Soda thread

Soda thread

Post your favorite sodas


The answer is clearly Butters' Creamy Goo, not "Sprite" or as us intellectuals call it: cum.

Please get the fuck out of this thread. Geniuses only.



Grutters' Breamy Coo

While that soft drink is acceptable in my eyes, I much rather have a good ol' bottle of Butters' Creamy Goo! It just makes me so happy when I get a mouthful of creamy goo.


Eh, it's okay. Still not nearly as good as even Jones' Apple Soda, which I consider to be the poor man's soft drink. Butters' Creamy Goo is a real man's drink! Go get yourself some of that, lad.



Keef Cola, but not the grape flavor. Literally every other one though.


Sorry, but Clorox brand soft drinks are just not for me. I drank one and had an intense burning sensation in my lower throat region. I actually had to go to the ER, I almost died.

That being said, I'd love to slurp down a big ol' gulp of Butters' Creamy Goo!

I think Keef Cola is more like Queef Cola when compared to Butters' Creamy Goo.




Me looking at your gay ass liquid that barely constitutes as a soft drink, let alone a drink.

Go get some globs of Butters' Creamy Goo in your mouth or go the fuck home!


Nice! He must have been swallowing so many globs of Butters' Creamy Goo that he just couldn't hold it anymore and let it all loose on the table!

Hope he licked it back up, that's perfectly good Creamy Goo, it can't be going to waste!


So much Creamy Goo™, I wish I could just suck it all straight from his mouth!


I wanna chug that whole garbage can of Creamy Goo™!