Bernie 2016

I watched trump's rally recently and also watched Bernie's rally. Bernie is the only right choice for this country. He stated his goals as president, presented current issues in the country and how he plans to fix them. Yea he got interrupted by some BLM fags in the beginning but hes literally the only competent candidate that seems to know what hes doing and what is best for this country i really want him to win now. Trump was just telling stories about people that like him and how he really likes women and more stories and then he said lets make america great again and that he's gonna win win win.


>That filename
>That post

What would all your feminist friends who are girls think if they knew you called girls hoes? Then you'd never lose that virginity of yours.

>asians have a high IQ
>asian americans overwhelmingly support sanders

explain that, aryan supermanch.

I'm berning the feel.

the canadian has a point

that's only old-school asians. they had a high iq beaten into them as kids.

millenial asians are more basic than millenial whites.

source on the asian americans, also consider many are in CALIFORNIA.

Why would refugees from communist Vietnam and China support a communist? Something's not right here...


into the trash it goes

Bernie, such a slick entryist.

Anyone have that pasta that makes the theory that Sanders is a Russian spy and has been ever since he was young; apparently this being the time to strike?

Why did he say that? I don't think that at all.

I don't have feminist friends, most of my female friends browse Sup Forums and hate radical feminists and stuff like that. I also have a girlfriend so i'll probably be losing my virginity soon. :^)

damn im now #Gunnin4Gilmore

Bernie isn't communist

>Asian Americans support Bernie

Are you retarded?

Asian Americans overwhelmingly support Hillary


he states his plans but his plans are ludicrous and he is himself a joke. you really think we'd ever elect a jew?

Socialism is a step towards communism

Trump recites his stories but his stories are boring and he himself is a joke. You really think we'd ever elect a meme?

Not in this case

Bernie's rally aren't exciting. Trump's rallies aren't meant for policy. They are meant to hype up his supporters. At Bernie's rallies they don't chant USA USA USA.


Not an argument.

a dictatorship is not gonna happen

Wow, what a great discussion

i can actually dig this image as a way to bait other boards

>hes a bern victim

Rallies aren't political debates.
Rallies are meant to get supporters excited and bolster confidence.
That's why they are called rallies.

>hate radical feminists
>is a Berniefag

lol wat?

Wow... really makes you think.

I'm #CruzMissile now.


they weren't BLM, it was to crash a social security event and they were sarah palin supporters

you ok?

>Bernie Sanders: I Am A Strong Feminist, "Gloria Steinem Made Me An Honorary Woman Many Years Ago"

oh what a fag

Fag without an original thought.

asian americans are dumb

Ok Chaim

You are now a #Yeb!Head

talk to any asian buisness owner and they'll tell you they support Hilary( a few support trump but not enough to be relevant)

Chinese especially, like Hilary's more open borders approach since it lets them get more of their people in.