I don't get it, even at the age of 99, David Rockefeller chose to undergo extreme measures in order to keep existing...

i don't get it, even at the age of 99, David Rockefeller chose to undergo extreme measures in order to keep existing. 7 heart transplants? really?

what was this guy afraid of? Imagine the physical/mental strain, the rehabilitation. it just doesn't make sense.

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Maybe its not his choice anymore. The illuminati wants him alive

hey pal, this may be your first trip to philosophical thought, but most people fear death and do whatever they can to avoid it. especially people with money who have an easy life.

Real life Mr Burns.

of course, although wouldn't your mentality change? being 101, i don't think living in it self would be any better even with all the luxuries.

He knows that soon the technology and biology will be advanced enough to reach an almost immortal state (for them). He just don't want to die before that.

He knows that he's an evil cunt and probably believes he'll finally get his in the afterlife. I mean I don't believe in any retarded shit like that but he probably does.

thats a good point. i personally have witnessed how old age decreases the quality of life for people. you cant take enjoyable walks anymore. you cant really do anything physical except hobble to the crapper. id probably wanna die when that happens.

"i dont get it why did this guy get so many heart transplants"

because he had the money to do so and he feared death, try thinking about it you dumbass

He died in March you retards

err wasn't he a devoted christian? someone with that kind of devotion to faith wouldn't have a reason to fear death.

apparently he need skin transplant too.
look at him.

was about to say.. didn't he die in March at 101?

Do you think eventually the most powerful people like this will be immortalized as computers and continue to call the shots like in Xenogears?

7 heart transplants? Most people only get one. He needs to be let go

i believe that is the ultimate goal.

>be Rockefeller
>Jesus calls
>hang up
>7 missed calls
>Jesus texts "dude, answer me"
>text back "make me"
>Jesus voicemails "I'm telling dad!"
>god father himself does the job
>mfw getting a premium invitation to heaven

Makes you wonder... what sort of fucked up shit he did to be so mortified of idea that maybe he wouldn't be going to heaven

agreed, thats a flagrant abuse of organ donors. just because that shithead is rich shouldnt mean he has a monopoly on all the fucking hearts that come in from car wrecks or whatever.

Rothschild is 110 years old.

stay alive cuz the pussy game too skrong when u rich as fuck, and u got a ticket to hell.

How do you think they'll prevent someone from unplugging them?

It really does kind of seem like hubris to do this seven fucking times, basic will to survive notwithstanding.

He turned 111 years old last month.

i agree, money corrupts. he probably chose material over spirit

Ruining people's lives.

Guys he's fucking dead

He knew he was going to he'll so he wanted to stay around longer.

This. It's not too far off. It will be Elysium style except they'll actually have their shit together and keep the plebs happier with tighter and more brutal controls and distractions. Perhaps a lottery where lucky citizens can join their ranks.
I'm in no way a socialist but runaway capitalism is very bad for most of the human race.

We can regrow organs. Didn't we just have the first successful head transplant?

He can buy them privately. He's not on any list. He has a level of wealth beyond your capacity to understand.

Lol no. Holy fuck stop getting all your information from /x/ and Sup Forums


Aren't there mechanical artificial harts ?

The grand nagus

He's not dead. He undergone a head transplant in a young nigger's body.

nanomachines soon

What a woke reference my man.

The guy that was meant to receive the new body pulled out. Not sure why as he didn't have anything to lose.

Why doesn't he just buy a robo-heart and free up those extra normal hearts for the less fortunate?

He can afford an advanced mecha-heart.

Fake and Gay.

How has this thread gone this long without anyone fact checking anything. He didn't have 7 heart transplants, dipshits.

There already is that technology but only our Creators use it. It's called taking out the glandular injections from your brain that cause melatonin to invade your body, and eating almost nothing but vegetables and phage-infested water, and cleaning oneself with sodium bicarbonate. Elimante any mycelium from the body and surroundings, and with that, you are practically inmortal

That probably isn't the sort of thing that would even cross his mind either way tbh.

It's kind of funny. You know an artificial roach heart (the symbolism is obvious there, lol) is more efficient than a human's?

This rich man needs a roach heart.

Seriously, he insists on staying alive like a cockroach in winter.

these fags are the reason of suffering in the world. not everyone knows this but the biggest things these 13 bloodline members fear are the ottomans and the quran. I'm not even trolling, look it up.

just look at that man. he resembled more devil instead of a human being.

Does that make the Muslims the good guys? Because I'm really not a godfag of any kind at all.

Fake news did not have 7 heart transplant s

>I watch mainstream media and follow trends like the sheep I am

Do you guys remember the user who had an artificial heart?? Rockefeller needs it

Reported by one obscure news agency and you believe it

What? He had seven hearts fitted? I bet his chest sounds like a bongo solo played by crackhead

I knew that the rockefeller and rothschilds are these other people feared the ottomans, but first time hearig about them fearing the quran.

If anyone knows the gallipoli compain ( en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallipoli_Campaign ) churchill said "you cant beat the turks as long as you don't take this book from them". He was mentioning quran

Med fag here. Impossible to do 7 heart transplants. Scarring and tissue degradation would make it impossible

But he had the power of Satan and pure evil on his side

This idea of immortality though technology is bullshit. Its this eras version of flying cars, no doubt people will live longer. Much like how helicopters have improved, still not a flying car.

You've never been around rich people probably.

Here in the US, people with money are lucrative targets for doctors. If you spend time around a Country Club, you will find that everyone is having all sorts of expensive medical procedures done constantly. It's fucking ridiculous. No, it's not worth it. US doctors are some of the worst con artists you've ever seen. They have a whole industry devoted to their shitty game.

This is bullshit the fucker died last year
Also more bullshit that kike is 81.

Is this from Infowars?

well, the quran does consider jews to be damned. the quran also forbids the whole jewish system.

What Jewish system does the Quran describe?

Have you ever heard the story of Michael Clark Rockefeller?