Music theory as traditionally taught is a tool of institutionalized white supremacy

The focus on common practice music in theory pedagogy implies that upper-class European-descended musical tastes are a fundamental truth rather than a set of arbitrary and contingent preferences, and that white cultural dominance is normative.

The music academy’s near-exclusive focus on Western classical tradition places it strikingly at odds with the broader culture. We need to ask what might be the ideological motivation for perpetuating the divide. Music theory isn’t just a neutral description of an objective set of rules; it’s a vehicle for encoding cultural hegemony and symbolic violence.

Common-practice theory as taught at most universities is based on Schenkerian analysis. Heinrich Schenker had a specific ideological goal: to demonstrate the superiority of German culture to all other European cultures, the superiority of European culture to American culture, and the superiority of Western culture generally to Asian and African cultures. He dismissed the idea of looking to “musically inferior” races and nations for alternative ideas or systems, because there are no systems to be found among them. While he admitted to finding charm in Arabic, Japanese and Turkish music, he compared it to the charm of a young child’s babbling.

Your music theory textbook might not mention any of this, but Schenker considered his musical and political ideas to be inseparable, and we should probably take him at his word. Music educators don’t believe themselves to be espousing white supremacist hegemony (we hope), but you can advance an ideological agenda without intending to, or even being aware of doing so.

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art is arbitrary and meaningless

well this doesnt change or add to musical theory call it whatever most musicians dont use it

You know it. Keeps the nig-nogs to their hippity hop, rock n' roll, and jazz because they can't read


lol fuck off faggot

you forgot the period, coward

If all the highest marks of civilization and the human experience are related to "white supremacy", why is white supremacy a bad thing?

If that's the case then all culture is inherently hegemonic and to talk shit on your own is suicidal.

lol seriously though the guy I copied this pasta from is Jewish

he talks about whitey oppressing minorities through music theory and at the end of his pretentious rant he links to his own darkie-friendly version of theory that's behind a paywall, literally jewing poor ghetto negroes

You got a link to it?

music theory be racist and shit

all white people are racist

Yeah you fuck tard, that's why when your done with classical you study jazz then world music.

Thanks. What a kike lmao. I made the nig-nog post because I was trying to see how b8y this thread could get, but this is way more hilarious

we wuz jazzzzzz n shiet

Never thought of it that way before, but you're absolutely right OP.

>implying that all the highest marks of civilization and the human experience are come from white people


>muh critical theory

Go turn your dick inside out and invent a new gender you used up piece of fuck

fuck off Jewish trustafarian rich kid "Marxist"

Nigger go away

this is one of the worst things that has ever been written and you should feel bad

Not reading your autistic bullshit but I like the Wagner pic. Let's post Wagner itt.

>The focus on common practice music in theory pedagogy implies that upper-class European-descended musical tastes are a fundamental truth rather than a set of arbitrary and contingent preferences, and that white cultural dominance is normative.
No it doesn't

>The music academy’s near-exclusive focus on Western classical tradition places it strikingly at odds with the broader culture.
Depends which academy or institution you go to. If you study in china or the Pacific you will see a lot of Asian and pacific instruments and concepts in the syllabus.
I studied music in NZ and we were taught how to play and read Koto music, as well as Gamelan music. Our university had an entire classroom full of Kotos, and a complete Gamelan set, authentically made in Indonesia, enough for about 20 people to play at once.

>Common-practice theory as taught at most universities is based on Schenkerian analysis
Schenkerian analysis is just one tool used, its not the be-all end-all musical analysis tool used by all universities/colleges.
It doesn't matter what the ideologies of the person that made the system were, if you think it matters, you're looking too far into it.

>Schenker considered his musical and political ideas to be inseparable
Thankfully he was completely wrong - music can always be separated from political ideas - especially at the level of Schenkerian analysis where all extraneous things like lyrics and passing notes are removed to show the bare harmonic basics of a piece.
Without lyrics, music struggles to be political at all. You can reference specific marches or pieces to attempt being political, but if the listener doesn't know the specific piece being referenced, they will just hear the music, and not the political connotations.

