Mfw. Czech Republic is a Western European cunt

mfw. Czech Republic is a Western European cunt

Transylvania is Central European
(it would fit political criteria as well if it were independent)

Why is Lorraine cut in 2, it's a non sense ?

>Switzerland has more in common with Slovakia than France

Also this. I don't even think the average Swiss can place Slovakia on a map.

>central europe

Agreed. Prague looks every bit as awesome as Vienna or Munich. It's a shame you Czechs were lumped in with those Slovaks for so long.

>mfw czech republic has better gun laws than California

Hmm...i would say no. Its too far away


>It's the Chech sucking up to Germany trying to be western despite being a slav episode

Transylvania is Germanic
Transylvania has a lot more in common with those countries than rromani-a

So Czhechens are Germanic people with a Slavic tongue?


We will be cucked by some EU directive soon

>Thomas Jefferson
Wtf I love Czech's now

isn't your parliament rejecting it by passing a rkba?

Yeah...we want it to our constitution so we can go to the court agaist this directive

Switzerland have no culture

What about the devils bible though? Hmm.

Good job, neighbour

>99% White and as advanced as other Western countries
Is Czech the next Superpower of this century ?