Is there anything left that can be done to/with Chris-Chan to get some hardy keks...

Is there anything left that can be done to/with Chris-Chan to get some hardy keks? I feel like for years inking out his degeneracy with the funniest part, seeing his bent duck, ect.
But now he's... become that, and it's just sad and appalling.
What can be done? What will be the next great saga?
I think if any bitcoin millionaires would dump ~$50,000 onto him we could see some crazy stuff, but that's a lot to waste on something, unless it's good enough to become a reality TV show
Any ideas, Sup Forumsros?

Let's see if we can build him back up. Give him back his self respect. Turn him into a man. Then tear him down again

I like where this is going.bump

I remember one saga where one of his sweethearts actually tried to do some self-improvement stuff with Chris, trying to get him to shower, clean, ect. but I think they ended up labeling him unredeemable.
Do you think there is any way to save him now?

that wont work. remember he is an idiot and only follows what he say. we need a better plan

Could we pool our money and hire a hitman from the dark web? But maybe instead of killing him, the hitman can just rough him up, or steal and destroy some stuff?

Forced castration

that is a stupid idea. hiring a hitman just so he/she could just beat him up and steal his stuff? dude there is nothing worth stealing

We can tell him to man up. Tell him people would take his "work" more seriously if he presented himself as a normal functional member of society. If he falls for it, we can all show "interest" in what he does

We made this monster, we can reshape it in any form we see fit

Not to us, obviously, but Chris isn't like us. If we steal his hard drives/memory cards and he loses all his saves on vidya, surely there would be hell to pay. Plus it might subdue his grandiose delusions to have someone play kick the autistic IRL

Chris died this morning. His body is at Jefferson memorial.

We have to build up his confidence and self esteem. Then break him down again

who is “we”, schizo?

He's fallen for thinking Nintendo wants his stuff, maybe we could get him to cut the tranny shit out to appear more professional and work with him on a Sonichu game

this is chris-chan we are talking about. he is so stupid event if we made a chris-chan proof he would find a way to ruin it.

yeah try

yeah right.

We need a femanon to ironically fuck him for like 20 years

I think we should do a 4 Chan paetron for him, live a give away then we get a live show going then everyone there forces him into submission and exposes him for sacrifice

The only person to ever fuck him was a prostitute, and paying for 20 years is so goddamn much

we could but hey she would back out of it at the first look of him

He has no dick remember he cut it off?

That's what I'm thinking. Make him think if he looks and acts more "professional" his ideas will sell. Then get people to show "real" interest in him

Fuckin weens..

I've known about Mr chandler for a year know im sorry im so late to the party so my question is wheres a good place to to more in-depth research off him

The CWC wiki, it has everything. Everything.

Does anyone know how to get ahold Chris?

giving him money wouldn't do anything exciting. He would literally just waste it all on Skylanders bullshit.

Chris is a lost cause. Once his mom kicks the bucket, he's going to be either homeless or sent to jail for tax evasion/fraud, assuming he doesn't kill himself first.

Honestly, if he's sent to jail and the state for some reason recognizes his gender dysphora, then he might have a chance of being sent to a woman's prison, and that'd probably be a dream come true for him.

His cell and home phone # are very easy to find, just google it.

Also frequently on his twitter and youtube channel.


you can easily find him on facebook

Can confirm.
He's a person who's life has been fucked up since he was very very young, and he has squandered every single chance he's been given to fix it and fucked up every offer of help.

The closest to fixing him was some older lady named Linda(?) who got him to trash his PS3 and get off the internet for a while, but pretty sure she's dead now and look how well "staying off the internet forever" turned out.

Honestly we need to start a new saga of fucking with him.

no prob

Let's convince him to join the Hell's Angels

you do know that would kill him

I blame the bear