Yo grimes makes music for boys who masturbate to hardcore hentai and have body pillows

yo grimes makes music for boys who masturbate to hardcore hentai and have body pillows

I love her

I don't have a body pillow, I work 40 hours a week, anime makes up only a tiny portion of the media I consume, and I masturbate mostly to Grimes.

Gonna start dating again in January when I'm done with grad school.

I may masturbate to hardcore doujins but I only listen to a handful of Grimes' songs
I don't like bodypillows


>who masturbate to hardcore hentai
I do this and I can't stand Grimes

I fit both of those descriptions

I fucking HATE Grimes

i have a body pillow and watch anime all day but i dont really enjoy her music that much


>A -> B
>so B -> A

I can't deny it..

>as opposed to softcore hentai?

weebs only like the most awful, cringe-worthy metal, video game soundtracks, anime soundtracks, and shitty k-pop

Not true by the way

strictly to lolis though

OP also didn't say she made music EXCLUSIVELY for boys who masturbate to hardcore hentai and have body pillows, so we can't infer that anyone and everyone who listens to Grimes is a guy who masturbates to hardcore hentai and has a body pillow.

We also can't assume any guy who masturbates to hardcore hentai and has a body pillow listens to Grimes.

All we can infer from the OP is that, among Grimes' fans, there is *at least one* boy who masturbates to hardcore hentai and has a body pillow.

Since we can't assume that OP knows anyone else's masturbation habits without evidence, the most likely explanation for this is that OP listens to Grimes, masturbates to hardcore hentai, and has a body pillow.

What is your point?

I'm a weeb and my favourite bands are The Libertines, The Arctic Monkeys, Joy Division and Pulp

who makes music for boys who masturbate to softcore hentai and don't have the guts to purchase a body pillow?

Streetlight Manifesto

Who makes music for guys who occasionally masturbate to hentai, have fictional crushes but don't take "waifu-ism" seriously, date women IRL, and are generally on the line between "normie" and fucking weirdo?

that is a fucking generic ass diss dude. come up with something that relates to real life dummy nig


I didn’t miss you at all montie, please go back to wherever you’ve been the last few months

I certainly don't disagree

Fellow weeb here

Bad taste


Truest thing i have ever read on this board




Fuck outta here already montie.


Stop talking about her then

preach it montie

this is by far the truest thing you've ever said montie

>that screencap
jesus christ grimesfags need to leave

She's so cute when she shaves


You sold me.

How many of these are monte

Am I allowed to like Oblivion? That's the only one of her's I enjoyed.

Im running out of bumps guys

No, only Morrowind