Who is Grace?

Who is Grace?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.ca/imgres?imgurl=https://peopledotcom.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/aziz-ansari2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://people.com/food/aziz-ansari-emmys-2017-in-n-out/&docid=sq1wq_NT74bf0M&tbnid=qbQnHavHa-FPjM:&vet=10ahUKEwifmZSQ4d_YAhUlzIMKHeTyC-c4yAEQMwgRKAswCw..i&w=2000&h=1574&bih=776&biw=1432&q=Aziz Ansari at emmy awards after party&ved=0ahUKEwifmZSQ4d_YAhUlzIMKHeTyC-c4yAEQMwgRKAswCw&iact=mrc&uact=8

Some cunt that’s bad at sex and used a celebrity encounter to, instead of brag about it, try to destroy him for her fifteen minutes of fame.

well she is a 'Brooklyn based photographer'
24 years old (so birthday between Oct and Jan since she was 23 in Sept)
well off enough to be invited and attend an LA after-party awards ceremony

really, the list of potentials is like 6 girls
we should be able to figure it out

The woman who destroyed an otherwise positive movement.

A girl who didn't vocally say no until she got naked with a guy, and when she did he stopped.

Also specifically mentioned a film camera. Doesn't narrow things down much, but it might help.

You mean disGrace. A groupie who sucked dick on the first date and got made she was being used by a celebrity. Tried to claim sexual assault and was called out on being a slut.

All women should learn that if they don’t want sex on the first date, don’t go to his home, get naked, let him eat your pussy and then suck dick. Then bitch about nonverbal cues.

Ring on middle finger might be a clue

How tall is aziz? She looks to be a little taller.

She's clearly shorter.

He's listed at 5'6", so probably 5'4" or 5'5"

If she stands up straight I think she taller might have heels on.

It could be a class ring from a college or high school.


dat her?

The unedited picture has to be somewhere.

she has a strap though


Miranda Suess

I'm just digging up photographers names someone else will have to figure out what they look like.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!


Ring is on married finger here, not middle

I found a face pic of the "Grace" chick from the Aziz Ansari hit piece on babe.net. Check it out:

From the babe website: babe.net/2018/01/13/aziz-ansari-28355

From People / Shutterstock: google.ca/imgres?imgurl=https://peopledotcom.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/aziz-ansari2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://people.com/food/aziz-ansari-emmys-2017-in-n-out/&docid=sq1wq_NT74bf0M&tbnid=qbQnHavHa-FPjM:&vet=10ahUKEwifmZSQ4d_YAhUlzIMKHeTyC-c4yAEQMwgRKAswCw..i&w=2000&h=1574&bih=776&biw=1432&q=Aziz Ansari at emmy awards after party&ved=0ahUKEwifmZSQ4d_YAhUlzIMKHeTyC-c4yAEQMwgRKAswCw&iact=mrc&uact=8

It was at the 2017 Governor's Ball in the Microsoft Theatre. Same nail polish, same strap on her right shoulder, same hair, same dress cut, same panelling on the dress. Is that an engagement ring in the People pic?

Could she be wearing a purse on her shoulder?

I'm an idiot; it's the other hand.

dina duchan also her gmail


She has 4 kids

Essie Weingarten

website hmmm likes celebs leimageinc.com/

same dress as video has a single strap


wheres the video???

Just needs a nmae




women wear purses ya know

Thats her

look at the pattern on the dress dead ringer.

Yep, same stitching

b ump

Is the ring on the right or left hand I know its left in the pic but does it flip? I bet that picture is still on her instagram if we can find it.

abby nierman you fags. old news.

Judging by the second pic compared to the top one, we can't see the necklace.... but it has to be her man.

I don't like the fact women complain about this and that, and then not even come out and say WHO THEY ARE

>abby nierman

this is correct
old news as well

>abby nierman

"non verbal cues" ..... Like a fucking blowjob?


every photo service she was on has her accounts deleted

she must be the real accuser


i tried my shot at a youtube gaming channel but it didnt work out

gaming youtube com/channel/UCRdcTybds4MLJlkTziAGEqg

>What are color contacts for $200 Alex?

Sup Forums got there first

SHE GETS AROUND. wonder how much he paid her out.

Her tumblr and flicker accounts are still active,.

Tawana Brawley lied for our sins.

Fucking parasite slut should be punished

Clearly a feminazi Jewish bitch

Should send that psycho who posts SSN on destroyable DOT after her..

check out one of Abby's projects


^^ what a bunch of sleuths

Someone start a new Twitter account for Abby

hate this bitch lol

Here's Abby being super racist

Wait, aren't SJWs against appropriating native culture?

You should ask Elizabeth Warren.