Put some under the floor board. Basically place pieces of fish anywhere that's really hard for him to know where they are. He's going to lose a lot of rent through the smell of rotten fish.


That's the spirit. That's what I like to read. More like this please.

piss in the heater vents

was about to say this.
Hide eggs in vents, it will work like a time bomb.

Why even bother?
You should've imposed respect at the first time he was uneducated to you. Now it's late, it'll be just a childish revenge

Ok OP,
Large Apartment Building?
Are there security cameras? If so, where and how many.
Do you know the address of the landlord?

Answer these questions and I can formulate a plot.

Buy termites or other parasites in exotic pet shop and release them in house

Στειλε ονομα kαι διευθυνση του πουστη

Four floors, one apartment per floor.
No cameras. I rent the third floor, he lives in the first.

Go to pet food store, buy a large pack of frozen rat used to feed snakes. Hide the rats all around the property, in air inlets .. under floors, behind water heater etc.. In a week or two the place is going to smell fucking rank, you will be gone and landlord will have a hell of a time getting rid of the stink .. can last for weeks/months. If he blames you say it isn't your fault rats infested the place.

Give me the landlord's phone number so I can call him and tell him he's a giant faggot.

good shit.
First: Really basic. This is unoriginal but still might annoy the shit out of him.
> Order Onion and Mushroom Pizzas to his apartment
> Order some stinkbombs online. Crush them on his doorstep and try to get the smell to go inside his apartment. If you can get in his apartment, crush them there.
> Sign up for a fuck ton of junk mail to his address
Now some ideas:
> Superglue his locks. Just put a whole tube in one of those fuckers.
> Break the elevator. Those fuckers cost a lot of money to fix.
> Get a Durian Fruit and scatter that shit around the building.
> Wait until 4AM and smash his windows.
> Get a bucket of water and find a small cleaning closer (janitor's storage, etc.) and just drench the area. Mold will grow.
> SWAT the fucker
I'll think of more later.

There two are also good


Sorry but that's just retarded, if people ask things like that you know you're being taken advantage of.

If you have access to furniture of his, get a fish from the grocery store, slit a hole in the back of a couch and slide that lil buddy on in there. It will fuck his whole zone up for months and 100% the nigga will never know what happened.

Did it to my ex when we split up. Suuuuuure, you can keep the furniture, trick beeeeyitch.

Superglue the refrigerator shut.

Thank you for all these replies b.

It's my refrigerator

Take a rancid shit in each of the toilets and leave it. It won't ruin anything but he'll have to flush it and then he's had to clean up your shit so that's a win.

Training for a heavy clutch pedal on your Scion?

not thanked for paying, doing what you are suppose to do? quit being a bitch

Rip all of the copper wiring out of the walls. You may want to turn the breaker off before you do this if you like being alive. Sell the copper.

Plausible, so long that if the rats are not marked in any way.

Frozen fish is good, as it won't smell initially but will when it defrosts.

Opened sardine cans on top of the cabinets.

OP... anything you do to the place goes back to you. you dont seem so bright.

if you do shit to his car, on the other hand, it'll be much harder to pin back on you. and likely to be just as costly as property damage.

Cameras are everywhere now.

I went to Thessaloniki when I was 15. Stray dogs fucking everywhere. Perhaps grab a load (I am assuming it's a problem everywhere) and leave in your apartment for a while (probably might want to feed them too, and have them destroy the place while you go elsewhere).

Just move on, like a classy guy. Only a fool goes for this kind of petty bullshit.

Yes. It was a biz transaction, you ain't bros 'cos you lived at his house.

Honestly, you're hot headed now. Wait for two or three years and then consider it. Also, here, now? You're the only suspect. If you thought that way about him, you likely gave off that "I'm a better person than you" aura in your dealings with him.
He thinks ur a little shit, OP.

You're the reason a lot of shitty people exist, because you let them shit on you without consequence. People stop being shitty once they realise you can't fuck with people.

OPs not classy. He can't be.

Pussy faggots. This is why you faggots get walked all over in real life, pussies.

>People stop being shitty once they realise you can't fuck with people

But there are shitty people, and then there are people just having a really shitty day. You have to gove some slack and be classy. Second time...

success is the sweetest revenge, become rich

you should do nothing
he has legal access to make a comment on your background and credit reports
you will need him to at least verify you lived as his tenant if not give you a reference
don't let his assholitude stink up your spanikopita
shake his hand and move on

had any good anal (Greek) today?