Actually start watching his show because I have nothing to do

>Actually start watching his show because I have nothing to do
>He's actually quite reasonable and other than certain hot topics like black shootings he's quite on-point

Why does Sup Forums hate him again?

Because he says current year a lot

Except he never does it except on one clip that's from a separate interview.

How dare you like a triggering problematic numale! Sup Forums is a safespace where stormgays who are oppressed by the Matriarchy can openly talk of our hate of women who don't want to sex us and also talk about niggers who steal those women who did not want us in the first place.

Yeah memes aside he's pretty decent and sometimes actually informative about otherwise ignored and boring things that are stealthily fucking our country.

He's okay. Not that funny, but his best episodes distill issues that aren't often discussed. The worst episodes are when he veers from research and starts relying more on politicizing and preaching. I'm not a Trump supporter, but I thought his episode on Brexit was a little obnoxious. Instead of discussing the issue he seemed to be more interesting in force-feeding his opinion, regardless of whether it was the right one or not. I don't mind if he's liberal, but he can be smug at times. At least he's nowhere near as bad as Bill Maher.

> other than certain hot topics like black shootings
how is he not on point? police do unreasonably target and presume guilt and react with extreme force with black people

twenty sixteen

I thought Sup Forums loved Louis Theroux?

People tend to take politics a bit too far nowadays. Everything is boiled down into bitter "us vs. them" situations. Rational discussion is thrown out the window and those with views opposing your own are seen as mortal enemies. Everybody wants a villain


Oh sorry here's a meme picture

>quite on point
>He got the Briana Wu situation all wrong
>Hillarys campaign contacted him to help her
>Only argument is CURRENT YEAR
>Shelia in accounting joke that's been done to death

Not to mention his anti-brexit shilling

I think it has always been like that. It's just louder now, because internet.


he doesn't though

I unironically watch him each week and although 70% isn't that funny still manage to get a light chortle from his show. Might help I'm not a burger tho

Why does neo/tv/ watch this shit?

I like a lot of Oliver's stuff but sometimes he undermines himself when the pandering gets out of hand.

The "Drumpf" episode actually made a pretty good point about Trump that most people missed. Everyone thought it was about how Trump's name itself is 'fake', but really it's about the hollowness of the Trump brand.

There are some other times when he just presents issues in a way that's completely one-sided and manipulative. The refugee episode fails to acknowledge the challenges Europe has in handling so many refugees and their problems with assimilation.

Overall though, Oliver does a really good job when he delves into smaller issues that aren't really talked about. The ones about Special Districts, auto lending, Scientific Studies, and Televangelists were all really good.

Sup Forumstards love to reduce things to simple memes in a way to dismiss the entire argument

Why is it always the British that are so anti gun? This guy and that other one that got fired for being a tard.

It is getting annoying.

>has the same stupid joke structure for everything.
>steals all his other bits from Colbert and Jon Daily

I don't like his style of comedy, I don't mean for political reasons I think he's just not funny. And the real test of a leftist is their view on Islam and Oliver fails terribly on that.

He's got a great investigative journalist on staff, but I feel like he lets politics creep in a bit. In particular, hillary clinton got off easy.

I prefer him when he's ignoring election issues an instead focusing on societal issues like private prisons, high interest high risk auto loans, etc.

The biggest problem I have with him is that on any issue I have the slightest bit of knowledge of I can see he is exaggerating out the ass and ignoring all kinds of extremely important details.

I cannot take his word or 'journalism' seriously on any topic.

Not during election stuff. He sucks hillary's dick too much. In the yank election of endless lesser of two evils he doesn't deride her anywhere near enough. Maybe all your independents/lesser parties are just as worse, but he sings far too high a praise for the democrats. More entertaining when not dealing with election stuff, still incredibly liberal leaning show though.

Season 1 was pretty great and I really enjoyed it.

Season 2 (at least 50% of it at least) has just continuously felt like

"Why this part of the Democratic Party platform is what you should believe based on specific cherry picked stories without any time let alone equal time be given to the logically arguing the opposing side"


no, he doesnt even make arguments. he just makes smug, condescending meme faces while saying "REALLY?!" and "BUT ITS 2016"

not one of his bits has a compelling argument, its just a circlejerk for liberals to pretend theyre smart

if he hates america so much, maybe he should go back to his rainy socialist island

He gives his opinions in an editorial, so he's brainwashing people with propaganda.

Yeah, fucking libcuck numales cutting their dicks off trying to wipe out the white race! Them niggers should just go back to picking cotton and feminazis should stop being so rude to men for wanting to fuck them! It's a compliment, jeesh, what a bitch!

Watched it a bit long before Trump and Brexit were talking points. I just don't think he's that funny as a comedian. It's not much different to those retarded reaction vids on youtube. Clip of something ridiculous gets played, host interjects every 5 seconds to pull a funny face and tell you why this is funny or ridiculous. Also the angry, exasperated comedian who has all the answers bit has been tiresome for a long time. He gives a bunch of easy answers that he knows his audience wants to hear. Not that Oliver is the only one guilty of this.

I want tumblr to leave

My man, if you believe either the left capitalist or the right capitalist, you're living off the fumes of propaganda every day of your life.

>everyone that disagrees with me is tumblr!

is that way

he's a literal shill for the DNC

get back to me when he does a non-fluff segment on Hillary

Went to watch the final debate at my mom's house and she showed me some current year man afterwards. He's ok at some points, but you can definitely tell when he goes full MSM shill mode.



Remember when he called people who support HB2 Nazis, anti-segregationists, and anti-suffragists? Remember when he told them they need to support transgender rights for "their own sake," or else people won't look kindly upon them? Remember when this condescending SJW fuck defended everything he said by saying it was a joke and not to take him so seriously?

Hi Sup Forums fancy to see you fags here.

His show is complete bias and mockery of dissenting opinions. Not to mention his jokes are not really funny, just sarcastic insults.

haha this guy's actually a fucking moron

have you seen his last segment about opioids...
he's an unfunny pandering fuckin worthless rat faced retard. I can't name one person that pisses me off more than him

this famalam

Cause something something alt right

>Let in immigrants because they're all young children and it's not their fault

>demographic commits the literal majority of crime despite being only %13 of the population
>gets targeted


that just means you're a faggy liberal like him, not that he's reasonable to normal people

Because Sup Forums is contrarian.
If it's popular, it's hated.
If it's hated, we love it.

>He's actually quite reasonable and other than certain hot topics like black shootings he's quite on-point

you mean the narrative that was recently proven completely false by that Harvard study?

there was definitive evidence that you are no more likely to be shot by the cops as a black guy, than you would as a white male

>watch John Oliver's trending videos occasionally
>not bad for a Colbert wannabe especially after his new show turned out to be ass
>season two
>know about the subject of one video
>makes a complete ass of himself
>comments are mostly positive
>another one where he's mostly, if not completely wrong
>comments are even more positive than ever
>this keeps happening
>research past videos
>this isn't a new trend
Moral of the story is to never trust someone purely because they make you chuckle.

He doesn't, but it is the essence of a good deal of his material.


His refugee episode was filled with lies, understatements, and statements that were factually wrong. So fuck him for downplaying something this significant.