If you had fun in school then chances are, you have one of these on your body, come on Sup Forums postem if you gottem

If you had fun in school then chances are, you have one of these on your body, come on Sup Forums postem if you gottem

Yes I too have a leg

I had so much fun I no longer have legs

that looks like an arm to me

I think OP means scars but doesn't know most people don't speak faggot.

Bump this thread

What are you, gay?

Shin splints?

I literally cannot see any scars on that arm/leg

I wasnt sure which it was so I just picked one

Shaved legs like a faggot?


I have to put in some contexts for you faggots, this is a scar from a lighter thats applied to the skin after being ignited for 2 mins


Eraser burn

Shaved arms like a faggot


I used to do this with clipper lighters

It made a smiley face ( nicknamed smileys)

yeah i had white skin too, made my school life a lot more fun not needing to worry about being targeted by the police

imagine having such tiny legs that you mistake an arm for one

skin is an organ. that means it's actually alive. it's my best friend and it's white and fuck the world.

I had a really great time when I was at school, but I never had any masochistic perversions where I deliberately caused damage to my body - not even as trivial as that insignificant burn scar.

Fair number of scars from accidental injuries caused during exhirarating pre-"Health & Safety" escapades & adventures though.

Don't remember any of my fun-loving peer-group giving themselves lighter burns either.

Never have been attracted to deliberate self-harm. No tattoos, no piercings, no irrational / self-pitying cry-for-help "cutting" either.

I guess your peer-group had totally different concepts of "having fun" with your lighters, in the absence of opportunities to do anything worthwhile in your free-time.

Praise Jesus
Praise god
Spread thy word
Thou shalt not dismember, damage or burn ones body willfully, for thou body is a sacred body given to thee by the most generous god.

Rattlesnake 3:16