How’s Sup Forums doing?

How’s Sup Forums doing?

Not even a Trump fan, but this is the kind of stuff that has made me indifferent to the looming culture war that will inevitably destroy our society.

It's better that it all burn than normalize this lunacy.

Couldn't of said it better myself

No one is normalizing this. This is a fringe cultural element that will cause outrage among conservatives and uneasiness among up to the very most extreme liberals. Stop playing pretend.

Oh America, you so entertain the world.

Here is the difference between the extreme right faggots and the extreme left faggots:


It's easy to go online and talk about how stupid a white ethnostate is, or how fucking monstrous Christianity is; however, if you go online and bash your article, you're going to have your social media profile added to the longest blocklists on every platform, and you'll get a deluge of unchallenged mental patients attacking you while the seals clap an ovation.

Unease? That's the best reaction you can expect from liberals for a CHILD making a grindr site for CHILDREN to fuck?

Where is this place "Said" I wonder?
Your sentence makes no sense man.

Liberal media sympathy exclusively. Not having that doesn't translate to being a universally regarded as a pariah.

Guarantee that's not what it is, but keep it up with that kneejerk shit that degrades public discourse to the basest emotional level troglodyte.

Post site I wanna raid this shit and yell at kids.

Nice, I can date children now?

>Liberal media sympathy exclusively
90 percent of contemporary media.

How jewish can we get

Only trans-children I'm afraid.

I thought Trump was an insane piece of shit. But I'd rather have him than Hillary and have this kind of shit be tolerated.

That's fine. I'll take a biological female that thinks she is a guy.

>tfw no loli trap gf


Trump is direct if insane, Clinton is all supterfuge and polemics.
It's a lose/lose.
The whole system needs an overhaul.

this is what liberal fascism is

Most people think of fascism as controlling people and what they can do - but the extreme left wants to have fascism of the mind. The left wants to create a moral high ground, where they can dictate what you can and can't think, what you can and can't feel. They don't just want to control what you can do - they want to control what you can think.

It's the distinction between traditional New York liberalism (everyone should be free to do what they want, and just not hurt others) and California progressivism (we have an idea of the future and we are going to tell you what to say, think, and do in it, and anyone who disagrees is a racist homophobic bigot)

totally this. i think sometimes you need a bigger asshole to destroy smaller ones.

Thought police, the idea isn't new.
The trick is to fool people into policing themselves and their own thoughts.
It works wonderfully.

Okay Sup Forums. Shuffle on back now

Physically I may have a penis, but I identify as being female.

Physically, I may be 40 years old, but I identify as a 13 year old.


SKINNER Well, I was wrong. The lizards are a godsend.

LISA But isn't that a bit short-sighted? What happens when we're overrun by lizards?

SKINNER No problem. We simply unleash wave after wave of Chinese needle snakes. They'll wipe out the lizards.

LISA But aren't the snakes even worse?

SKINNER Yes, but we're prepared for that. We've lined up a fabulous type of gorilla that thrives on snake meat.

LISA But then we're stuck with gorillas!

SKINNER No, that's the beautiful part. When wintertime rolls around, the gorillas simply freeze to death.

>this is the concept I have of liberals based entirely upon conservative rhetoric which has little to no basis in fact, and is essentially a giant strawman but I fail to see that because I lack critical thinking skills and I just follow whatever demagogue is currently popular


I'm from a place that is very far left and if you said anything bad about this you would probably get a ton of backlash here. It sucks I hate that I moved here, I'm pretty left for where I come from but this shit is insane.

I'm from a place where dogs shit gold bars, and walk on their hind legs like people. That means you should definitely believe me about this and my opinion matters.

>1st picture

Right leaning media:
Lots of tiny far-right blogo/youtube vids

That's it.

Every other outlet is center-left, at best.

If I was Sup Forums i'd be screaming about jews, and white genocide. I don't give a shit about either of those boogeymen.

>I don't read or watch the news but daddy trump says its bade so it's bade
>herp de derpty fuckity derp

look at the reaction to any time someone even questions the latest haghtag-activism

Chris Rock comes out and says black men need to be better fathers - he's an uncle tom betraying his race

One nutjob shoots up a black church and every Confederate statue in the country needs to come down - anyone who wants to preserve their state's history automatically hates black people because reasons

Matt Damon points out that few men are committing assault and that not all men should be seen as monsters - suddenly he's encouraging assault against women and marginalizing it

some French actress recently talked about how these huge reactions to think like putting a hand on someone's butt are marginalizing things like rape - and now she should be boycotted

Any time anyone even questions California progressivism, there's a crusade against them - and anything else they can find to crusade against


CNN is biased as fuck. Every fucking news segment on there talks about impeaching Trump

"Mudslides in California today - there's no new evidence of Trump collaborating with Russians but we have some conjecture, so he needs to be impeached - and 14 people were killed as the rain caused the mudslides."

fucking retards need to learn how to news

>declared this
>seen as
Finding six twitter posts that espouse and opinion doesn't classify it as a societal movement.

Guys, guys...don't get all moralfag on this.

>CNN is biased as fuck
Prove it. Go ahead and do something productive for once in your worthless life. Face it, you have no fucking IDEA what CNN reports on.

>inb4 links to youtube and/or sensationalist garbage

>phrases of
>noenge idfona efjoien jge
what drugs are you currently high on? your post is nonsensical and you are a retard

Your lack of ability to comprehend what I was saying does not make it any less comprehensible to high functioning individuals.

I've probably watched more CNN than you. Lately, I've been watching a couple hours a day, in various chunks, of various shows. I used to think they were more middle-ground, but literally like half their "news" coverage is regurgitating the same shit about how there's no evidence Trump did anything wrong, but he's still got to be impeached because they think he did stuff. They do more anti-Trump crap than actual news

>I've totally been watching CNN
>trust me I'm a doctor
>and a lawyer
>and I'm jesus
>please don't call me on my bullshit

That's what you get when you name your son Desmond Napoles. Of course he's going to grow up to be a sexual deviant.

this isn't some scientific study, you dumb piece of shit. I'm not citing studies and posting data. I'm saying I've watched it, and that's literally what it is. People can watch it and see for themselves.

How about you cite some legitimate studies instead of talking out of your ass all day like you are.

>the guardian
>the economist

These are full-on "open the borders" and FREEGIBS publications.

when they're face down the main difference is hair length

i could post "studies" that the earth is flat.

think for yourself, cunt

lol Cnn "mainstreet"
Everyone point at the >Faggot
and >laugh!

Talking only works if others are willing to listen. The left and their centrist puppets won't. They think they have the demogrphics and momentum to replace us.

>doesn’t see the correlation between LGBT tolerance, kiddie porn, and being anti-trump

you probably think moderate muslims are innocent too

Also, being in an middle european university, i never encountered full blown sjw'ism except maybe once second hand from a sociology student (ofc).