Why are trump supports so salty, kek. Just admit he's a shit president so we can move on

Why are trump supports so salty, kek. Just admit he's a shit president so we can move on

They're running scared. They sense that their end is nigh.

(BTW, I gave you that image. Share and enjoy.)

Yeah, he's not great, but I see it this way: instead of electing Ms. Bitch as the prom queen, who's obviously prettier and more qualified, yet evil, we elected the Down's syndrome girl.
Whatever blowback happens, I still feel right about my decision.

I think he's doing fine, but I wish he would shut it and put down twitter.



...asks the guy who's just made his 7th trump thread today

have a sage, friend

why are niggers so violent

White trash is too fucked to know any better.


Your're white trash. You'd think that. But who cares what you think? No one.

Donny Dummkopf had an eight-year-old US citizen murdered during his first week in office. Sad!

You have no idea what you're talking about. The stock market complete recovered as soon as he took command. The Dow increase by 20 to 25 percent. Unemployment is the lowest it's been in half a century.

You are like a child with no frame of reference.

>when shareblue resorts to spreading propaganda on Sup Forums



pick one actual nigger

because, thats how their slave masters have taught them.


White trash ----> You

There. Fixed it for you.

Trump literally stares at the sun lmao


Who were white trash.

Serious question. Don't you think your countrys election system is wrong, when only have the choice between the evil bitch or the downsyndron guy?

Don't get me wrong fuck Hillary but are you seriously saying he is more qualified? Not even remotely qualified to be a fucking bus boy at the WH let alone POTUS. He's pretty much just a mentally retarded toddler.



I bet bannon's tits dispense salty bourbon

Donny Dummkopf bombed a hardened fortification built for and by the CIA. You missed that part of the story.

So he's shit because why? Seriously? The tax cuts? taking on ISIS? DOW 25,000? near record low unemployment? Before you give credit to Obama remember all of the wild predictions about how bad his first year would be. ( & Obama doubled the national debt which pretty much cancels anything good he might have done)


Cool, another Trump Derangement Syndrome thread.

>doubled the national debt
>thinking anyone is going to try to collect debt from the worlds leading military power

>not understanding jokes.
I can see that you are a Trump supporter.

Soon Trump is going back were he belongs. On the german potato fields his coward great grandfather fled from.

So did this guy lose his job? Nope record low unemployment. Polluted river? NOPE EPA still in business. Fracking? ( that all happened under Obama?) Insurance? at least now he has CHOICE.


More salty Liberals. Mmmm, mm! Gonna be a loooooong 7 years for you kids. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers (you won't).

Did you know 20% of American niggers work for the government? That's the real reason they hate Trump so much, because these people rely on a massive government more than any other group. Cutting taxes and cutting wasteful spending directly affects the negroes. We're not allowed to reform our system, because niggers.

And what has Trump done to facilitate any of that?

Nice samefagging

Oh hey, you think someone if paying attention to you. How cute. No one is. No one pays attention to white trash.

No, another troll the white trash thread.

Says the sassy faggot nigger

No one is listening white trash.

After the Wolfe book, I suspect it's more like puss and vinegar.

If debt isn't bad, why do we need to pay any taxes?

It isn't about collecting it; it's about when everyone realizes the dollar is worthless and switches to other currencies. That's why cryptocurrencies are so hated. Libya just happened to switch away from the dollar for oil transactions (luck up what the Petro dollar is) when we decided to invade them.

You think someone is listening. How quaint. No one is. No one listens to white trash.

Kek, more of long seven years for every american citizen. Good luck being all by yourself, when the chinese are fucking you in the ass and the rest of the world give as much shit as your fine president does.

Name calling already? wow you must have absolutely nothing to counter with. Thanks for giving up early though. Not surprised liberals expect other people to do everything for them.

Donny Dummkopf bombed his country's own installations.

*crickets* what people hear when white trash speaks.

not until you uneducated children cope with the fact that your campaign of calling everyone you disagree with a racist nazi backfired.

>calling us the salty ones

don't even bother. if someone is legitimately that stupid to believe that statement, there's no use it discussing it. you'll never reason with them.

Said something? Who gives a fuck? No one. Keep talking to the wall there white trash.

Why are liberals so jelous of Trumps cock? Just admit you want ro suck his cock so we can move on.

This is OP's favorite book!

yeah well you're a nigger.

Trump takes/took credit for shit that he was not instrumental in making happen and were an overflow from Obama years.

So, it is OK for Trump to take credit for good things that you had nothing to do with?

But when Obama is saddled with record debt and a huge financial crisis that was an overflow from Bush years.

So it is OK to blame Obama for bad shit that he had nothing to do with?

Fuck off!

What? White trash doesn't matter. Never will.

