Without using Google, name one historical Portugese person

Without using Google, name one historical Portugese person


Cristiano Ronaldo

we killed Fernão de Magalhães

da Gama

Alberto Barbosa

Alberdo Alapussi

Antonio oliveira de Salazar.

Vasco de Gama

Antonio Salazar

Sebastian "Dumb Dead Queer of Alcácer-Quibir" de Aviz

I Know only Salazar

>Shortly after his birth, a doctor, Fernando Abarca Maldonado, who had come to Portugal in the entourage of his mother and probably had helped deliver him, cast his horoscope. Among other things, Maldonado predicted that Sebastian would be very attracted to women, marry and have many children. None of these predictions ever came to pass

Vasco da Gama

>Can't stand Portuguese people in my country

Cheeky nandos

Simon Bolivar


Alberto Barbosa

Marques de Pombal


Vasco da Gama

oh i don't know exactly the name but something like Joao Gonzales... Zarco maybe? Not sure what the last bit is

Vasco da Gama


vasco de gama


Baruch Spinoza

Afonso de Albuquerque



Alves dos Reis

True, but he's Portuguese as well you could say

Christiano Ronaldo

Alfonso Rodriguez Casteläo

Juliao Nakaura

Alberto Barbosa

Marco Polo

Gerald the Fearless

Cristiano Ronaldo

serbian you dumb cunt

Henry the Navigator

Nicholaas van Tesland was Dutch you mong

Marwan de Bortugal

infante pedro, Duke of coimbra

What do i win?

Luís de Camões



you mean Magalhães

José Saramago

Queen Maria II of Portugal

Ronaldo, of course.


Ramses II

Alberto Barbosa

Dom Alberto Barbosa Primeiro

This poet Pessoa, i cant remember his first name, Alberto or Fernando.

Ronaldinho Gaucho

Fucking faggots he was Serb

Quim Barre-. Oh no, he's basically Brazilian.

Vasco da Gama and Camões



Niklas Tesselgren was Swedish

I made a mistake, it appears that Mikołaj Teślik was actually a Pole.

vasco da gama
nicolás tesloza was of spanish origins