If you want to talk about music theory, you're in the right place. If you want to talk about white supremacy and Sup Forums - tier shit, you want Sup Forums

Stop being racist. OP is right. Eurocentric music education is a key transmission vector for white supremacy and we need to fight. I have nothing against European classical music as music. But it's time to stop teaching it as if it's in any way superior to or more fundamental than any other musical tradition. Otherwise we're giving intellectual and cultural validation to those assholes with the swastika flags. Schenkerian analysis is white supremacist. Schenker created it for that specific purpose. And while the academy might not be actively promoting Schenker's white supremacist agenda, they aren't exactly resisting it either. The classical training I've had has always made me feel vaguely uncomfortable with its superiority complex. I think that also explains declining enrollment in music class - kids smell toxic whiteness. I certainly did. I didn't find out Schenker's racial views until I researched them for myself. I never heard about them in a music class. Even at NYU. You can't graduate from NYU without a lot of archaic tonal theory, whereas you can be perfectly ignorant of e.g. the blues. Pretty fucking sickening


Irrelevant. Address the point.

>blatant racebaiting to make something seem like a problem
>buy my good/service, that'll make things right!
200% Jewish

>tfw western music is intrinsically alt-right

Shit this is written by the same guy
>Ethan Hein

this jew also said
"Hip-hop consistently shows the most musical creativity of any popular genre and is also usually more interesting than most “art” music."

Unless you regard propaganda and advertisements as art, which they are, and vice versa.

sound like a basic Sup Forums or r/music pleb

A thought experiment: consider the very real hardships faced by our hypothetical ugly, fat, bald white man. Now ask, would this person’s situation be made harder or easier if we transformed him into an ugly, fat, bald white woman? Or an ugly, fat, bald black man? Or an ugly, fat, bald black woman? White male privilege doesn’t mean that everything is easy, and nor does it mean that whiteness or maleness are the only forms of privilege. It just means that, everything else being equal, there are fewer social obstacles facing white people, men, and in particular, white men.

>Depends which academy or institution you go to. If you study in china or the Pacific you will see a lot of Asian and pacific instruments and concepts in the syllabus.
>I studied music in NZ and we were taught how to play and read Koto music, as well as Gamelan music. Our university had an entire classroom full of Kotos, and a complete Gamelan set, authentically made in Indonesia, enough for about 20 people to play at once.
This is not the same as systematic, academic European art music. We have mandatory folk music modules here in Europe too.

"beta" men definitely face more social obstacles than women

Despite this being a confirmed troll, I'd actually love to see a music theory of hiphop or groove music.
Treading new territory in armchair thinking always gets my brain hard.

You can easily explain hip hop with western music theory, but it is perhaps far more easier to describe using the concepts and language of sonology rather than tonal concepts.

I mean the creation new concepts involving drums, rhythms, and timbre.
Different types of rhythms could be said to go with different timbres or evoke certain emotions.
Something like that.

>Different types of rhythms could be said to go with different timbres or evoke certain emotions.
That is, excuse my terminology *retarded*.

that's another reason why I fux with debussy

Christ this guy is literally a Sup Forums meme personified

His twitter timeline is just him retweeting jewish people and everything they say is about 'white supremacy' or about giving transition hormones to little kids or whatever the fuck

You're a faggot

>muh white people :((((
every time this happens I turn more racist

I like the toad picture you posted, I'll agree with you.

Well, yeah. If it's something from before 1999, there's a pretty high chance it won't conforme to our moral standards of today.

Debussy was a white supremacist though

Fuck off back to tumblr you cuck

nice trips

This is somewhat true, if stated unfairly for the sake of getting responses. But a lot of music academia did try to enforce a single mindset that could easily be tied to a sense of white or straight superiority; stuff like claiming Syncopation had a negative effect on the mind or hiding evidence of a composer's homosexuality. However, this actually is a lot more back and forth than most like to put it. For instance, America's music was designed to be definitively un-European in an attempt to define itself. This lead American composers to look to things like African rhythmic structures and Irish Folk when forming the foundation of American music styles.

Thanks for actually arguing against the OP instead of just shitposting like all these Sup Forumstards.

>Not using advanced music theory
Shiggy diggy

sweet dubs, bruh :^)

>The focus on common practice music in theory pedagogy
Wesern "music theory" is the Western Art Music tradition as much as the music is. I don't see the problem with Western Art Music schools focusing on Western Art Music and I suspect the only problem you see with it is that you hate white people.

If you want to learn about pop music there are plenty of schools now that will allow you to focus on that in one way or another. If you want to learn Indian Classical Music, go to India. What is the problem even supposed to be here?

this is the thinking which has left art devoid of any sincerity or effort toward the creation focusing on the interpretation to make up for their lack of talent, you suck

>This is not the same as systematic, academic European art music
Western people study western music. What's the big deal? Westerners can't deal with scales that have more than 12 notes anyway, so they just stick with the simple stuff they know and understand.

Want to talk about "simple"? No culture that uses more than 12 tones even has the concept of modulation or equal temperament.

There is literally nothing wrong with racism.

good, white supremacy should spread in western countries

lol kys