Idi Amin Don-John thinks he can rule by excessive and contradictory executive orders. That's worse than over-regulation.

Trump is a disgrace to the office and to the nation. A fat, soft pansy, full of himself, bereft of honesty, humility or sincerity. A loudmouth, a vulgarian, a braggart, bully, liar and a coward. A racist, a sexist, a low-class pig, pigging burgers alone in a bedroom even his wife can't bear to visit. A draft-dodger, a tax-dodger; a shallow, greedy, incurious narcissist who loves only his own raddled, pouchy, painted face and absurd, sad colourised, yellow-stringed comb-over bouffant.

A venal, greedy, spoiled, ignorant, cheat; a con man, a welcher, a despoiler, a stupid, cunning, cruel show off. Spiteful, shameless, infantile, unstable; a posturing, preening bully who has taken advantage of every person he has ever known and cast them aside without a second thought. A toxin, a pathogen corrupting everything he touches.

A man with not a single redeeming characteristic. A creature not fit to breathe the air of this planet.

No one heard you. Know why? You're white trash.

If white trash are your masters, then what does that make you, nigger?

>people waved nazi flags at a protest
>other people called them nazis because of the nazi flags
>trumpies now cry about how the libs brutally call them nazis all the time

If you self-identified with people being criticized for waving around nazi flags and doing hitler salutes, that is on you.

Why do white trash always invoke their betters?

Lol why the fuck is it always liberals telling other people to not talk to each other and debate you're a pussy man that cant handle words

Maybe that's how samefagging works on Sup Forums.
You're not in Sup Forums anymore, Dorothy. Time to click your high heels together three times and go back.

Name one nigger city that isn't a Shithole

I know you are afraid of facts and name calling is your only tactic. It's sad. We used to have some great discussions using facts here on Sup Forums. Your 'tolerance' is showing.

Oh did you say something? Hey, anyone give a fuck? Thought so. White trash doesn't matter. No one gives a fuck about you.

Say what? Never mind, it's white trash speaking.

One guy waved a swaztika one time, therefore half the country are Nazis. Solid nigger logic.

You actually think if you keep talking someone will listen. How pathetic. You're white trash. You don't matter.

Oh, dear lord. Are they really this stupid or can we blame this horsetrump on Russian trolls?

So then it will not matter if trump adds to it then right?

What? Say something? Who gives a fuck. White trash doesn't matter.

nobody can, user.

>a group of white supremacists go to a protest
>media points out they are white supremacists
>trumpies: stop being mean to our friends!!!
>media reports trump and trumpies are trying to defend white supremacists
>trumpies: wtf this is so unfair why did you report that dude

Yes shill continue saying the lines

You must of heard, because you replies faggot. Fucking race baiting dipshit, no one cares about your crying any more. Yea Im white and no I dont give a fuck about your feelings.

the only people who are EVER listened to are whites.

stop projecting, it's fucking sad.

t. white, nothing you can say to me will affect me negatively.


How cute. You still keep trying to make yourself heard. No one is listening white trash.

Even the Scots disown him.

So you couldn't think of a single nigger city that isn't a Shithole?

No sorry, you guys made all of these predictions that didn't come true about his first year. Obama had nothing to do with the Stimulus? Cash for Clunkers ring a bell? If you give Obama credit then you have to give some to Trump. I mean Obama was President for 9 days before he won the Nobel Peace Prize! That was before the drone strikes on US. citizens and before FISA. I don't think the President is the center of the universe. The American people make our economy great, NOT THE GOVERNMENT.

Oh, you think someone is paying attention. How funny. No one cares what you think or what you say. You're white trash.

>literal autistic screeching, that's you.


No shit. The only people who cry about debt issues are retards like you who want to live in a third world country with no benefits and no line of support if you run into a rough patch. For how much you guys shittalk Africa it is kind of your ideal place to live

Idk man,shithole was trending on every major social media platform because of him. Everytime he opens his mouth I get to watch people I don't like lose their shit. Thats really all I wanted from his presidency so I pretty much got what I wanted.

Whites. Yes. White trash. No.

That pic though... Its like people still think trickle down works when it has been proven time and time again to not.

The free market does not exist to help the poor become rich. it helps the rich get more rich by lowering wages and strangling the middle and lower classes for every penny they can.

Don't call Fearless Leader names. That's treason. He said so himself.

>continues to generate old threads stating the "Obvious"

I dont support him, nor shillary. They are both retards but its been a year already since he was elected. calm ur tits

Liberals truly are this stupid

>thinking that national debt is a military issue rather than a monetary policy issue.
Your continuation school apparently didn’t teach you enough to even carry on an intelligible conversation on Sup Forums.

You think someone is going to listen to you. How pathetic. You're white trash. No one listens to you.



Say what? Oh, never mind. White trash speaking.