Why did people hate this flick?

Why did people hate this flick?

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Because it was shit and Bin Al'fleq is a horrible actor.

Bruckheimer and Bay, off a string of successful blockbusters thought they could make the next "Titanic."

Bay really, really thought he could switch from action to romance like the Jim Cam did and do it right. Also his style of film-making clashed enormously with the time period. The look and the editing were just off.

On top of that I saw this piece of shit in the cinema and it was saccharine as hell, even to younger me. Not a guys movie, at all.

because it's fucking dreadful

jesus christ, have you even seen it?


If you cut out all the romance bits it will make a decent war movie.

Pearl Harbor?

More like cuck harbor, am I right?

great movie

>Bay really, really thought he could switch from action to romance

He actually didn't. He wanted it to be a straightforward action movie about Affleck and Josh Harnett being bros and the studio forced him to expand the Kate Beckinsale role and make it a love triangle to cash in on Titanic.

>love triangle
>raising my best friend and wife's son

What are some other essential cuck films?

Your biopic.

Rekt. How will your asshole ever recover?

I don't think this is an insult

It hated me first.

It was bloated and self indulgent. Plus Josh Hartnett is shit.

Because it was unbearably boring and awful.

I liked this movie.

What's wrong with all of you?

Sure it would have been nice to have the Saving Private Ryan direction it deserved but none the less it was fine.

It was shitty forced romance. The plane-porn wasn't bad, and neither was the ship-porn. But beyond that this movie had very little soul, very little to say and an ending that leaves you wonder what the fuck you just did with 3 hours of your life.

Bad casting
Bad writing
Competent directing

If you disagree you're a nerd and a loser and hate dino nugs.

The only good part was the actual pearl Harbor scene, the rest was garbage

It's cliche as fuck, takes every shitty trope from war movies and throws them together sloppily with zero historic accuracy.

Because it's literally worse than the real Pearl harbor