When will Hollywood stop pushing slavery down our throats? Where's the movie about Irish slaves...

When will Hollywood stop pushing slavery down our throats? Where's the movie about Irish slaves? Where's the movie about current African slaves?

go make one faggot

I'm neither Irish now African, so that would cultural appropriation, shitlord.

>57% liked this lul

The one about modern day African slaves is called blood diamonds.

gotta build that black resentment. it's important.

>57% of audiences like it


Don't trust critics 100%, they're all part of the same societies.

Isn't this accurate in that the media can only see blacks as helpless and thus inferior?



>audience says it's mediocre

>critics love it

Oh yeah, this right here is a 100% Jew-approved show.

Black people are also pissed off about this whole Hollywood shit. People are starting to wake up; it's beautiful, isn't it?


I watched a bit of it, I cannot fucking believe it got a 100. It's not that impressive and it's definitely not relevant considering no one alive has experienced slavery first hand on either side of the whip.

America still owes us reparations. Fucking Germanic scum. You have us to thank for your white culture.

Sup Forums is always right

>those politically correct reviews
murica is so fucking cucked

It got a 100 among critics

It got a 3.1/10 from actual people and only 57% liked it

Pure coincidence

>Isaac Feldberg
>We Got This Covered

All of the modern day problems in Africa, including slavery, can be attributed to Colonialism.

It's always the white man's fault, and it always will be.

This year's white shame media train. Oh boy.

Where's the movie reminding niggers that my ancestor fought and died a union soldier defending the cause to end slavery in America.

This is true. I've seen blacks get a bit annoyed about slavery media.
They're just not interested in hearing about it. And who would want to hear about how your ancestors were basically someones bitch?
These are made for self-flagellating whites that want to seem deep.
Also because Jews.

The real slavery began in 1964, with LBJ and the Civil Rights Act. We've had 50 years of welfare slavery since then.

so what ever happened to slaves?

They became the masters.


The real slavery began when whites were forced to pay for blacks to invade and destroy white cities.

I know rotten tomatoes was always pretentious bullshit, but they really went full Jew?


trips of truth?
Sorry, I am doing a project on sentimental beings as part of my knowledge gaining process. Thank you for responding.
Also, notify your government that the satellites are causing cancer through plants.

> Benrstein

I thought it was Berenstain?

Yeah I try to point this out to black people I have on Facebook

Fuck I hate the media.
>hey did ya see the "lesbian" couple in finding dory so progressive
>hurr gorilla got shot but its not the negroid parents fault
>Trumps racist amirite

this new show doesn't have the same vibe as the original. The
>100% approval
how cucked are white liberals.

Just more kike propaganda, I used to think pol was crazy but this is fucking pathetic.

Slavery is interesting, I would love to see a movie about modern day slaves in North Sudan or Slavery within Europe.

American Slavery is also very interesting.

That's pretty much what it does. They showed Roots in high school back around 1994. At the part where Kunta Kinte says "what kind of man could do this to another man" a black girl in class shouts out "WHITE MAN".

There was also a mandatory project where we had to form groups and re-enact different aspects of southern slavery. I had to play the part of an angry slave owner mistreating his slave, who was shortly killed by another classmate playing the part of John Brown.

You've unwittingly crossed over to the Bernstain/Goldborg universe where there's no Jewish plots to control the world.

When I was forced to watch Roots in school, I was suspended for questioning that white slavers would run into the jungle with huge nets to capture slaves one at a time. This would be 2005ish

well, did they?

I don't know, I was suspened for most of the module. by the time I was back they were on to how the evil white plantation owners would whip their slaves to death for fun

Only 57%?...you mean like MORE than half? If the people that actually voted(not actually watched it).... Wow that's a solid point

>white plantation owners would whip their slaves to death for fun

How would it make any sense to sadistically destroy your farm equipment?

For the evulz of course