Currently majoring in Computer Science with a focus in Cyber "Security", Forensics, and Policy

Currently majoring in Computer Science with a focus in Cyber "Security", Forensics, and Policy


What's your favourite color?

I like green and brown, nature-y colors


Don't do comp sci. You will regret it.

Me too.
You're not special.

Nobody is special or necessary

How much assembly and reverse engineering do you know ?
What books did you read / do you recommend ?

everybody is special and necessary

Biggest weakness. Reverse engineering was only taught to me in a forensics class for like half a day (By that I mean using specific tools to accompany the task). Other than that, just have to use programming knowledge to hacker max level it.

Well, not knowing assembly in cysec is kinda like wanting to play basketball in the nba without legs or arms.
What level of studies are you doing ?

Just look of how many people, animals, planys dies and the universe doe not give a fuk

All security oriented courses are a joke, they all cover shit like stack based bufferoverflows that were useful in 2003 or so. They try to make it static, but it really is an ever developing subject, it will turn you into a skiddy or wannabe

Just do it by yourself... you will learn 10x compared to books. Only passion is necessary

I know assembly. Yes you're right, all these CyberSec courses are a joke. I do 0 work and get an A because the exam is like

"What is malware?"
A) Food
B) A Computer Company
C) Hacker made bad stuff
D) A network cable

Dave is a faggot

Install Gentoo

Explain how an ad-served JS implementation of the Spectre/Meltdown hardware exploits could fuck everyone here right in the ass.

Listen to thas man op

Have you seen mr robot? Did you like it?

could you explain a retard how security certificates work on the internetz