Mi female friend has suicide thoughts

Mi female friend has suicide thoughts.

How do I help her?

Fuck her and give her a real reason.

Try getting her in therapy. If you actually want to help, this is literally the only way. Being supportive, fucking her, being with her won't work, cause depression is a serious mental disease that needs to be treated. Possibly with prescritption tier medication.


Its pretty easy. I helped my female friend who had these kind of toughts with flapping her every time I saw some kind of self harm or when I saw se was thinking about it. She stopped doing any of these :)

slapping* lol


Buy her a rope.

You can try suggesting shotgun to the face, swan diving into concrete or slowly inhaling helium. Remind het that a majority of suicide atemptees end up as a veggie. Plan that shit out for a safe and productive passing.

Give her a rope and wink.

Haha ching chong to you too

Delete Monika.chr

Buy her a really good rope

tell her you love her

Thanks, that would work out.

report her to the proper authorities. They will force her to get help

Show her this.

Buy 2 15$ katanas on ebay, give her one and convince her to commit sudoku.
Promise you will chop her head off if she was dying in a dishonoring way

You should kill her, if is murdered can't suicide.

Act like you want to help her do it. Sounds crazy but listen to smart user here. Unexpectedly show up to her place, take her to a secluded area like a roof or have a knife and extend it as if you’re aiding her. 100% she will bitch out once she sees she has the opportunity and she will quit being a retard begging for attention.

Don’t tell her you love her

give her a rope and turn the cam on

what a profoundly shitty idea

Inb4 she actually kills herself and OP gets charged with negligent homicide.

finger-eat her pussy good like there's no tomorrow

Why would put a ribbon on her head? Why doesn´t wear a bra?
To me it was a rape/murder and make it looks like suicide